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Shadow as a friend // Der Schatten als Freund

(Deutsche Version: s.u.) // Our shadow is the combination of those unconscious parts in us that we tend to mostly think of as “the things that are standing in our way.” But: Your shadow wants to be your friend, really. We humans tend to think that shadow is something bad, or negative – something that needs to be unearthed through long and winding processes that are painful and tedious. 

But shadow work can be interesting and friendly, too: 

Let your shadow show you what it sees, through its lens, and then patiently and compassionately look at it, sideways: 

What is that distorted lens (that the show is giving you) revealing to you about your own life? 

Where is it “blind”? 

What is painted in rosy colours, even though that part of your life feels anything but rosy to you? 

Where is it showing you things about yourself that simply can’t be true – where is it suggesting you’re powerless, or incompetent, even though others are signalling to you that that is not so?

Shadow wants to show you where, unconsciously, you are not in your own power yet. And that is the gift that shadow brings: All that shadow does is show you things that aren’t ideal yet, in your own opinion. So it really isn’t an antagonist. It’s a friend. 

As humans, we are often not used to these kinds of friendships any more: Ones that are deeply respectful and honest and supportive. So it can be difficult to understand this friendship fully, and to be neutral enough to receive shadow’s messages clearly. 

So what can be really helpful here is to approach this whole issue with a third person present. With another human being in the room. Who can help hold the revelations that want to come through when you communicate with shadow. 

My invitation here is, let’s do it together. My new energy healing program, Listening to the Devas, is made for this exact work. It’s a space for your shadow to be heard, and for your true self to emerge, through the power of channeled guidance and energy transformation. 

Read more, here, and see whether my program speaks to you.


Der Schatten sind die unbewussten Anteile in uns, die wir oft vor allem als das wahrnehmen, “was uns im Weg steht”. Aber Dein Schatten möchte eigentlich Dein Freund sein. Wir Menschen finden oft, dass der Schatten etwas Schlechtes oder Negatives ist, und etwas, das wir in langwierigen Prozessen, die schmerzhaft und anstrengend sind, herausarbeiten müssen. 

Aber Schatten-Arbeit kann auch interessant sein, und sogar richtig nett: 

Lass Deinen Schatten Dir zeigen, was er durch seine Linse sieht, und dann schau Dir das alles nochmal mit Geduld und Mitgefühl von der Seite an: 

Was zeigt Dir die verzerrte Linse, die der Schatten Dir da gibt, über Dein eigenes Leben?

Wo ist er “blind”?

Wo ist was in rosigen Farben gezeichnet, obwohl sich dieser Teil Deines Lebens alles andere als rosig anfühlt?

Wo zeigt er Dir Dinge über Dich, die einfach nicht wahr sein können – wo behauptet er, dass Du absolut machtlos bist, oder inkompetent, obwohl andere Leute Dir signalisieren, dass das gar nicht stimmt?

Dein Schatten möchte Dir zeigen, wo Du (unbewusst) noch nicht in Deiner eigenen Power bist. Und das ist auch das Geschenk, das der Schatten mitbringt: Alles, was Dir der Schatten zeigt, sind Dinge, die Deiner eigenen Meinung nach noch nicht ideal sind. Er ist also kein Gegenspieler. Sondern ein Freund. 

Als Menschen sind wir es oft nicht mehr gewohnt, solche Freundschaften zu haben: Solche, die zutiefst respektvoll sind, und ehrlich, und unterstützend. Es kann also ganz schön schwierig sein, diese Freundschaft mit dem Schatten voll zu verstehen, und neutral genug zu bleiben, um seine Messages deutlich hören zu können. 

Was also wirklich hilfreich sein kann, ist, dieses ganze Thema mit einer dritten Person zusammen anzugehen – mit einem anderen Menschen, der mit dabei ist. Jemand, der Dir dabei helfen kann, die Aha-Erlebnisse auszuhalten, die hochkommen, wenn Du mit dem Schatten kommunizierst. 

