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How to get centered and grounded

If you’ve spent a bit of time in the personal development world online, you may have noticed certain buzzwords:

“Centered”, for example.



“Tuned in”.

For me as an energy worker, all of those terms describe very specific states of being, and they mean very specific processes that I use in all of my Sessions. I’m not so sure if everyone who uses those words online uses them in the same way I do, though. So I thought I’d do a bit of disambiguation work today. Clarify two of those terms out there: “centered”, and “grounded”. And share one of my techniques to help you actually get centered, and get grounded.

Why? Because these two states of being are at the heart of every type of personal development. If you know how to get centered and grounded, you know how to pull yourself into yourself when things are chaotic around you, and you create an opening that lets you access your intuitive wisdom, even when your mind is spinning.

So here goes.

To “be centered”, in my vocabulary, means to clearly experience – and to be in inner conversation with – the essence of your soul, and to somatically feel that you are connected to your eternal self by an energetic stream (aka your “line of light”) that is flowing down to you, coming straight from the center of your soul.

To “be grounded”, in my book, means to have an awareness and a felt sense of the physical experience of living in a human body, and to be able to follow your subtle sensory link to the living organism that gives you life: Earth.

So when I say “to be centered and grounded”, what I mean is that you can sense a pulse, or an energetic stream, flowing through you, alternating between two poles: Your soul above, and the Earth below you. It means to me that you feel safe knowing that you are an eternal being in a physical body, and that you are fully aware of your existence, right here, right now.

Let’s get practical:

There is one specific technique to help you get centered and grounded that uses two chakras located outside of your physical body: Your 9th and your 10th chakras.

The 9th chakra, also known as the “seat of the soul”, is located above your crown.

The 10th chakra, also referred to as the “earth connection”, is located just below you, in the ground.

To me, those two chakras are representatives of your soul and the Earth. Like pocket sized versions of the two, perfectly placed if you want to safely center and ground yourself, using these two chakras as your two poles, above and below.

Try this

Sit down comfortably. If you can, keep your spine nice and tall.


Become aware of those small movements your body naturally makes as you inhale and exhale.

Now, bring your attention inwards, as if you were looking at your heart, and with your inner senses, follow that energetic stream (aka your line of light) that runs from the back of your heart down your spine, into the earth, and into your 10th chakra, below you.

Sense the dense energy, the compactness, the earthiness of that chakra.

Then, follow the energetic stream as it travels back up again, back into your body, up your spine, up and out your crown, and into your 9th chakra, above you.

Sense the shiny quality and the bright light of that chakra.

Keep your awareness on your line of light and sense-see-feel that pulsating loop of energy as it runs up and down between your earth connection below (your 10th chakra), your body in the middle, and the seat of your soul above (your 9th chakra).

Feel that pulse, that flow, that stream, that line of light, as it flows up and down, in an endless loop.

Get a felt sense of your connectedness to both poles, below and above: To your your earthiness below your feet, and to your shininess in the seat of your soul.

Hold your awareness on that pulsating energetic stream for as long as feels comfortable.

What do you notice?

To close, bring your awareness back into your heart, gently focus on the way your body is breathing, feel your feet on the ground, wiggle your toes, and come back to your here and now.

Edited to add: If you’d like to have me guide you through a similar meditation, have a look at this post. Enjoy!

Truth feels like Relief

One of the biggest AHA moments many of my clients get when they start working with me is that truth feels like relief – even if it seems painful, at first.

There’s a complex mental avoidance mechanism going on when we do not want to see the full truth of a situation, which can create chronic stress symptoms – for example when we want to avoid addressing trauma or adverse childhood experiences. This avoidance mechanism is a protection process that tries to keep our assumptions about life as unchanging as possible, because this part of us is trying to keep us “safe”.

However, addressing the truth about what really happened, or the truth about how life really is, instead of sugarcoating it, actually feels like a relief.

And yet, because we are trained to avoid certain truths, we are afraid of what might happen if these sugarcoated truths were revealed.

For example, in relationships, we often have a “gut feeling” about someone when we don’t fully trust them. And yet, since most of us were raised to be polite, we often choose not to go with that gut feeling, and to stay polite, instead.

So, we are trying to make things work with that person – to literally STAY, politely, instead of leaving – even though our body mirrors back to us that we do not trust them.

Allowing yourself to examine that intuitive body mirror will always reveal very valid reasons for why your body does not trust that person.

And revealing that truth is the relief your body aches for. It is the clarity of being able to let go of someone, even if, on paper, that someone might have been perfect.

Your body knows if they aren’t.

Trust that knowing.

If you need any help with deciphering the messages your body mirrors back at you, contact me for a free Intro Conversation. This is the work that I do.

A personal note

Life gets easier when you can see yourself.

This turned out to be my theme for 2017, and it will be my one of my guiding principles for 2018.

And it’s also the tag line for my brand new website.

Over the past few months, I went after an old dream and worked with some seriously talented creatives – Evan Leah Quinn and Ines Njers – who helped me refine my online aesthetic into something that truly feels like me. And I am absolutely stunned by the results.

Hire Evan if you are looking for someone with intuitive branding skills who will create a website design for you that feels right. Evan is talented, intuitive, whip smart, and her work is always thoroughly mapped out, ahead of time – which made my German structured mind feel right at home.

And let Ines take your pictures if you want to feel like a model. Her talent for catching someone’s personality with her camera is absolutely priceless.

Thank you, Evan and Ines! It’s been a dream!

Branding & Website: Evan Leah Quinn of SixteenJuly

Portraits: Ines Njers 

Crises are a natural part of life

Do you cut your own hair? I’m guessing you let a professional stylist do that job.

