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Quiet joy // Leise Freude

What helps you stay centered and grounded, these days? For me, it’s a mix that’s part meditation, part prayer, part connecting-to-the-Earth-and-to-Spirit, plus something nature-based that changes with the seasons, depending on my mood (e.g. walking through the woods, or gazing at the sunset, or enjoying a piece of fruit that’s in season, etc.). 

Together, these parts form a ritual that helps me remember who I am and why I’m here. And even when life feels chaotic, this ritual helps me remember that there’s a subtly inspiring undercurrent of quiet joy I can always connect with – no matter what. 

If you’d like to know how to compile your own daily ritual, feel free to book a Session with me, and let’s ask your intuition for some tips.


Was hilft Dir in diesen Zeiten, in Deiner Mitte zu bleiben und Dich zu erden? Bei mir ist das eine Mischung aus einem Teil Meditation, einem Teil Gebet, einem Teil mich-mit-der-Erde-und-mit-Spirit-Verbinden, und einem Teil, der mit der Natur zu tun hat, und der sich je nach Jahreszeit und je nach Laune täglich ändert (z.B. im Wald spazieren gehen, oder in die Abendsonne schauen, oder bewusst eine Frucht genießen, die gerade Saison hat, etc.). 

Dieser gesamte Mix ist ein Ritual, das mir immer wieder dabei hilft, mich dran zu erinnern, wer ich bin und was ich hier mache. Und selbst wenn sich das Leben chaotisch anfühlt, hilft mir dieses Ritual dabei, mich dran zu erinnern, dass es da eine leise Freude gibt, die als feine inspirierende Strömung unter dem Leben fließt, und mit der ich mich immer verbinden kann – egal, was sonst so los ist. 

Wenn Du gern wüsstest, wie Du Dir Dein eigenes Ritual zusammenstellen kannst, buch Dir gern eine Session bei mir, und wir befragen gemeinsam Deine Intuition dazu.

Good question // Gute Frage

If you could ask my Oracle Cards** & the Guides a question, what would you ask? I’ve been noticing that people tend to want to know if there’s a way out of the mental maze they’re currently in. There’s an internal puzzle they are trying to solve, and even though they are so good at problem-solving, this one feels like a labyrinth with just a few too many walls. 

So, their questions tend to sound like this:

“How can I deal with *this specific relationship thing* that feels so confusing? I feel like I’ve taken a wrong turn somewhere, and I’d like to understand if I’m standing in my own way. And if so, why.” 

Or they ask, “What is *this big life-changing thing that happened* trying to tell me? I feel like there’s a message in there somewhere, and I’ve been walking around in circles trying to understand it.”

Or they ask, “Why does the energy around *this internal thing that involves my inner wisdom* still feel so impenetrable? I’ve been trying to solve this for years now, and I’m still not seeing clearly.”

I love working with these kinds of questions.

They are open enough so that the Guides can offer you a fresh perspective, but also specific enough so that I know what you’re talking about, which makes it easier for me to tune in with the messages that are trying to come through. 

If you’ve been playing with the thought of booking an Oracle Reading with me, and you’re just not sure how you’d like to phrase your question, let me know in the intake form that that’s part of your struggle. Let’s tweak your question together until it feels just right – either via e-mail, before we meet, or live, at the beginning of our Zoom call. And once we’re clear on the wording, I’ll pull an Oracle Card for you (or two), and I’ll start to channel the Guides and translate their messages for you, live. 

One more thing:

Feel free to use the code ORACLE25 for a 25€ discount – good for all Oracle Readings booked by May 31, 2023. (Note: You’ll be able to schedule your appointment for May, June or July, but you’re going to have to book by the end of May to redeem the discount.)

I look forward to workshopping your question with you!

Book your Oracle Reading here (edited to add: in August of 2024, my Oracle Readings were re-named, and you will now find them under the name “Clarity Session”).

Talk soon!

