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Beta testers welcome // Mal probieren?

(Deutsche Version: s. u.) // Sometimes, I feel a bit like an artist who only ever half defines the shape my art wants to take. Sometimes,  the offerings I send out into the world have their very own ideas of what they want to be when they grow up. And when I then let my “works of art” be free to do their own thing, they actually become self-consistent and whole in ways I could not have anticipated. 

Here’s an example: When my newest offering – Listening to the Devas – showed itself to me for the first time, the first words I saw were “Joyful Transformation”. These made sense to me – the energy of Joyful Transformation often shows up in my sessions when a client notices that an old point of view (that hasn’t been a fit for them in their adult lives, for a while) starts to shift. Which then opens up their horizons to experiencing new and beautiful things.  

When I met with my new program for the second time, the Deva of Joyful Transformation brought along several of her sisters who now also play important roles in this whole production: There’s the Deva of Clarity – who cuts through nebulous thinking like no other. Or, the Deva of Exploration – who dares to dive into depths we would hardly go to, on our own. Or, the Deva of Fresh Growth – who boldly generates the New whenever life wants to keep growing.  

All of these Devas bring their own nuances to the program. And they all help transform the project you and I will be working on into something that’s self-consistent, whole, and very very interesting.

Which project in your life could use such a holistic point of view? Which project would you like to infuse with more clarity, and depth, and fresh growth? And which project would you like to listen to, so you could hear what it would like to change or evolve into, if it were up to its own inner nature?

Register for Listening to the Devas by tomorrow, Tuesday, April 30, if you would like to try it at my beta testing rate*. This is not a group program – it’s fully customised to you, and it’s delivered via individual one-on-one sessions. And I look forward to listening to what the Deva of your project – and her sisters – would like to reveal to you. 

Find all the details (including replies to FAQs), here.

*After May 1, 2024, this program will be available at full price.


Manchmal fühle ich mich ein bisschen wie eine Künstlerin, die immer nur zur Hälfte selbst bestimmt, welche Formen meine Kunst annimmt. Manchmal bringen die Angebote, die ich in die Welt raus schicke, ihre so ganz eigenen Vorstellungen davon mit, wer sie mal werden möchten, wenn sie groß sind. Aber wenn ich meinen “Kunstwerken” den Freiraum gebe, ihr eigenes Ding zu machen, werden sie dann eben auch so ganzheitlich stimmig und in sich rund, wie ich es nicht hätte vorhersehen können. 

Als sich mir mein neuestes Angebot – Listening to the Devas – zum ersten Mal gezeigt hat, konnte ich zum Beispiel erstmal nur die Worte “Joyful Transformation” erkennen. Damit konnte ich was anfangen – die Energie der Deva of Joyful Transformation kommt in meinen Sessions schon immer dann zum Zug, wenn sich bei meinen Klient*innen ein alter Blickwinkel verschiebt, der schon lange nicht mehr zu ihrem erwachsenen Leben passt. Und plötzlich wird die Sicht auf Neues (und Schönes) frei. 

Bei meiner zweiten Begegnung mit meinem neuen Programm tauchten neben der Deva of Joyful Transformation etliche ihrer Schwestern auf, die in dieser Produktion seitdem ebenfalls eine wichtige Rolle spielen: Zum Beispiel die Deva of Clarity – die durch Gedankennebel schneidet wie keine Zweite. Oder die Deva of Exploration – die sich in die Tiefen wagt, die wir uns alleine oft nicht zutrauen. Oder die Deva of Fresh Growth – die mutig dort Neues generiert, wo das Leben wachsen möchte. 

Alle diese Devas bringen ihre ganz eigenen Nuancen ins Programm mit. Und sie helfen mit, dass das Projekt, das Du und ich gemeinsam bearbeiten, etwas ganzheitlich Stimmiges (und sehr Interessantes) wird. 

Welches Projekt in Deinem Leben könnte so einen ganzheitlichen Blick gebrauchen? Welches Projekt würdest Du gern mit mehr Klarheit, Tiefe oder neuem Wachstum auffüllen? Und von welchem Projekt würdest Du gern wissen, wie es sich aus sich heraus weiterentwickeln oder verändern würde, wenn es dürfte?