Meine Einladung: Lass uns das gemeinsam machen. Mein neues Energy Healing Programm, Listening to the Devas, ist für genau diese Arbeit gemacht. Es ist ein Space, der dafür da ist, dass der Schatten gehört wird, und dass Dein tatsächliches Ich mithilfe gechannelter Guidance und energetischer Transformation zum Vorschein kommen kann. 

Hier kannst Du mehr darüber lesen, und schauen, ob Dich mein Programm anspricht. 

Bathing in Energy // In Energie baden

(Deutsche Version: s.u.) // Imagine you could leave your everyday life for 30 minutes. Take a few imaginary steps out into nature. And suddenly find yourself inside of a mountain cavern. A pool, carved in stone, is waiting for you there – filled to the brim with beautiful warm water. You let yourself glide in. And the water embraces your legs, your belly, your shoulders. 

The air smells of smoky sandalwood. And when your feet touch the ground, they can feel the smooth, dark mountain slate, and it feels like stability and calmness. 

Next to the pool, you see a nice open fire burning, warming up the cave. Above you, a small opening, and the sky. 

You’re floating in the water. You can feel its warmth on your skin. And there’s a feeling of cosiness + comfort + safety, held for you by the cave. 

There are some fragrant essences running through the water. They feel nourishing and good, and they’re infusing you with a type of life force energy you haven’t felt in a long time. 

The energies of this cave will have some lovely messages for you. I’ll translate these messages for you, so you can hear them whispering in your ear. And you will feel their friendliness swirling all around you. 

This is what last week’s participants say Bathing in Energy feels like – my new, monthly group experience for up to 12 people. (Our first gathering was so beautiful!)

Our next event happens on Thursday, June 6, at 6.30 pm (Germany time) via Zoom. Will I see you there?

If you can’t be with us, live, I’ll send you the audio recording, after. 

To book yourself a spot, click on this link.  

And if you’d like more info, first, read this.

See you June 6!


Stell Dir vor, Du könntest mal für 30 Minuten komplett aus Deinem Leben raus. Du würdest in Deiner Vorstellung ein paar Schritte in die Natur gehen. Und Dich plötzlich im Inneren eines Berges wiederfinden. Wo ein steinerner Pool auf Dich wartet – gefüllt mit angenehm warmem Wasser. Du tauchst ein. Und das Wasser umspült Deine Beine, Deinen Bauch, Deine Schultern. 

Die Luft duftet nach Sandelholz-Rauch. Und wenn Deine Füße den Boden berühren, spüren sie glattes, dunkles Schiefergestein, das sich nach Halt und nach Ruhe anfühlt. 

Neben dem Pool flackert ein nettes offenes Feuer, das die Höhle erwärmt. Über Dir hat der Berg eine kleine Öffnung, und Du kannst den Himmel darüber sehen. 

Du lässt Dich im Wasser treiben. Spürst die Wärme auf Deiner Haut. Und ein Gefühl von Geborgenheit, das die Höhle für Dich hält. 

Dem Wasser sind duftende Essenzen beigemischt, die sich nährend und gut anfühlen, und sie versorgen Dich mit einer Form von Lebensenergie, die Du lange nicht gespürt hast. 

Die Energien hier in der Höhle haben schöne Botschaften für Dich. Und ich übersetze sie Dir in Sprache, damit Du ihr Flüstern hören kannst. Und die Friedlichkeit darin spüren kannst.  

So fühlt sich In Energie baden an – sagen die, die letzte Woche dabei waren: So heißt mein neues monatliches Gruppenerlebnis für bis zu 12 Teilnehmer*innen. (Unser erstes Treffen war so schön!) 

Unser nächstes englischsprachiges Event findet am Donnerstag, dem 6.6.2024 um 18.30h (via Zoom) statt*.

Falls Du nicht live dabei sein kannst, schicke ich Dir hinterher gern den Audio-Mitschnitt.

Zur Buchung bitte hier entlang

Und wenn Du vorher gern noch mehr Info hättest, lies diese Seite.

