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Playful and easy, is what we imagine life to be like

The other day, my Guides gave me a very interesting image for what life feels like for our inner selves: They showed me how, before we incarnate into a human body, we imagine our human world to be a huge living playroom filled with many beautiful toys, and we imagine that there will be many beautiful people there, waiting for us to come play.

And then we come down to Earth, and life is not exactly the way we imagined it to be.

Yes, life is like a playroom filled with toys, and yes, there are many other people there, but in this room, things are a bit chaotic at first.

That room isn’t exactly tidy.

Also, some of the people who are playing with you in the very first years of your life are not necessarily the ones you really like the most. And what’s worse, those people may teach you that you are not allowed to play with the toys your heart longs for – and instead, they hand you toys which either don’t make sense to you, or which you don’t like to play with, or which you find quite boring. And it can take quite a long time to figure out where to find those playmates you really like to play with.

In other words, in most cases, you will have to tidy up this huge playroom – meaning, your life – before it can be any fun to play in it.

You might have to put away the toys your ancestors have left behind if those toys don’t match your personality. And you may have to repair certain toys that you yourself have left laying around in some of your previous lives. It’s quite possible that you will really love to play with those toys again, but for various reasons, they will need a makeover for this lifetime, or they won’t be any fun.

Then, you will have to figure out whether those games the grownups have taught you during childhood feel harmonious to who you are, or whether you would like to play some different games, instead. (This part can be very challenging to the nervous system, because it means that your mind will have to learn some new ways of thinking.)

And at some point, you will find out that there’s a whole section in that playroom where there are completely new things waiting for you to create whole new games with – games that will have never existed before. Spoiler alert: If you love Earth’s creative ever-changing energies, you’re going to love this section.

By the way, this whole process is the work that we do in all of my Sessions: We tidy up together. We repair things. We discover new things. And we have a look at your “playroom” as a whole (i.e. your life), and whether you like to play the way you do – or whether your play is still lead by the voices of your ancestors which might not be in tune with who you are.

I find this metaphor of life as a playroom quite fitting for the times we are living in (and I’m aware that I’m speaking from a privileged European perspective here):

These days, it’s relatively easy to energetically access those things that want to get “repaired” within you – e.g. those emotionally charged “toys” (i.e. your interests, preferences, gifts, etc.) that may have gotten damaged in the past.

Also, in the here and now, we have a lot of freedom to choose the people we want to play with.

Plus: We have lots of technologies and huge amounts of knowledge that are freely accessible, which means that there’s also lots of room to create new things.

Meaning, if we courageously face the inner reality of our “playroom”, our lives can become quite beautiful, and we can then play games that are quite fun.

There are a few prerequisites for that kind of fun, though.

First: You need to be willing to tidy up and to energetically repair the things that are not working for you. (I can help with that – no-one needs to do this by themselves.)

Second: You need to be open to follow your heart and to go look for those playmates you really really really want to play with.

And third: You need to stay curious and you need to actively seek out those creative opportunities the world is offering you – so that you can evolve alongside Earth and move forward with the current timeline.

On that note, enjoy your playroom!

Are we all clairvoyant?

Years ago, when I was working with a spiritual healer for the first time, I was so envious of the ways in which she talked to her Guides. She literally saw them sitting in a circle around her, and it was so easy for her to receive their messages.

My healer at the time was highly clairvoyant, meaning: The easiest way for her to connect with her Guides / her soul is to see images in her third eye. She receives meaningful images there, and her third eye is basically her intuitive news channel.

And I so wanted to see those images, too! But every time I tried to connect with my Guides / my soul through my third eye – I didn’t see a thing. No images, no news.

Until I noticed that there was a different channel I could use that was working just fine: My “claircognizance” – clear knowing. Which often works non-verbally, and which isn’t as image-rich as clairvoyance.

In other words: I had been so fixated on testing out my third eye that I had ignored my easiest access to my inner wisdom – because I didn’t know that my intuition could speak to me in that way. And all of a sudden, I could perfectly “hear” my Guides and my soul, and things got really interesting, really quick.

Do we all have access to our intuitive wisdom?


Are we all clairvoyant?

To a degree.

But: Everybody’s intuitive channels work differently.

So your third eye might not be your strongest option.

From my work with my clients I can safely say that everybody’s access to their intuition is as personal as our fingerprints, and it pays off to explore the ways in which your inner voice is speaking to you – and don’t be surprised if your inner voice is no voice at all, but rather an inner download, or a physical sensation that carries meaning, for example.

Here’s an offer for you if you’d like to explore your own intuitive channels:

My private, customised, 12-Session one-on-one program called “Your Inner Wisdom System” is going into its second year.

In three rounds of 4 Sessions each, you will learn how to use your intuitive channels, communicate with your Guides, ask your soul for guidance, and ground yourself & hold your energetic boundaries well. We will dive deep into the shimmering seas of your inner wisdom, and you will learn how to practice good energy hygiene and set up energising self-care rituals, at the same time. And once we’re through with those 12 Sessions, you will be the proud owner of a beautiful collection of spiritual tools which you will be able to use in any situation – consciously, and purposefully – to make decisions from a place of deep self-knowing and integrity.