**The Oracle Cards I’m using are Danielle LaPorte’s Truthbomb decks, vol. 1 & 2  – no affiliation, not sponsored, and sadly, those cards are out of print

Wenn Du meinen Orakelkarten** und den Guides eine Frage stellen könntest, was würdest Du sie fragen? Mir ist aufgefallen, dass die Leute, die in meine Oracle Readings kommen, tendenziell fragen, wie sie aus einer Art geistigem Labyrinth rauskommen können, in dem sie sich gerade befinden. Sie versuchen quasi, ein inneres Rätsel zu lösen, und obwohl sie eigentlich exzellente Problem-Löser*innen sind, fühlt sich dieses spezielle Ding aber mehr oder weniger so an, als wär’s ein Irrgarten, der einfach ein paar Wände zu viel hat. 

Ihre Fragen klingen dann also ungefähr so:

“Wie kann ich mit *diesem speziellen Beziehungsding* umgehen, das sich so verwirrend anfühlt? Ich habe den Eindruck, dass ich irgendwo falsch abgebogen bin, und ich verstehe nicht, ob ich mir da irgendwo selbst im Weg stehe. Und wenn ja, warum.”

Oder so: “Was will mir *dieses lebensverändernde Ding, das in meinem Leben passiert ist* eigentlich sagen? Ich habe das Gefühl, dass da irgendwo eine Message drin steckt, aber ich dreh mich immer in Kreis, wenn ich tiefer drüber nachdenke.”

Oder : “Warum fühlt sich *die Energie um dieses Ding herum, das mein inneres Wissen betrifft* so undurchdringlich an? Ich versuche schon seit Jahren, da mehr Klarheit reinzubringen, und es fühlt sich immer noch nach Nebel an.”

Ich mag solche Fragen sehr

Sie sind offen genug, dass Dir die Guides eine neue Perspektive dazu anbieten können, aber auch spezifisch genug, dass ich weiß, worum es geht, was es dann leichter für mich macht, die Message, die als Antwort auf Deine Frage durchkommen möchte, fließen zu lassen. 

Wenn Du schon mit dem Gedanken gespielt hast, ein Oracle Reading bei mir zu buchen, und Dir einfach nicht sicher bist, wie Du die Frage formulieren könntest, schreib das gern in Dein Intake Formular mit rein. Wir können dann Deine Frage gemeinsam bearbeiten, bis sie sich richtig anfühlt. Entweder im Voraus, per E-Mail, oder live via Zoom, also zu Beginn unseres Oracle Readings. Und sobald wir Deine Frage klar formuliert haben, ziehe ich Dir eine Karte und fange an, die Guides und ihre Messages für Dich zu channeln. 

Und noch was:

Bis 31. Mai 2023 kannst Du gern noch den Code ORACLE25 nutzen, um 25 € Rabatt zu bekommen – gültig für alle Oracle Readings, die bis dahin gebucht werden. (Den Termin dafür kannst Du Dir dann auf Ende Mai, Juni oder Juli legen, aber die Buchung muss bis 31. Mai abgeschlossen sein.)

Ich freu mich drauf, Deine Frage mit Dir zusammen in eine schöne Form zu gießen!

Hier geht’s zur Buchung (Anmerkung: Im August 2024 wurden diese Oracle Readings umbenannt, und Du findest sie jetzt unter dem Namen “Clarity Sessions”.)

Bis bald!

**Die Karten, die ich benutze, sind von Danielle LaPorte: The Truthbomb Deck, vol. 1 & 2 – nicht gesponsert, keine geschäftliche Verbindung, und die Karten werden leider auch nicht mehr gedruckt

Going back // Zurück gehen

Imagine you could go back in time and take a look at a moment in your soul’s history when a specific emotional-energetic pattern started to form. Imagine, for example, you could watch one of your previous selves get torn apart, by illness and death, from the person they wanted to spend their life with. In your heart, you recognise that person – they are your current partner. 

And all of a sudden, you understand why you keep falling into deep despair “over nothing”, whenever your current partner goes out traveling for a few days: Your soul never fully recovered from that previous, involuntary separation. But recovery is possible. From your Here & Now, you can consciously go back in time and heal your past pain. 