Bis zum 6. Juni!

*P.S.: Das nächste deutschsprachige In Energie baden Event ist übrigens am 20.6. – im Moment sind noch 10 von 12 Plätzen frei. Hier geht’s zur Buchung. Bist Du dabei?

This is why I work with Guides

A few days ago, I asked the Guides for some input for my newsletter, so I pulled some Oracle Cards because that’s often a quick way for me to receive guidance. The funny thing was, I pulled the same card, twice – so apparently, its message seems to be particularly important, right now. Here’s what that card said: “No to resentment, yes to inspiration” (drawn from Danielle LaPorte’s Truthbomb deck – which, sadly, is out of print).

And to go with that card, the Guides showed me this image: 

Imagine there’s an artist, in her studio. She is looking at her easel, and she just realised that she doesn’t know how to proceed with the painting that’s in front of her – so, one option would be to just give up, of course. Or, she could try to find a new point of view and let some fresh inspiration in: She could turn her painting upside down. Or, she could take a photo of her painting to be able to see it from a more neutral point of view. Or, she could turn all the lights down in her studio and look at only the contours of the shapes on her painting, but not the colours. 

With the help of any of these methods, she will get to see her painting “with a fresh pair of eyes”, so to speak, which will help her to understand what it is that her painting might need to evolve – in a harmonious way – and become the thing it wants to become. 

That same technique can be used to work on any aspect of life: When you are open to looking at life from a non-ordinary perspective, and see things from a different angle, you will receive new inspiration to help you understand what it is that your life might need to evolve – in a harmonious way – and become the thing it wants to become.   

I tend to apply this technique by asking my Guides for help.

I pose simple questions, like “What am I not seeing, right now?” or “What do you think I should know about this issue? Where are my blind spots?” – and then, the Guides give me intuitive images and send some fresh new insights my way, which then help me to better understand my life and find new inspiration.   

In many of my Sessions, the Guides and I work together in this exact same way:

For example, when you come to me* for an Oracle Reading and pose your question, the card I pull for you is my entry point into starting a dialogue with my intuition – meaning, I start channelling what the Guides would like you to know, as an answer to your question. Usually, those answers come flowing quickly, like a waterfall, and after just a few minutes, the basic info is out. After that first part, the Guides then usually show me how you can apply the info you received in your Oracle Reading to your life, and I help you to make sense of it all. And after just 45 minutes, we’re all done.  

In my “big” Sessions, I collaborate with the Guides in a slightly different way: You get to experience, yourself, what your intuition and the Guides would like you to know.

In other words, at the beginning of a 90-Minute Session, you describe the issue you would like to work on, and then I help you to tune into your own intuition. This is where you will start to see inner images which the Guides are sending you, so you can see your situation “with a fresh pair of eyes”.

For example, the Guides can show you which of your inner children needs help if they don’t know how to deal with your current situation (yet). 

Or, the Guides can show you whether there’s a past life connected to you who is still stuck in an old emotional pattern, and who would like to find their way back to peace and freedom. 

Or, the Guides can send you images that can show you your issue like an inner landscape which you can “read” and understand, and which can show you what you might need to change in order to find a solution to your problem.  

It’s my job to help you receive those images and that kind of information through your own intuitive channels. And it’s also my job to help you understand how you can use that information and energetically apply it, so that your life can become more harmonious. 

Would like to try one of these options?

This is where you can book yourself an Oracle Reading (45 minutes, 50 Euros), and this is where you can schedule an Intro Consultation, which is basically a full trial Session, and which is open to anyone who has never worked with me before (overall cost: 75 Euros). 

My online calendar will safely guide you through your booking process, and appointments are now available for October, November, and December. 

I look forward to working with you!

*P.S.: At the moment, you can come and have your Sessions either live with me, here in Konstanz, or online, via Zoom. If you choose to come see me in person, please bring an FFP2 mask, since Covid infections are currently on the rise again.