You will truly get to know all the facets of who you are. And you will know how to ask for guidance – in particular, guidance coming from “your team”, i.e. those Guides & helping spirits that are here to support you, personally.

Have a look at all the details of what we will cover, here.

And if you feel that my Inner Wisdom System program speaks to you, book yourself a non-binding Intro Consultation with me, held via Zoom, here.

In this first conversation, you will get a first taste of what my program can do for you. And if you like my hors d’œuvre, we’ll discuss the whole menu.

Talk soon!

End-of-Year Oracle Readings

It’s the end of a difficult year. On a personal level, the pandemic has been giving each of us more spiritual lessons than we might have anticipated, and on a societal level, life has been asking us to course correct on a daily basis, mirroring back to us that the only future worth building is a sustainable one, one that is socially just, as well as ecologically responsible.

In 2020, many of us became more sensitive as to who or what we want to build our lives around, and many of us turned inwards for answers. When I offered my first round of Oracle Readings, in September, some of you (who hadn’t worked with me before) were surprised to find that you were able to see and perceive those answers quite easily, once you opened up to your inner guidance. You came with big questions, and your intuitive knowing and the Guides had some nuanced replies ready for you.

And that’s a sign of the times we are in, in my view: We are being asked to use our intuitive senses more deliberately, from now on. Every day, our infinitely wise souls are collaborating with the consciousness of life on this planet, and together, they are sending out open invitations for us to tune into our intuitive wisdom and to let our inner guidance inspire new ways of living.

Our intuition is so absolutely ready to share its wisdom with us, and it’s our job to turn our daily worries into specific questions, take them inwards, and listen.

Let’s find some answers

For those of you who would like to explore your intuition in this way, I’m offering a second round of Oracle Readings via Zoom. Your contribution: 50 Euros per 30-minute reading.  

In our private Zoom call, you will ask your question, and I will draw a card for you which contains a specific message. In a second step, I will ask your Guides to give me some additional information to help you understand that message. And in a third step, your #InnerWisdomSystem will send some intuitive information directly to you, supporting you in perceiving the more subtle nuances of the card’s message, so that you can integrate its meaning and use it as a reminder for yourself, moving forward. And if past readings are any indication, you will most definitely also receive some piece of homework from your team of Guides, towards the end of our reading.   

Please note that there are a few rules:

First, there is only a certain range of questions I can help you with: 1) your relationship with yourself and with your #InnerWisdomSystem (which includes your relationship with your personal team of Guides), 2) your relationships with others, and 3) your relationship with society and with the world, as such.

Second, I cannot answer yes / no questions.

And third, there are a few more no-gos: No legal questions, no medical questions, and no questions about somebody else’s issues (e.g. “how can my best friend deal with…?”).

Also, I reserve the right to deny a request for a reading at my discretion if that particular request doesn’t align with my values.

Deal? Book yours here and I will see you soon. Thank you!

Und noch was:

Wie immer können wir diese Oracle Readings natürlich gern auch auf Deutsch abhalten.

Update, added on January 15, 2021:

I’ll keep my Oracle Readings on the menu, throughout 2021. And here’s where you can book them. Talk soon!

Collaborating with spirit guides: A bit of a How-To

These past six months have been wild for all of us, and unfortunately, this energetic instability will continue for quite some time. Life on earth is in a process of turbulence at the moment, which also means that our human lives are bound to see many more changes in the nearer future.

Which is why you made sure you would be bringing your Guides with you, before you incarnated into this life.

You and your Guides have agreed to be a team, working together, in this lifetime.

Ideally, this means that you know who your Guides are, you know what their specialties are, and you know how to communicate and collaborate with them in a structured, hands-on, down-to-earth way.

Ideally, you working with your Guides is a co-creation: You present them with what you know about a certain problem you want to solve, you ask them for solutions, and you then receive their answers.

Often, the biggest challenge here is to stay very open to receiving answers from your Guides that may be very different to what you thought those answers were going to be. The second challenge is to then use that surprising input to course-correct what may have been out of alignment before.

So, if you have been trying to solve an issue over the past six months and you haven’t been getting any results, you may have to see if you can improve the ways in which you are working with your Guides, so that they can help you find solutions.

Here are some guiding questions:

  • What does a “successful session” with your Guides look like, in your experience? Meaning, what is your process of asking them for their input, implementing that input, and then seeing results?
  • What do you do when you don’t understand your Guides’ messages? How do you proceed when their answers seem cryptic or vague?
  • How do you ask for clarification when their answers indicate that your assumptions about your original question may not have been correct? What is their concrete way of then helping you to look at the whole situation from a different angle?
  • How are you collaborating with your Guides on refining the big vision for your life? How has that vision changed, over the past six months? How are your Guides guiding you through this change?

Now is the time to get all of your inner wisdom tools in order, and the way you communicate with your Guides is one of the most important elements in your toolbox.

My Sessions – and in particular, my new Session cycle “Your Inner Wisdom System” – are designed to reconnect you with your inner wisdom tools in a powerful way. So if those guiding questions, above, have left you wondering about certain aspects of your collaboration with your Guides, then let’s work on that.