Here’s a second example: Imagine you could watch, from a distance, that one of your previous selves spent their life living in a community that was deeply connected to nature. From a distance, you can watch them ask Spirit for help – and actually receive it. 

And all of a sudden, you understand why you have been searching for a healthy connection to the Above, without having words for what you were looking for, exactly. And through this realisation, you can finally reconnect with Spirit, in that deep way your soul always knew you could.  

All of this is possible.

As you go back to the original memory of such a momentous event, you can clean up, energetically, and bring certain forms of knowing back into the Here & Now that can help you bring peace back into your soul where it had slipped away. 

If you can feel that *the emotional thing* you are currently dealing with might be older than this lifetime, or if you are noticing that it doesn’t quite feel like you, it can pay off to go back to your original memory of *the emotional thing*, and bring peace into your past. 

I can help with that. Each Session is a safe space for you to travel into the past – and back again. 

Book your appointments with me, here. Talk soon!

Stell Dir vor, Du könntest in der Zeit zurück gehen, und Dir den Moment in Deiner Seelengeschichte anschauen, in dem ein bestimmtes emotional-energetisches Muster zum ersten Mal Form angenommen hat. Stell Dir also zum Beispiel vor, Du könntest einem Deiner früheren Leben dabei zusehen, wie Dir Deine damalige Lebenspartner*in durch Krankheit und Tod entrissen wurde – und Dein Herz spürt, dass dieser Mensch von damals auch Deine jetzige Partner*in ist. 

Und plötzlich verstehst Du, warum Du “wie aus dem Nichts” in tiefe Trauer rutscht, sobald Deine jetzige Partner*in mal für ein paar Tage auf Reisen ist: Deine Seele hat sich von der damaligen unfreiwilligen Trennung nie ganz erholen können. Vom Hier & Jetzt aus kannst Du das aber bewusst nachholen und den Schmerz aus der Vergangenheit verheilen.   

Ein zweites Beispiel: Stell Dir vor, Du wärst aus der Ferne dabei, wie Dein früheres Leben, eingebettet in eine tief mit der Natur verbundene Gemeinschaft, Hilfe von Spirit erbeten hat – und sie tatsächlich bekam. Und plötzlich verstehst Du, warum Du Dein Leben lang auf der Suche nach der Verbindung nach Oben warst, ohne genau erklären zu können, wonach Du konkret gesucht hast. Und jetzt kannst Du endlich die Verbindung zu Spirit wieder herstellen, so wie Deine Seele das schon immer konnte.  

All das ist möglich. 

Und indem Du in der Zeit an diese ersten Erinnerungen eines bestimmten folgenreichen Erlebnisses zurück gehst, kannst Du dort auch energetisch aufräumen, und Dir bestimmte Formen von Wissen ins Hier & Jetzt holen, die Dir dabei helfen, im Nachhinein wieder Frieden in Deine Seele zu bringen, wo er Dir damals entglitten ist. 

Wenn Du spürst, dass *das emotionale Ding*, das Dich gerade beschäftigt, älter sein könnte als dieses Leben oder sich irgendwie nicht nach Dir anfühlt, kann es sich lohnen, an die ursprüngliche Erinnerung dieses *emotionalen Dings* zurück zu gehen und energetisch Frieden in Deine Vergangenheit zu bringen. 

Ich kann Dir damit helfen. Jede Session ist ein Safe Space, innerhalb dessen Du sicher in Deine Vergangenheit reisen kannst – und wieder zurück. 

Hier kannst Du Deine Termine bei mir buchen. Bis bald!

Receiving intuitive guidance // Intuitive Guidance bekommen

Your Intuition is your connection to your inner truth. It’s here when you need it. Like a wise good friend. And it loves to speak to you in very clear ways. But what do you do when those messages you’re receiving aren’t clear, at all? What do you do when you feel like your intuition speaks in riddles? 

My advice: Slow down. 