Thank you!

Playful and easy, is what we imagine life to be like

The other day, my Guides gave me a very interesting image for what life feels like for our inner selves: They showed me how, before we incarnate into a human body, we imagine our human world to be a huge living playroom filled with many beautiful toys, and we imagine that there will be many beautiful people there, waiting for us to come play.

And then we come down to Earth, and life is not exactly the way we imagined it to be.

Yes, life is like a playroom filled with toys, and yes, there are many other people there, but in this room, things are a bit chaotic at first.

That room isn’t exactly tidy.

Also, some of the people who are playing with you in the very first years of your life are not necessarily the ones you really like the most. And what’s worse, those people may teach you that you are not allowed to play with the toys your heart longs for – and instead, they hand you toys which either don’t make sense to you, or which you don’t like to play with, or which you find quite boring. And it can take quite a long time to figure out where to find those playmates you really like to play with.

In other words, in most cases, you will have to tidy up this huge playroom – meaning, your life – before it can be any fun to play in it.

You might have to put away the toys your ancestors have left behind if those toys don’t match your personality. And you may have to repair certain toys that you yourself have left laying around in some of your previous lives. It’s quite possible that you will really love to play with those toys again, but for various reasons, they will need a makeover for this lifetime, or they won’t be any fun.

Then, you will have to figure out whether those games the grownups have taught you during childhood feel harmonious to who you are, or whether you would like to play some different games, instead. (This part can be very challenging to the nervous system, because it means that your mind will have to learn some new ways of thinking.)

And at some point, you will find out that there’s a whole section in that playroom where there are completely new things waiting for you to create whole new games with – games that will have never existed before. Spoiler alert: If you love Earth’s creative ever-changing energies, you’re going to love this section.

By the way, this whole process is the work that we do in all of my Sessions: We tidy up together. We repair things. We discover new things. And we have a look at your “playroom” as a whole (i.e. your life), and whether you like to play the way you do – or whether your play is still lead by the voices of your ancestors which might not be in tune with who you are.

I find this metaphor of life as a playroom quite fitting for the times we are living in (and I’m aware that I’m speaking from a privileged European perspective here):

These days, it’s relatively easy to energetically access those things that want to get “repaired” within you – e.g. those emotionally charged “toys” (i.e. your interests, preferences, gifts, etc.) that may have gotten damaged in the past.

Also, in the here and now, we have a lot of freedom to choose the people we want to play with.

Plus: We have lots of technologies and huge amounts of knowledge that are freely accessible, which means that there’s also lots of room to create new things.

Meaning, if we courageously face the inner reality of our “playroom”, our lives can become quite beautiful, and we can then play games that are quite fun.

There are a few prerequisites for that kind of fun, though.

First: You need to be willing to tidy up and to energetically repair the things that are not working for you. (I can help with that – no-one needs to do this by themselves.)

Second: You need to be open to follow your heart and to go look for those playmates you really really really want to play with.

And third: You need to stay curious and you need to actively seek out those creative opportunities the world is offering you – so that you can evolve alongside Earth and move forward with the current timeline.

On that note, enjoy your playroom!

End-of-Year Oracle Readings

It’s the end of a difficult year. On a personal level, the pandemic has been giving each of us more spiritual lessons than we might have anticipated, and on a societal level, life has been asking us to course correct on a daily basis, mirroring back to us that the only future worth building is a sustainable one, one that is socially just, as well as ecologically responsible.

In 2020, many of us became more sensitive as to who or what we want to build our lives around, and many of us turned inwards for answers. When I offered my first round of Oracle Readings, in September, some of you (who hadn’t worked with me before) were surprised to find that you were able to see and perceive those answers quite easily, once you opened up to your inner guidance. You came with big questions, and your intuitive knowing and the Guides had some nuanced replies ready for you.

And that’s a sign of the times we are in, in my view: We are being asked to use our intuitive senses more deliberately, from now on. Every day, our infinitely wise souls are collaborating with the consciousness of life on this planet, and together, they are sending out open invitations for us to tune into our intuitive wisdom and to let our inner guidance inspire new ways of living.