Have a look at the outline of my program, which goes into more detail when it comes to your toolbox, and see if it speaks to you. Here’s the link.

I look forward to connecting with you and with your wonderful team of Guides, soon!

Difficult conversations

The difficult conversations are the ones I remember.

It is never easy to start these conversations. But there is beauty in “difficult”.

Because these conversations take me to places I have never been. Places where I have to navigate from my heart, work with the bold kind of tenderness that lives there, and fully be myself with someone who might not see the world like I do.

Where I have to trust that my courage is strong enough to get me through this. Even when I feel like a blubbery mess, in that moment.

I have a feeling that we will all need to start lots of difficult, messy, human conversations in the years to come.

Not just to share who we are with each other.

But to create the conditions for a different, peaceful reality.

If you’re ready for a difficult conversation (and some truth-seeking within yourself), feel free to contact me. I promise that the inner truth of what you are currently dealing with is way more beautiful than you might suspect.

Almost ashamed

There was a time when I felt almost ashamed when speaking about the more unusual aspects of my work – the past life healings, the Reiki-like hand movements, the practical advice coming from my Spirit Guides and ancestors – because these things were just too “out of this world”.

Until I realised that this was ancient work.

Work that had existed in all cultures, all over the world, since the beginning of time.

And that even the Bavarian culture that I (partly) grew up with still had traces of this kind of work hidden under seasonal rituals and ancient tales.

And that’s when things got interesting.

So if you’re ready for some ancient spiritual work translated into modern times, contact me. I’m happy to connect you to your own intuitive wisdom that has been with you since the beginning of time.

Work with nature

Polarity is natural in the world we live in. Ebb and flow, creation and destruction are two sides of the same life, and change and chaos are normal. How do you deal with this reality?

Option one

is to problem solve, micro manage, and to try to force unwanted chaos to realign with the order your rational mind wants to see.

Which usually means that the forces of nature will burst your bubble, at some point. For example, building an artificial river bed and expecting the waters to behave the way you want them to is absurd. There will be floods.

The same is true for any kind of interference with the natural forces that make up your life. Trying to force yourself to act against your own true nature does not work, in the long run. Your body will be the first to resist.

Option two

is to take a step back, face the facts, sink into intuitive creativity mode, let a vision arise out of your interconnectedness with life, and co-create with the nature of this planet.

Which means that your relationship with life changes, completely.

The two of you are working together now.

And life starts to tell you its secrets.

Feel free to reach out to me if you’re having difficulties understanding what life is trying to tell you. This is what my work is for.

Choose relaxed tenacity

There’s a beautiful balance that I learned from Yoga which is instantly applicable to life: tenacity and relaxation.

In essence, Yoga works like this: You start to consciously control your breathing, you move into your pose and gently hold it, and you repeat a mantra in your mind to stay focused.

This creates a very relaxed way of being, and at the same time, you learn how to use your stamina, tenacity, and grit.

You might have noticed in your own Yoga practice that a conscious breath and a mantra can help you hold a pose much longer than if you do your “normal” breathing or let your mind slowly slip into negativity when things get a bit more difficult.

You develop a knowing that your body is always giving you feedback, and how to adjust your stance, if needed.

And you learn that your conscious focus and your willingness to keep up will help you to relax even when there’s tension or pain. You take a stance, you breathe, you stay focused, and you choose a conscious, relaxed tenacity.

Life imitating Yoga.

Yoga imitating life.

Let me know if you need any help with translating your Yogic tenacity to life. As a Kundalini Yoga teacher, it is part of my job to provide those kinds of translation services. Contact me for a non-binding Intro Conversation if you’d like to learn more.

New Service: Short Energy Update Sessions

A few weeks ago, I offered to do some short Energy Healing Sessions to everyone on my newsletter list, to help with the current energetic and spiritual challenges we are all going through as this crazy year comes to an end. And apparently, this kind of support is a bigger need than I expected: You responded, you loved my little offer, and you wanted more.

So, starting today, I am adding a new service to my repertoire: Short Energy Update Sessions.

For everyone who doesn’t have time for a full-on private Session with me.

Or, for anyone who needs a little pick-me-up during a stressful period.

Or, for you, if you’re curious and would like to invest in a relaxing, refreshing, re-energizing dose of well-being for yourself, or do a quick check-in with your Inner Wisdom Sources (e.g. your Spirit Guides or your ancestors).

Here’s an overview:

Short Energy Update Session

  • energy updates to support your current physical, emotional, mental or spiritual process
  • through customised Energy Work (similar to remote Reiki, but more intense, and always customized to your needs)
  • and Intuitive Guidance (e.g. via your Spirit Guides)
  • short and sweet: 45 minutes, and we’re done
  • via video conference (e.g. Skype)
  • your contribution: 75 Euros
  • safe and easy payment via PayPal

Contact me to schedule your first Energy Update Session. 

Speak soon!

P.S.: If you’d like to schedule a Session for the last two weeks of December, let me know. I have a few tiny spots left before we say good-night to 2016.