And try this: 

  1. Ask someone to hold space for you. Listening to your inner truth is often much easier when there’s someone there to amplify your inner voice for you, just by holding a clear intention of doing so. 
  2. Ask your intuitive inner voice to answer one question for you: “When was the last time you spoke to me – and what was that message?” 
  3. Then, try to locate where your intuitive voice is situated in your system, as you listen for the answer: Does it speak to you through a body sensation? Is it a Guide? Does it arrive in your mind via inner downloads? Does it talk to you – are you actually hearing things? Or does it send you images, thoughts, or dreamlike inner visions? 
  4. As you re-listen to the message, what do you notice? Did you take it seriously, when your intuition first sent it? If so, what did that change for you? How did this message help you? Would you like to ask your intuition to give you more clarity, regarding this message? If so, try this: “I’m not sure I understand – could you say more, please?” 
  5. Thank the one who held space for you, and thank your inner guidance for its message. Take some time to come back to your Here & Now. And to finish, take a piece of paper and write your future self a note of what just happened. 

If you’d like me to support you with listening to your inner voice, and receive some very clear answers, reach out: Sessions are currently available for April, May and June. To book & schedule your next Session (or an Intro Consultation, if we haven’t met yet), go to my booking area.

Talk soon!

#InnerWisdomSystem #SweetMystery

Deine Intuition ist Deine Verbindung zu Deiner inneren Wahrheit. Sie ist für Dich da wenn Du sie brauchst. Wie eine weise gute Freund*in. Und sie spricht am liebsten in klaren Worten. Aber was machst Du, wenn die Messages, die Du von Deiner Intuition bekommst, überhaupt nicht klar sind? Was machst Du, wenn Du den Eindruck hast, dass Deine Intuition in Rätseln spricht?

Meine Empfehlung: Geh langsam vor. 

Und probier mal Folgendes: 

  1. Bitte jemanden, für Dich Space zu halten. Deiner inneren Wahrheit zuzuhören ist oft einfacher, wenn jemand dabei ist, der Deine innere Stimme für Dich mit-verstärken kann – und das klappt oft schon einfach dadurch, dass Dein Gegenüber eine klare Intention dafür hält. 
  2. Bitte dann Deine intuitive innere Stimme darum, Dir eine einfache Frage zu beantworten: “Wann hast Du zuletzt mit mir gesprochen – und was war die Message?”
  3. Versuch dann, zu lokalisieren, wo sich Deine innere Stimme in Deinem System befindet, während Du der Antwort lauschst: Spricht sie mit Dir über eine Art Körperempfinden? Spricht sie als Guide mit Dir? Kommt sie bei Dir als innerer Download an, also auf der mentalen Ebene? Spricht sie mit Dir – hörst Du also tatsächlich etwas? Oder schickt Dir Deine Intuition Bilder, Gedanken oder traumartige Visionen?
  4. Was fällt Dir auf, während Du Dir diese Message nochmal anhörst oder wahrnimmst? Hattest Du sie ernst genommen, als Deine Intuition sie Dir zum ersten Mal geschickt hat? Wenn ja, was hat das in Dir verändert? Inwieweit war diese Message hilfreich für Dich? Möchtest Du, dass Dir Deine Intuition dazu noch mehr Klarheit reinbringt? Wenn ja, probier’s hiermit: “Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob ich das schon verstanden habe – kannst Du mir bitte mehr dazu sagen?” 
  5. Bedank Dich bei der Person, die den Space für Dich gehalten hat, und bedank Dich bei Deiner Intuition für ihre Message. Nimm Dir ein bisschen Zeit, um wieder ganz im Hier & Jetzt anzukommen. Und dann nimm Dir ein Blatt Papier und schreib Deinem zukünftigen Ich eine kleine Notiz zu dem, was Du gerade erlebt hast. 

Wenn Du gern meine Hilfe dabei hättest, Deine innere Stimme hören zu können und von ihr klare Infos zu bekommen, melde Dich: Im Moment sind Sessions für April, Mai und Juni erhältlich. Im Booking-Bereich kannst Du Dir Deinen nächsten Session-Termin buchen (oder eine Intro Consultation, falls wir uns noch nicht kennen).

Bis bald!