Our intuition is so absolutely ready to share its wisdom with us, and it’s our job to turn our daily worries into specific questions, take them inwards, and listen.

Let’s find some answers

For those of you who would like to explore your intuition in this way, I’m offering a second round of Oracle Readings via Zoom. Your contribution: 50 Euros per 30-minute reading.  

In our private Zoom call, you will ask your question, and I will draw a card for you which contains a specific message. In a second step, I will ask your Guides to give me some additional information to help you understand that message. And in a third step, your #InnerWisdomSystem will send some intuitive information directly to you, supporting you in perceiving the more subtle nuances of the card’s message, so that you can integrate its meaning and use it as a reminder for yourself, moving forward. And if past readings are any indication, you will most definitely also receive some piece of homework from your team of Guides, towards the end of our reading.   

Please note that there are a few rules:

First, there is only a certain range of questions I can help you with: 1) your relationship with yourself and with your #InnerWisdomSystem (which includes your relationship with your personal team of Guides), 2) your relationships with others, and 3) your relationship with society and with the world, as such.

Second, I cannot answer yes / no questions.

And third, there are a few more no-gos: No legal questions, no medical questions, and no questions about somebody else’s issues (e.g. “how can my best friend deal with…?”).

Also, I reserve the right to deny a request for a reading at my discretion if that particular request doesn’t align with my values.

Deal? Book yours here and I will see you soon. Thank you!

Und noch was:

Wie immer können wir diese Oracle Readings natürlich gern auch auf Deutsch abhalten.

Update, added on January 15, 2021:

I’ll keep my Oracle Readings on the menu, throughout 2021. And here’s where you can book them. Talk soon!

How to release those fears that aren’t yours

I surprised myself the other day when I went live on Instagram for the first time – ever – and it turned out to be quite fun! Here’s the video, and there are a few more on my Instagram feed for your viewing pleasure.

In this guided energy work meditation, we are going to work with your subtle energies to release some fears that are inauthentic to your system. And in a second step, we are going to release some fears that others may have deliberately instilled in you.

To watch the video, click the play button on the image, above. Please forgive the abrupt beginning – there was a technical glitch there, but I still wanted to share the video here.

Intro – 00:00 to 08:54

Meditation – 08.55 to 27.07

Outro – 27.08 to 30.58


Release those fears that aren’t yours: An Energy Meditation
©️ Lilly Mackuth, 2020

How to feel loved

Lilly Mackuth How to feel loved Blog Post

Happy Valentine’s, darlings!

Do you know how to feel loved?

If you’re not sure, I’ve got you.

Try this:

Step 1: Center and ground yourself, and get yourself into a meditative state. (Here is a link to a manual, if you’d like one.)

Step 2: Now, ask your Team (i.e. your Guides etc., your Soul and the Earth) to help you sense-see-feel your personal energetic frequency of love. Feel it take up space inside of you, and as you do, notice the various sensations that are coming up in your body: Does love feel like freshness, peace, or expansion to you? Is your body relaxing into it? Does it feel easy for you to hold that energy of love inside of you?

Step 3: Then, ask your Team to release any and all energies from your system that are not yours, but which had been clinging onto your personal perception of love up until now. Ask your Team to completely dissolve those energies for you (since those never authentically belonged to you in the first place). What do you notice?

Step 4: Now do the corresponding opposite of what I just described: Ask your Team to call back all energies which do belong to your own authentic frequency of love – but which had been scattered elsewhere up until now. Ask your Team to fill you up on those (your) energies. What are you sensing?

Step 5: To finish, breathe into your newly refreshed frequency of love, and ask your body to integrate this updated version into your system. Feel the depth of that love. Bask in the beauty of being able to tune into that deeply delicious experience of feeling loved at any given moment.

Bonus: Notice how the feelings you have for the people you really really like naturally match the frequency of love which you just so beautifully expanded within yourself.