Bis morgen, Dienstag, dem 30. April, kannst Du noch zum Beta-Testpreis in mein neues Programm Listening to the Devas einsteigen*. Es ist kein Gruppenprogramm, sondern per Einzel-Sessions ganz für Dich maßgeschneidert. Und ich bin gespannt, was die Deva Deines Projekts – und ihre Schwestern – Dir gern zeigen möchten. 

Alle Infos zum Programm – inklusive Antworten auf FAQs – findest Du hier

*Nach dem 1. Mai 2024 ist das Programm zum regulären Preis erhältlich.

This is why I work with Guides

A few days ago, I asked the Guides for some input for my newsletter, so I pulled some Oracle Cards because that’s often a quick way for me to receive guidance. The funny thing was, I pulled the same card, twice – so apparently, its message seems to be particularly important, right now. Here’s what that card said: “No to resentment, yes to inspiration” (drawn from Danielle LaPorte’s Truthbomb deck – which, sadly, is out of print).

And to go with that card, the Guides showed me this image: 

Imagine there’s an artist, in her studio. She is looking at her easel, and she just realised that she doesn’t know how to proceed with the painting that’s in front of her – so, one option would be to just give up, of course. Or, she could try to find a new point of view and let some fresh inspiration in: She could turn her painting upside down. Or, she could take a photo of her painting to be able to see it from a more neutral point of view. Or, she could turn all the lights down in her studio and look at only the contours of the shapes on her painting, but not the colours. 

With the help of any of these methods, she will get to see her painting “with a fresh pair of eyes”, so to speak, which will help her to understand what it is that her painting might need to evolve – in a harmonious way – and become the thing it wants to become. 

That same technique can be used to work on any aspect of life: When you are open to looking at life from a non-ordinary perspective, and see things from a different angle, you will receive new inspiration to help you understand what it is that your life might need to evolve – in a harmonious way – and become the thing it wants to become.   

I tend to apply this technique by asking my Guides for help.

I pose simple questions, like “What am I not seeing, right now?” or “What do you think I should know about this issue? Where are my blind spots?” – and then, the Guides give me intuitive images and send some fresh new insights my way, which then help me to better understand my life and find new inspiration.   

In many of my Sessions, the Guides and I work together in this exact same way:

For example, when you come to me* for an Oracle Reading and pose your question, the card I pull for you is my entry point into starting a dialogue with my intuition – meaning, I start channelling what the Guides would like you to know, as an answer to your question. Usually, those answers come flowing quickly, like a waterfall, and after just a few minutes, the basic info is out. After that first part, the Guides then usually show me how you can apply the info you received in your Oracle Reading to your life, and I help you to make sense of it all. And after just 45 minutes, we’re all done.  

In my “big” Sessions, I collaborate with the Guides in a slightly different way: You get to experience, yourself, what your intuition and the Guides would like you to know.

In other words, at the beginning of a 90-Minute Session, you describe the issue you would like to work on, and then I help you to tune into your own intuition. This is where you will start to see inner images which the Guides are sending you, so you can see your situation “with a fresh pair of eyes”.

For example, the Guides can show you which of your inner children needs help if they don’t know how to deal with your current situation (yet). 

Or, the Guides can show you whether there’s a past life connected to you who is still stuck in an old emotional pattern, and who would like to find their way back to peace and freedom. 

Or, the Guides can send you images that can show you your issue like an inner landscape which you can “read” and understand, and which can show you what you might need to change in order to find a solution to your problem.  

It’s my job to help you receive those images and that kind of information through your own intuitive channels. And it’s also my job to help you understand how you can use that information and energetically apply it, so that your life can become more harmonious. 

Would like to try one of these options?

This is where you can book yourself an Oracle Reading (45 minutes, 50 Euros), and this is where you can schedule an Intro Consultation, which is basically a full trial Session, and which is open to anyone who has never worked with me before (overall cost: 75 Euros). 

My online calendar will safely guide you through your booking process, and appointments are now available for October, November, and December. 

I look forward to working with you!

*P.S.: At the moment, you can come and have your Sessions either live with me, here in Konstanz, or online, via Zoom. If you choose to come see me in person, please bring an FFP2 mask, since Covid infections are currently on the rise again.

Thank you!