#InnerWisdomSystem #SweetMystery 

Free to disentangle // Ruhig aufdröseln

Let’s try something: From time to time, I’ll tune in with the Guides and ask them to share some inspiring messages. In particular, I will ask them to shine a light on those fields where intuition & relationships meet: How can our intuitive wisdom help enhance our relationships? And also, what does a healthy relationship with our intuition look like? Hope you’ll enjoy, and thank you for reading along! 

Here’s today’s message – use what resonates, leave the rest:

“You’re always free to turn towards your desire for your relationships to feel better. You’re always free to turn towards your intuitive wisdom that says, “I want my relationships to feel good”. You’re always free to turn towards disentanglement, groundedness, respect, sweetness. That’s what you long for, that’s what you want. So when your intuition says, “something feels entangled here, and that’s not right”, you’re always free to trust that, and to ask your intuitive wisdom for even more clarity. There’s a certain freedom in saying to yourself, “you know what, I’m going to trust my intuitive wisdom on that. If something feels off, it’s off, and I want better”.”

– The Guides

A bit of background information:

Sometimes, relationships don’t feel like two sovereign people having a good time with each other (and this can be true for any kind of relationship – romantic, platonic, familial, you name it). Sometimes, relationships between us humans can feel like there’s an energy there that’s entangled, twisted, not quite right. That is what this message is about. 

Some questions you could use if you’d like to take this message into your personal practice: Does this message feel timely? Does your intuition want to share anything with you, as you sense into this message?

Ich probier mal was aus: In der nächsten Zeit werde ich mich immer mal wieder mit den Guides verbinden und sie um ein paar inspirierende Messages bitten. Konkret soll es dabei um den Bereich gehen, wo sich Intuition & Beziehungsthemen treffen: Wie kann uns die Intuition dabei helfen, unser Beziehungsleben zu verschönern? Und wie sieht eigentlich eine gesunde Beziehung zur Intuition aus? Viel Spaß beim Lesen!

Die heutige Message – nimm das mit, was Dich anspricht, und ignorier den Rest:

“Du hast immer die Möglichkeit, Dich Deinem Wunsch nach besseren Beziehungen zuzuwenden. Du kannst Dich immer Deinem intuitiven Wissen zuwenden, wenn es Dir sagt, “ich möchte, dass sich meine Beziehungen gut anfühlen”. Du hast immer die Möglichkeit, Dich dem zuzuwenden, was sich nach Aufdröseln, Geerdetsein, Respekt und Süße anfühlt. Danach sehnst Du Dich, und das ist das, was Du willst. Wenn also Deine Intuition sagt, “irgendwas fühlt sich hier verdröselt an, und das ist nicht gut”, hast Du immer die Möglichkeit, dem zu vertrauen, und Dein intuitives Wissen darum zu bitten, Dir da noch mehr Klarheit rein zu bringen. Es liegt eine gewisse Freiheit darin, sich selbst zu sagen, “weißt Du was, ich vertrau da meinem intuitiven Wissen jetzt einfach. Wenn sich was ungut anfühlt, dann ist das ungut, und ich möchte da was Schöneres”.” 

– Die Guides

Ein bisschen Hintergrund-Info dazu:

Manchmal fühlen sich Beziehungen nicht so an, als würden da zwei Leute, die eigenständig sind, eine gute Zeit miteinander verbringen (und das kann sich jetzt auf alle möglichen Beziehungsarten beziehen – romantisch, platonisch, familienbezogen, usw.). Manchmal fühlen sich Beziehungen zwischen zwei Menschen eher so an, als wäre da eine Energie mit dabei, die verdröselt ist, oder verdreht, oder irgendwie nicht richtig. Darum geht es in dieser Message.

Ein paar Fragen für Dich, wenn Du diese Message mit in Deine persönliche Praxis nehmen möchtest: Fühlt sich das nach einer Message an, die zur rechten Zeit kommt? Möchte Dir Deine Intuition dazu was sagen?

Infos from Above // Infos von Oben

Let’s try something: From time to time, I’ll tune in with the Guides and ask them to share some inspiring messages. In particular, I will ask them to shine a light on those fields where intuition & relationships meet: How can our intuitive wisdom help enhance our relationships? And also, what does a healthy relationship with our intuition look like? Hope you’ll enjoy, and thank you for reading along! 

