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Everything speaks.

Everything speaks.

Do you trust your inner voice? You’re not alone if you don’t. My mind used to be inundated with so many different opinions that for a long time, I had a hard time hearing myself, in there.

My brain was flooded with the sound waves of “expert-voices”.

The assertive phrases of some books I had read had filled up entire areas of my mind.

There were one-liners certain people of my past had left in there that were like annoying little gnats, buzzing in my ears from time to time, just to make sure I didn’t forget about their opinionated presence.

And some assumptions that had formed in early childhood were like huge humming fog-horns: Repeatedly, they would out-blast every new thought wave my mind was trying to form.

Until I learned how to pick up the frequencies of me, underneath all that excess sound.

Everything speaks. Your body speaks. Your emotions speak. Your inner children speak. Even your future self does.

And I don’t mean that in a metaphorical way: You can literally tune into your body and hear what it has to say.

Try this:

Breathe into the area of your body that currently feels the most discomfort. Now open up your inner senses, lovingly turn towards that discomfort, and start asking simple questions, one at a time:

“What do you need?”

“How can I help you?”

“Do you have a message for me?”



Listen some more.

And if this exercise feels difficult to do, please feel free to reach out for a non-binding Intro Conversation with me. I’m here to help.


Hi, I'm Lilly Mackuth. In my view, if you want to get practical about living a soul-led life, looking into the energetics of a given situation and using the clarity that is available to you there can move things forward in a very powerful way. My energy work & coaching sessions will help you to experience that clarity, so you can find your next steps with ease and deeply enjoy your life's journey.

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