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End-of-Year Oracle Readings

It’s the end of a difficult year. On a personal level, the pandemic has been giving each of us more spiritual lessons than we might have anticipated, and on a societal level, life has been asking us to course correct on a daily basis, mirroring back to us that the only future worth building is a sustainable one, one that is socially just, as well as ecologically responsible.

In 2020, many of us became more sensitive as to who or what we want to build our lives around, and many of us turned inwards for answers. When I offered my first round of Oracle Readings, in September, some of you (who hadn’t worked with me before) were surprised to find that you were able to see and perceive those answers quite easily, once you opened up to your inner guidance. You came with big questions, and your intuitive knowing and the Guides had some nuanced replies ready for you.

And that’s a sign of the times we are in, in my view: We are being asked to use our intuitive senses more deliberately, from now on. Every day, our infinitely wise souls are collaborating with the consciousness of life on this planet, and together, they are sending out open invitations for us to tune into our intuitive wisdom and to let our inner guidance inspire new ways of living.

Our intuition is so absolutely ready to share its wisdom with us, and it’s our job to turn our daily worries into specific questions, take them inwards, and listen.

Let’s find some answers

For those of you who would like to explore your intuition in this way, I’m offering a second round of Oracle Readings via Zoom. Your contribution: 50 Euros per 30-minute reading.  

In our private Zoom call, you will ask your question, and I will draw a card for you which contains a specific message. In a second step, I will ask your Guides to give me some additional information to help you understand that message. And in a third step, your #InnerWisdomSystem will send some intuitive information directly to you, supporting you in perceiving the more subtle nuances of the card’s message, so that you can integrate its meaning and use it as a reminder for yourself, moving forward. And if past readings are any indication, you will most definitely also receive some piece of homework from your team of Guides, towards the end of our reading.   

Please note that there are a few rules:

First, there is only a certain range of questions I can help you with: 1) your relationship with yourself and with your #InnerWisdomSystem (which includes your relationship with your personal team of Guides), 2) your relationships with others, and 3) your relationship with society and with the world, as such.

Second, I cannot answer yes / no questions.

And third, there are a few more no-gos: No legal questions, no medical questions, and no questions about somebody else’s issues (e.g. “how can my best friend deal with…?”).

Also, I reserve the right to deny a request for a reading at my discretion if that particular request doesn’t align with my values.

Deal? Book yours here and I will see you soon. Thank you!

Und noch was:

Wie immer können wir diese Oracle Readings natürlich gern auch auf Deutsch abhalten.

Update, added on January 15, 2021:

I’ll keep my Oracle Readings on the menu, throughout 2021. And here’s where you can book them. Talk soon!

Re-energize your system – an energy meditation

Here’s a short (8 minute) energy meditation you can use if you’d like to gently re-energize your system. In this meditation, I support you in tuning into your body, first, then into your line of light, second, to get centered and grounded, and in a third step, you and I will do a bit of Energy Work together. We’re inviting the Earth to fill you up on love, care, and sweetness, and we’re asking your soul to help you download some freshness, inspiration and clarity.

To listen, click on the play button in the audio, above.

And If you’d like to add this meditation to your personal collection and download my .mp3 onto your device, click on this Dropbox link.


P.S.: And if you’d like to read about the elements used in a meditation before you go in, and then engage your own Inner Wisdom System to guide yourself through, try this technique: How to get centered and grounded

Re-Energize Your System: An Energy Meditation
©️ Lilly Mackuth, 2020

The subtle ways of your intuition

“You don’t need to wait for a full blown crisis before recognizing that there is a system of guidance that is always communicating with you and ultimately serving your highest and best. Slow down and listen. When you begin to listen to your intuition you will be able to side step so many relationships, situations, and experiences that create heartache.” – Maryam Hasnaa

Can you remember the ways in which you picked up on the latest piece of intuitive guidance that came your way?

Did you receive an inner download, informing you about your next best step? Did you experience a full-body sensation that felt like you “had to” walk in a certain direction, or talk to a particular person? Did you feel called by a subtle sensation to create something very specific and unique to you?