Sending big Valentine Love!  

Healing your inner children

Healing yourself can start by healing your younger selves. Give your inner children – of all ages – the love and care and truth and beauty they were missing, growing up. Take their needs seriously, and let them share their strengths with you.

Ask your inner two-year-old about boundaries. She knows all about that No.

Let your inner four-year-old show you how her Guides, Angels and Healing Beings are helping her cope, in this strange world we are living in.

Let your inner seven-year-old decide who she wants to be friends with. She knows how to read her heart.

Ask your inner 12-year-old if she would like to share her deep thoughts with you.

And let your inner 17-year-old tell you about all the ways she would like to express her soul and herself.

Here’s another sweet practice you can try:

Use your imagination to build each of your younger selves a new home, and let them furnish and decorate their new places in any way they choose. Don’t judge them for what they want to put into their new rooms, and watch how they express themselves through interior design. See how they carefully place their most cherished items within reach, and sense-see-feel how much love goes into each decision. Let them make themselves comfortable, and give them room to explore and to change anything they like, as often as they like.

It’s your imagination, where everything is possible – and where your younger selves can fully be themselves.


And if you need any help with this, let’s work together.
Helping your younger selves heal is part of what I do.

An altruist’s edge

In my coaching practice, I often work with people who are altruists, who are also fantastically good at bringing people together. They are the queens and kings of party-throwing. They plan beautiful projects with dozens of people involved. They see these projects through till the end. And they sacrifice some of their own well-being for the sake of being of service to others. They see where our human society lacks justice, beauty and peace, and then they work hard to literally make this world a better place. They get things done. And they are over-worked and under-nourished when it comes to their heart’s deeper needs and desires.

If this is you, here’s an edge you are carrying around, probably without knowing it: You have such a deep longing for being with other people that you create elaborate experiences for others just so you can connect with with them – at the expense of your own time and energy.

The mere act of bringing people together – by inviting a diverse team of professionals to join you for a new project you just plucked out of your highly creative brain, or by having your friends come sit around your kitchen table at brunch – is highly fulfilling for you.

But the thought that you could connect with others “without a purpose” is probably deeply uncomfortable for you.

Imagine you would meet with someone just to spend time with them.

To have coffee with a friend, with no other agenda than to chat for a while and to feel well in each other’s presence.

And to then not invite that friend over to your place.

To then also not pay for a whole party and invite all of your other friends, too.

To just say to someone: “Hey, I would love to see you. Are you free on Friday?”

And to not have this coffee date be about anything else but connection.

If you are feeling a psychological edge when you imagine going there: Good. Play with that edge. Feel its shape and size, and sense where this experience starts making you feel uncomfortable: As soon as you imagine calling your friend? When you imagine that there’s no deeper meaning behind that date, that you would just like to spend time with them? When you imagine that you won’t be paying for your friend’s coffee, only for the one you are going to have, yourself?

Sense where you have a tendency to over-give, and where you feel uncomfortable around receiving the gift of spending time with someone you love.

And then call your friend anyway.

Let this be awkward.

You are trying something new.

New: The Heart Truth Process

It’s launch day!

My new one-on-one coaching program is ready for you! Click here for a short intro video, if you like.

My program, “The Heart Truth Process”, is designed for you to gain direct access to one particular part of your #innerwisdomsystem: Your heart.

Energetically speaking, its four chambers represent four big themes in your life: Love (both romantic and platonic), your Applied Wisdom, your True Strength and the Big Vision of your life.

And the goal of my program is to help you tune into these four chambers and let your heart be your guide when it comes to these four big themes in your life.

So, if that resonates with you, have a look at my new Heart Truths page.

The first 6 one-on-one spots are available for May and June – but before you make a decision, let’s meet for a free, non-binding Intro Conversation where we can get to know each other and you can ask me anything about the program.

All you’ll need for that is a device that lets you do video conferences, i.e. your laptop or a smart phone.

Looking forward to our first conversation!