Today’s message – use what resonates, leave the rest:

“Your connection to the Above contains all the information you could ever want. Everything you ever wanted to know is available there. So if any part of your relationship life feels off, it means that there’s some data that has been trying to get to you, from Above. What it doesn’t mean, necessarily, is that you’ve done anything wrong or that something is broken, it just means that you’re missing a piece of information. That’s all. Get that information. It’s always ready and available for you.”

– The Guides

Here’s a bit of background info:

There’s a light connection to the Above that runs between Spirit, your soul and your physical self. Through this line of light, both information and energies can come to you. Humans have been using this channel since the times before time to connect to the intuitive wisdom of their souls and to receive downloads from the endless creativity & clarity of Spirit. This is the “Above” that this message is talking about.

Ich probier mal was aus: In der nächsten Zeit werde ich mich immer mal wieder mit den Guides verbinden und sie um ein paar inspirierende Messages bitten. Konkret soll es dabei um den Bereich gehen, wo sich Intuition & Beziehungsthemen treffen: Wie kann uns die Intuition dabei helfen, unser Beziehungsleben zu verschönern? Und wie sieht eigentlich eine gesunde Beziehung zur Intuition aus? Viel Spaß beim Lesen!

Die heutige Message – nimm das mit, was Dich anspricht, und ignorier den Rest:

“In der Verbindung nach Oben sind alle Infos, die man sich nur wünschen kann. Alles, was Du wissen willst, ist dort verfügbar. Das heißt, wenn sich in Deinem Beziehungsleben irgendwas seltsam anfühlt, heißt das, dass von Oben eigentlich Information an Dich rankommen möchte. Es heißt nicht unbedingt, dass Du irgendwas falsch gemacht hast oder dass was kaputt ist, sondern dass Dir Informationen fehlen. Das ist alles. Hol Dir diese Infos. Die sind immer parat für Dich.”

– Die Guides

Hier noch ein bisschen Hintergrund-Info dazu:

Es gibt eine Lichtverbindung nach Oben, die zwischen Spirit, Deiner Seele und Deinem physischen Selbst verläuft. Durch diese Lichtverbindung können Informationen zu Dir fließen, aber auch Energie. Menschen nutzen diesen Kanal seit jeher, um sich mit dem intuitiven Wissen ihrer Seele zu verbinden, und um Downloads aus der unendlichen Kreativität & Klarheit von Spirit zu erhalten. Und um dieses “Oben” geht es hier.

My take on boundaries

Over the past few months, there’s one particular theme that has been showing up in many of my Sessions: Boundaries, boundaries, boundaries. So, I thought I’d write an info-post today and let you know where to look if you’re wondering whether your boundaries have any holes in them, so to speak.  

In every type of relationship field, keeping your boundaries healthy and strong is vital to keeping those relationships fun – both in your private life, and at work. And there are a few clear signs that can point you to the areas where those boundaries in your relationship fields may be less than good. 

Let me give you some examples to show you what I mean when I talk about boundaries that are less-than-fully-intact – and as you read along, “take the quiz”, if you like, and see if any of these issues ring a bell.

What boundary issues can look like: 

  • Other people’s problems tend to get washed into your energetic space, and you are busy cleaning up after those problems, even though they are not yours
  • You can feel other people’s emotions and states of mind as if they were your own, and this experience exhausts you
  • Some people seem to be throwing all kinds of energetic “darts” at you, and you tend to spend a lot of energy trying to protect yourself from those attacks (e.g. you feel the need to retreat more often than what would feel normal for you; or, when you are in a meeting with these kinds of people, much of your mental bandwidth is spent trying hard not to show any signs of weakness so you won’t get attacked) 
  • Your conversations with someone you’re close to seem to be not-quite-honest and you’re having a hard time talking about your actual needs & desires with the other person, even though you like them a lot
  • You keep noticing that you’re living out your parents’ values in certain areas of your life, even though those values don’t actually match yours
  • When you’re at a family function, you are having difficulties being yourself, and instead, you keep falling back into old behavioural patterns you’ve been meaning to release
  • When trying to explore certain relationship issues, your intuition seems to be blocked, and you are not receiving any clear guidance when it comes to those issues
  • There is a certain group of relationships in your life (e.g. friendships, siblings) that seem to be under the (negative) influence of a certain person, and their influence seems to trigger certain conflict dynamics within the group that create an unusual amount of stress between you
  • You keep sliding into conflict with someone (e.g. at work) even though the “official rules” that exist for that kind of relationship should foster more of a peaceful co-existence