All of these experiences are channels your soul can choose to speak to you, and there are many more ways in which you can receive your inner wisdom. You may have heard of these four:


is an inner hearing which detects intuitive audio messages. When you choose to channel your soul’s guidance through your clairaudience, your inner wisdom can come to you as single words, or as whole streams of sentences, or even as songs that are playing on a loop inside your mind. That is how my clairaudience often works: It will wake me up with a song on my mind, and as the day progresses, that song will eventually answer a question for me.


is an intuitive sense which downloads information from your soul straight into your conscious mind, often while using non-verbal formats. Channeling information through your claircognizance means that you “just know” things, without receiving any imagery or audible messages, per se. It can be difficult to learn how to trust in this sense, at first. Being brought up in a modern society, many of us have been overloaded with so many verbal and visible messages streaming through our physical senses that the claircognizant way of knowing seems to be too subtle, sometimes. Nevertheless, messages coming through your claircognizance are just as precise as the ones coming in on the wings of an intuitive image or via a verbal message.


is a clear inner perception which helps you to understand intuitive guidance via your body’s feelings and sensations. Channeling information through your clairsentience can get tricky if you are prone to enmeshing with the sensations other people are feeling. So, using this clair sense is always an invitation to set up clear energetic boundaries. I remember how when I started out with my Energy Work practice, I would feel everything my client was feeling, which became rather difficult for me – because it meant that I wasn’t clear on where my energy fields ended and where my client’s energies started. So, I had to learn how to differentiate between the energies that had to come through in order for me do understand my own guidance, and the energies that made me feel that I was moving too close to my client’s boundaries. In other words, even if your body is able to pick up on the most subtle sensations, it doesn’t mean you absolutely need to make yourself available to feel everything that is coming through. Allow yourself to set clear boundaries when it comes to this channel, and to limit the ways in which you want to receive messages through it, e.g. by stating that you do not want to channel through pain, or through physical tension.


is an inner seeing, and it means that your soul is communicating with you by sending images into your third eye. When your clairvoyance is one of your main channels, it takes a certain amount of practice to learn how to differentiate between your imagination and your soul’s intuitive guidance. That’s because when you imagine things, these made-up images tend to come in through your third eye, too – just as intuitive images do. However, the images you receive from your soul are alive. In other words, at some point you will notice that these intuitive images start to behave in ways you wouldn’t have imagined, sending you signs and symbols to clearly let you know that they are talking to you. Allowing those intuitive images to play out their messages without interrupting them – nor moving back into your imagination – is how you can learn how to discern your intuitive guidance from fantasy.

Some more subtle ways of perceiving

There are many more, even subtler ways of perceiving, which sometimes use senses we tend to not be very familiar with:

For example, there is a way of understanding dreams as messages, and some of us even have the ability to communicate with their soul through dream consciousness, as if they were talking to a good friend.

Or, there is this thing where a certain spaciousness opens up around you, which seems to be untied to this Earth and its physicality – and this spaciousness can send you clear messages through perceptions that are not feelings, per se, but something even more subtle. As a child, I would often drift into this space just before I went to sleep, and it took me a long time to understand all the ways in which this space was sending my soul’s messages to me.

And then, there is an inner sense which can pick up on messages through your connection with the elements of this planet, which means that you can receive guidance through fire, water, earth or air.

And so on.

The list of intuitive senses through which we can perceive soul-guidance is probably endless. Clairaudience, clairvoyance, claircognizance and clairsentience are just the most common ones.

Try this:

Next time you are picking up on an intuitive hit, become curious: Which channel did that piece of guidance use to get to you? Which of your clair senses were involved? Was it just one of your inner senses, or a combination of two or more?

Did you hear a voice?

Did you see an image?

Did you feel a sensation?

Did your mind download a piece of knowledge?

Did you receive guidance in some other way?

Which of your clair senses feels like the one your soul is using most often to send you messages?

Could you allow that clair sense to open up just a tiny bit more?

Also, which permission would you need to give yourself so you could take your intuitive hits (more) seriously?

Stay curious. Ask your soul to help you recognise your channels clearly. And then ask your soul to show you what you need to know, today, to get to where you want to be.

If you need any help with understanding your clair senses, contact me. It’s a big part of my work to help you sense-see-feel which of your intuitive channels have been waiting to open up more for you.

How long until I’m fully healed?

