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Almost ashamed

There was a time when I felt almost ashamed when speaking about the more unusual aspects of my work – the past life healings, the Reiki-like hand movements, the practical advice coming from my Spirit Guides and ancestors – because these things were just too “out of this world”.

Until I realised that this was ancient work.

Work that had existed in all cultures, all over the world, since the beginning of time.

And that even the Bavarian culture that I (partly) grew up with still had traces of this kind of work hidden under seasonal rituals and ancient tales.

And that’s when things got interesting.

So if you’re ready for some ancient spiritual work translated into modern times, contact me. I’m happy to connect you to your own intuitive wisdom that has been with you since the beginning of time.

Integrity as a template

Integrity means: To be undivided, whole, and clearly recognisable in your truth. It’s a beautiful tool of measurement for the sum of your actions – seen, and unseen – and the desire to stay in your own integrity is a perfect guide for decision-making.

Imagine you could meet yourself, tonight, at a party, and you could take a look at your life through different eyes: Is there any part of it that feels unrecognisable to who you thought you were?

Is there any element that doesn’t fit in with your inner image of who you want yourself to be?

Is there anything in your life that feels like it splits you in two?

Use your integrity as a template to show you the way home, back to your true self.

And let me know if you need any help with this. It’s one of my specialties.

Choose relaxed tenacity

There’s a beautiful balance that I learned from Yoga which is instantly applicable to life: tenacity and relaxation.

In essence, Yoga works like this: You start to consciously control your breathing, you move into your pose and gently hold it, and you repeat a mantra in your mind to stay focused.

This creates a very relaxed way of being, and at the same time, you learn how to use your stamina, tenacity, and grit.

You might have noticed in your own Yoga practice that a conscious breath and a mantra can help you hold a pose much longer than if you do your “normal” breathing or let your mind slowly slip into negativity when things get a bit more difficult.

You develop a knowing that your body is always giving you feedback, and how to adjust your stance, if needed.

And you learn that your conscious focus and your willingness to keep up will help you to relax even when there’s tension or pain. You take a stance, you breathe, you stay focused, and you choose a conscious, relaxed tenacity.

Life imitating Yoga.

Yoga imitating life.

Let me know if you need any help with translating your Yogic tenacity to life. As a Kundalini Yoga teacher, it is part of my job to provide those kinds of translation services. Contact me for a non-binding Intro Conversation if you’d like to learn more.

New Service: Short Energy Update Sessions

A few weeks ago, I offered to do some short Energy Healing Sessions to everyone on my newsletter list, to help with the current energetic and spiritual challenges we are all going through as this crazy year comes to an end. And apparently, this kind of support is a bigger need than I expected: You responded, you loved my little offer, and you wanted more.

So, starting today, I am adding a new service to my repertoire: Short Energy Update Sessions.

For everyone who doesn’t have time for a full-on private Session with me.

Or, for anyone who needs a little pick-me-up during a stressful period.

Or, for you, if you’re curious and would like to invest in a relaxing, refreshing, re-energizing dose of well-being for yourself, or do a quick check-in with your Inner Wisdom Sources (e.g. your Spirit Guides or your ancestors).

Here’s an overview:

Short Energy Update Session

  • energy updates to support your current physical, emotional, mental or spiritual process
  • through customised Energy Work (similar to remote Reiki, but more intense, and always customized to your needs)
  • and Intuitive Guidance (e.g. via your Spirit Guides)
  • short and sweet: 45 minutes, and we’re done
  • via video conference (e.g. Skype)
  • your contribution: 75 Euros
  • safe and easy payment via PayPal

Contact me to schedule your first Energy Update Session. 

Speak soon!

P.S.: If you’d like to schedule a Session for the last two weeks of December, let me know. I have a few tiny spots left before we say good-night to 2016.