None of these “symptoms” are unusual, and I made this list drawing from my clients’ experiences as well as from my personal life. Because those issues are very common. 

And they are all resolvable. 

One very elegant solution for these kinds of issues is to work on your energies. Setting up your boundaries in an energetic way, then testing them by observing the real-life results they create, and then improving them based on those results – if needed – can help you transform those issues, sustainably.

And this energetic solution is often much more effective in creating good boundaries than conversations (alone) would be.  

So if my list, above, feels familiar, and you would like to work on your boundaries, let’s schedule a Session or two (or, book yourself an Intro Consultation, here, if this is your first time working with me).

And then let’s set up some beautiful new boundary energies for you. 

Playful and easy, is what we imagine life to be like

The other day, my Guides gave me a very interesting image for what life feels like for our inner selves: They showed me how, before we incarnate into a human body, we imagine our human world to be a huge living playroom filled with many beautiful toys, and we imagine that there will be many beautiful people there, waiting for us to come play.

And then we come down to Earth, and life is not exactly the way we imagined it to be.

Yes, life is like a playroom filled with toys, and yes, there are many other people there, but in this room, things are a bit chaotic at first.

That room isn’t exactly tidy.

Also, some of the people who are playing with you in the very first years of your life are not necessarily the ones you really like the most. And what’s worse, those people may teach you that you are not allowed to play with the toys your heart longs for – and instead, they hand you toys which either don’t make sense to you, or which you don’t like to play with, or which you find quite boring. And it can take quite a long time to figure out where to find those playmates you really like to play with.

In other words, in most cases, you will have to tidy up this huge playroom – meaning, your life – before it can be any fun to play in it.

You might have to put away the toys your ancestors have left behind if those toys don’t match your personality. And you may have to repair certain toys that you yourself have left laying around in some of your previous lives. It’s quite possible that you will really love to play with those toys again, but for various reasons, they will need a makeover for this lifetime, or they won’t be any fun.

Then, you will have to figure out whether those games the grownups have taught you during childhood feel harmonious to who you are, or whether you would like to play some different games, instead. (This part can be very challenging to the nervous system, because it means that your mind will have to learn some new ways of thinking.)

And at some point, you will find out that there’s a whole section in that playroom where there are completely new things waiting for you to create whole new games with – games that will have never existed before. Spoiler alert: If you love Earth’s creative ever-changing energies, you’re going to love this section.

By the way, this whole process is the work that we do in all of my Sessions: We tidy up together. We repair things. We discover new things. And we have a look at your “playroom” as a whole (i.e. your life), and whether you like to play the way you do – or whether your play is still lead by the voices of your ancestors which might not be in tune with who you are.

I find this metaphor of life as a playroom quite fitting for the times we are living in (and I’m aware that I’m speaking from a privileged European perspective here):

These days, it’s relatively easy to energetically access those things that want to get “repaired” within you – e.g. those emotionally charged “toys” (i.e. your interests, preferences, gifts, etc.) that may have gotten damaged in the past.

Also, in the here and now, we have a lot of freedom to choose the people we want to play with.

Plus: We have lots of technologies and huge amounts of knowledge that are freely accessible, which means that there’s also lots of room to create new things.

Meaning, if we courageously face the inner reality of our “playroom”, our lives can become quite beautiful, and we can then play games that are quite fun.

There are a few prerequisites for that kind of fun, though.

First: You need to be willing to tidy up and to energetically repair the things that are not working for you. (I can help with that – no-one needs to do this by themselves.)