Healing doesn’t happen over night. Until it does.

As humans, we evolve in spirals, I believe. Arriving at the same point of realisation, again and again. Once you add some inner work to your life, that same realisation will look more polished, and sparklier, and more interesting though, after every round. It will start to feel like relief, and crispness, and freedom. Because every time you arrive anew, you will see a new possibility for choosing a sweeter mode of being where there was none, before.

And all of the internal shifts you have taken will have been necessary stepping stones for you to arrive at this exact view point.

And all of the energy blocks you have released along the way will have made lifting yourself up those steps easier and easier.

And all of those late nights when all you could do was to inch your way through this obstacle course called life, will have been life-giving.

As you keep doing your inner work, you will notice how, at some point, an old emotional wound will have healed. As if over night. And you will find that you’ve moved yourself up, another round up the spiral.

How to feel loved

Lilly Mackuth How to feel loved Blog Post

Happy Valentine’s, darlings!

Do you know how to feel loved?

If you’re not sure, I’ve got you.

Try this:

Step 1: Center and ground yourself, and get yourself into a meditative state. (Here is a link to a manual, if you’d like one.)

Step 2: Now, ask your Team (i.e. your Guides etc., your Soul and the Earth) to help you sense-see-feel your personal energetic frequency of love. Feel it take up space inside of you, and as you do, notice the various sensations that are coming up in your body: Does love feel like freshness, peace, or expansion to you? Is your body relaxing into it? Does it feel easy for you to hold that energy of love inside of you?

Step 3: Then, ask your Team to release any and all energies from your system that are not yours, but which had been clinging onto your personal perception of love up until now. Ask your Team to completely dissolve those energies for you (since those never authentically belonged to you in the first place). What do you notice?

Step 4: Now do the corresponding opposite of what I just described: Ask your Team to call back all energies which do belong to your own authentic frequency of love – but which had been scattered elsewhere up until now. Ask your Team to fill you up on those (your) energies. What are you sensing?

Step 5: To finish, breathe into your newly refreshed frequency of love, and ask your body to integrate this updated version into your system. Feel the depth of that love. Bask in the beauty of being able to tune into that deeply delicious experience of feeling loved at any given moment.

Bonus: Notice how the feelings you have for the people you really really like naturally match the frequency of love which you just so beautifully expanded within yourself.

Sending big Valentine Love!  

Your Inner Wisdom System

Some time ago, I created the hashtag #InnerWisdomSystem because I needed a container, online, to showcase some intuitive findings from my client Sessions, across social media. And over time, that small hashtag I have been using to channel and collect my findings has slowly formed into a nice clear capsule containing all those elements that make my work so interesting to me:

Elements like that part of your #InnerWisdomSystem which acts like a radar within your third eye, sending you clear energetic images when something’s off in a relationship, letting you know how to navigate around the places that would have you shipwrecked. And how to find the places where your soul-mates gather, instead.

Or, that part of your #InnerWisdomSystem that whispers dreams and songs and thought-loops and mantras to your inner ear to help you find the next pieces in your personal relationship puzzle.

Or, that part of your #InnerWisdomSystem that lets you feel for your heart’s energetic self-healing mechanisms in the dark, after a break-up, and which also comes with clear instructions (and a flashlight) on how to use these mechanisms, if you know where to look.

Your #InnerWisdomSystem is that part of you that sets off all the nervous alarms in your solar plexus when someone pushes against your sense of self, using systemic misogyny, or racism, or sexism, or or any kind of violence to try to strike fear in you. And your #InnerWisdomSystem is also that other part of you which will then always guide you towards your inner center, the source of your courage, and integrity, and self-protection, and new beginnings, if you know how to let yourself be guided.

Your #InnerWisdomSystem lets you sense-see-feel your soul’s past incarnations on this earth – the ones whose trauma and pain you are still carrying around in your subtle energy bodies – because it wants you to heal all those wounds that couldn’t heal, back then. And that same #InnerWisdomSystem will also gladly send you all those memories of your successful past lives – the ones who will want to teach you a thing or two about love, and connection, and freedom, and joy, if you are open to hear what they have to say.