Do you manage your finances all by yourself? I’m assuming you have at least one person who helps you make sense of your numbers.

Do you provide your own entertainment? Presumably, you’re enjoying the work of professional artists when you netflix at night.

So why would you not also hire a professional to help you dissolve all those big and small relationship crises that are a natural part of life?

You don’t have to go through this alone.

Contact me if you’d like some help.

Self-help not required

I think the term “self-help” is misleading.

I didn’t heal from any of my heartbreaks, crises, or chronic pain issues all by myself. And I don’t think anyone should have to.

We are doing ourselves a huge disservice if we try to make it on our own. Yes, reaching out to a professional coach for help – or to any professional, for that matter – is always a bit awkward, because the experience of connecting with someone who knows how to help you always creates a mirror image, almost tangibly, of who you are within your current crisis, big or small, and of who you might be when it’s all over.

And that dissonance between who you are now, in crisis, and who you would like to become once you’ve resolved your crisis often comes with a heaping dose of hopelessness. As in “Trying to get from here to there is just too damn hard…”

But that mirror image that any professional coach can give you also instantly reflects your beauty, your gifts, and your desires. Which means that you instantly gain more clarity and peace by identifying that truth within yourself.

Which then makes it so much easier to take the first step out of your crisis.

You don’t have to go through this alone.

Reach out.

Everything speaks.

Everything speaks.

Do you trust your inner voice? You’re not alone if you don’t. My mind used to be inundated with so many different opinions that for a long time, I had a hard time hearing myself, in there.

My brain was flooded with the sound waves of “expert-voices”.

The assertive phrases of some books I had read had filled up entire areas of my mind.

There were one-liners certain people of my past had left in there that were like annoying little gnats, buzzing in my ears from time to time, just to make sure I didn’t forget about their opinionated presence.

And some assumptions that had formed in early childhood were like huge humming fog-horns: Repeatedly, they would out-blast every new thought wave my mind was trying to form.

Until I learned how to pick up the frequencies of me, underneath all that excess sound.

Everything speaks. Your body speaks. Your emotions speak. Your inner children speak. Even your future self does.

And I don’t mean that in a metaphorical way: You can literally tune into your body and hear what it has to say.

Try this:

Breathe into the area of your body that currently feels the most discomfort. Now open up your inner senses, lovingly turn towards that discomfort, and start asking simple questions, one at a time:

“What do you need?”

“How can I help you?”

“Do you have a message for me?”



Listen some more.

And if this exercise feels difficult to do, please feel free to reach out for a non-binding Intro Conversation with me. I’m here to help.

Your inner Yes

How many decisions did you make over the course of the past few months that didn’t come from a big, beautiful YES?

I’ve noticed that in an ever-changing world, many of us feel as if there’s no real YES or NO any more. As if we couldn’t possibly understand all of the elements involved in order to make clear-cut decisions any longer.

And yet.

When you start to tune into your inner voice and merge the information coming from your inner guidance with the hard facts presented by the world around you, it’s like a map of your personal path starts to form from within you.

As you tune into yourself, AND into the environment around you, you can hear that YES within you, and it gets easier and easier to follow its route through the complicated terrain of modern life.

That inner YES knows all of your strengths, your expertise, your gifts, your passions, your joys and your soul’s preferences.

AND it knows all the intricacies of the world around you.

Which means that your inner YES will guide you well.

Even if the route looks complex, at first. Especially, if it looks complex. Once you start following your inner YES, you will notice that “complex” is just another word for “not boring”. Or even, “deeply satisfying”.

Feel free to contact me if you would be interested in learning more about the route your very own inner YES has in store for you.

Difficult conversations

The difficult conversations are the ones I remember.

It is never easy to start these conversations. But there is beauty in “difficult”.

Because these conversations take me to places I have never been. Places where I have to navigate from my heart, work with the bold kind of tenderness that lives there, and fully be myself with someone who might not see the world like I do.

Where I have to trust that my courage is strong enough to get me through this. Even when I feel like a blubbery mess, in that moment.

I have a feeling that we will all need to start lots of difficult, messy, human conversations in the years to come.

Not just to share who we are with each other.

But to create the conditions for a different, peaceful reality.

If you’re ready for a difficult conversation (and some truth-seeking within yourself), feel free to contact me. I promise that the inner truth of what you are currently dealing with is way more beautiful than you might suspect.

The challenges ahead won’t be easy

In German, there’s an interesting saying: “That’s a tough nut (you’re cracking there)”, meaning: Clearly, the challenges ahead won’t be easy. But very much worth a try.

I’ve noticed in my one-on-one Sessions that often, the “toughest nuts” we’re all dealing with are our strong emotions.

The anger and shame we didn’t learn how to deal with, the exhaustion and fear we would like to get rid of, or the joy and excitement we think are inappropriate.

So, much of my work is helping you to crack these “emotional nuts” open, so you can get to the lovely center, where all the yummy bits are.

Why go through all that trouble? Because those “yummy bits” hidden inside your emotions are the nourishment you need to create deep healing, peace, and success.

Contact me if you’d like to get cracking.

Almost ashamed

There was a time when I felt almost ashamed when speaking about the more unusual aspects of my work – the past life healings, the Reiki-like hand movements, the practical advice coming from my Spirit Guides and ancestors – because these things were just too “out of this world”.

Until I realised that this was ancient work.

Work that had existed in all cultures, all over the world, since the beginning of time.

And that even the Bavarian culture that I (partly) grew up with still had traces of this kind of work hidden under seasonal rituals and ancient tales.

And that’s when things got interesting.

So if you’re ready for some ancient spiritual work translated into modern times, contact me. I’m happy to connect you to your own intuitive wisdom that has been with you since the beginning of time.