Second: You need to be open to follow your heart and to go look for those playmates you really really really want to play with.

And third: You need to stay curious and you need to actively seek out those creative opportunities the world is offering you – so that you can evolve alongside Earth and move forward with the current timeline.

On that note, enjoy your playroom!

Are we all clairvoyant?

Years ago, when I was working with a spiritual healer for the first time, I was so envious of the ways in which she talked to her Guides. She literally saw them sitting in a circle around her, and it was so easy for her to receive their messages.

My healer at the time was highly clairvoyant, meaning: The easiest way for her to connect with her Guides / her soul is to see images in her third eye. She receives meaningful images there, and her third eye is basically her intuitive news channel.

And I so wanted to see those images, too! But every time I tried to connect with my Guides / my soul through my third eye – I didn’t see a thing. No images, no news.

Until I noticed that there was a different channel I could use that was working just fine: My “claircognizance” – clear knowing. Which often works non-verbally, and which isn’t as image-rich as clairvoyance.

In other words: I had been so fixated on testing out my third eye that I had ignored my easiest access to my inner wisdom – because I didn’t know that my intuition could speak to me in that way. And all of a sudden, I could perfectly “hear” my Guides and my soul, and things got really interesting, really quick.

Do we all have access to our intuitive wisdom?


Are we all clairvoyant?

To a degree.

But: Everybody’s intuitive channels work differently.

So your third eye might not be your strongest option.

From my work with my clients I can safely say that everybody’s access to their intuition is as personal as our fingerprints, and it pays off to explore the ways in which your inner voice is speaking to you – and don’t be surprised if your inner voice is no voice at all, but rather an inner download, or a physical sensation that carries meaning, for example.

Here’s an offer for you if you’d like to explore your own intuitive channels:

My private, customised, 12-Session one-on-one program called “Your Inner Wisdom System” is going into its second year.

In three rounds of 4 Sessions each, you will learn how to use your intuitive channels, communicate with your Guides, ask your soul for guidance, and ground yourself & hold your energetic boundaries well. We will dive deep into the shimmering seas of your inner wisdom, and you will learn how to practice good energy hygiene and set up energising self-care rituals, at the same time. And once we’re through with those 12 Sessions, you will be the proud owner of a beautiful collection of spiritual tools which you will be able to use in any situation – consciously, and purposefully – to make decisions from a place of deep self-knowing and integrity.

You will truly get to know all the facets of who you are. And you will know how to ask for guidance – in particular, guidance coming from “your team”, i.e. those Guides & helping spirits that are here to support you, personally.

Have a look at all the details of what we will cover, here.

And if you feel that my Inner Wisdom System program speaks to you, book yourself a non-binding Intro Consultation with me, held via Zoom, here.

In this first conversation, you will get a first taste of what my program can do for you. And if you like my hors d’œuvre, we’ll discuss the whole menu.

Talk soon!

What do you call that feeling?

All of us are carrying around stuff in our lives that we know we’ll need to get sorted. And we’ve promised ourselves that we will – eventually: A repeated pattern that’s annoying, a habit that we don’t like about ourselves, an issue that we don’t like about our relationships, a certain thing we don’t like about our relationship with the world, etc. etc. Something that’s just not right, something that feels off.

We usually know what our personal “something” is.

And we usually also know what the emotional-energetic-physical feeling is that tells us that we’re going to have to look at our “something”, NOW.

It’s a feeling of urgency, and a feeling of intuitive knowing.

For many of us, that feeling is something that we’ve been trained not to feel, and that we’ve been trained not to listen to, but it’s going to get stronger and stronger.

And at some point you’ll notice – ok, NOW I want to find a healer, NOW I want to find a class to teach me how to deal with this thing, NOW I want to find an energy worker, a therapist, a coach… I want to find SOMEBODY who can help me.

So, my invitation to you is, look back at your life and see where in your life you’ve felt this feeling before – and you’ll know what it feels like. You’ve felt it before. It’s this strong inner knowing that says, “Now. Go. Do it.”

Can you identify that feeling?

Is now the time to dive into your “something”?

Is now the time to sort your “something” out?