Your #InnerWisdomSystem wraps your energy body in the softest sheets of soft fuzzy love as soon as you reach out your hands to ask your team of Guides, Angels and Healing Beings for help.

And your #InnerWisdomSystem then picks up on your team’s giggles and perspectives and tips and truths and sends their messages through your intuitive channels to reach you. Because what good would a whole band of cosmic helpers be if you couldn’t hear their wisdom.

Your beautiful, interconnected, super-conscious #InnerWisdomSystem knows how to solve your life’s mysteries, in any circumstance.

It’s an incredible thing.

The Love-Trust-Respect Triangle

“Imagine a world where your closest relationships are built on Love-Trust-Respect. Now compare that world to your current reality. What do you see?” – #InnerWisdomSystem

In my work, I often come across an energetic triangle of love, trust and respect. It seems to build a solid foundation for our most precious relationships, and when one of its three building blocks is missing, things tend to feel a bit… wonky.

For example, if you are in a friendship where love is missing, you probably feel like you’re constantly negotiating business deals. Here’s what that could look like: Person A: “If you do X for me, I will do Y for you.” – Person B: “Ok, but only if you’ll also do Z.” Exhausting, no?

If you are in a romantic relationship where you don’t trust your partner, you might be suspicious of their motives. Imagine this dialogue: Person C: “Why would you go to that event without me?” – Person D: “Why would you want to come? You don’t even like that kind of thing.” A lack of trust creates this kind of tension. Deep trust would make C and D celebrate their differences.

If you are in any kind of relationship that lacks respect, you won’t see one another clearly, and repeated anger patterns can become part of your conversations. An (exaggerated) version of this could sound like this: Person E: “I love you, I trust you, but really, I think you should be doing something else with your life.” – Person F: “Oh really? Look who’s talking!” Respect sounds different.

Have a look at your closest personal relationships. Are the energies of love, trust and respect all present there? Can you sense that all three would like to support you?

How would you like to increase your capacity for love, trust and respect – within yourself, first, and then, also, within your various relationships?

New: The Heart Truth Process

It’s launch day!

My new one-on-one coaching program is ready for you! Click here for a short intro video, if you like.

My program, “The Heart Truth Process”, is designed for you to gain direct access to one particular part of your #innerwisdomsystem: Your heart.

Energetically speaking, its four chambers represent four big themes in your life: Love (both romantic and platonic), your Applied Wisdom, your True Strength and the Big Vision of your life.

And the goal of my program is to help you tune into these four chambers and let your heart be your guide when it comes to these four big themes in your life.

So, if that resonates with you, have a look at my new Heart Truths page.

The first 6 one-on-one spots are available for May and June – but before you make a decision, let’s meet for a free, non-binding Intro Conversation where we can get to know each other and you can ask me anything about the program.

All you’ll need for that is a device that lets you do video conferences, i.e. your laptop or a smart phone.

Looking forward to our first conversation!

Your soul is not your psyche

“Your soul is not your psyche. Your soul is an eternal being, and your psyche is the mental element of your human experience.” – #InnerWisdomSystem

Whatever you are experiencing has a soul energy component that holds all the answers to your questions.

If you are struggling with a relationship issue, for example, clarity and peace can come back once you take the time to look beyond the mental and emotional patterns and into the soul energies of the issue you are dealing with.

Your soul is an eternal being, and it holds wisdom beyond your human psyche.

The challenge is to suspend your disbelief and allow yourself to experience that you are more than a body, and more than a mind.

Everything speaks.

Everything speaks.

Do you trust your inner voice? You’re not alone if you don’t. My mind used to be inundated with so many different opinions that for a long time, I had a hard time hearing myself, in there.

My brain was flooded with the sound waves of “expert-voices”.

The assertive phrases of some books I had read had filled up entire areas of my mind.

There were one-liners certain people of my past had left in there that were like annoying little gnats, buzzing in my ears from time to time, just to make sure I didn’t forget about their opinionated presence.

And some assumptions that had formed in early childhood were like huge humming fog-horns: Repeatedly, they would out-blast every new thought wave my mind was trying to form.

Until I learned how to pick up the frequencies of me, underneath all that excess sound.

Everything speaks. Your body speaks. Your emotions speak. Your inner children speak. Even your future self does.

And I don’t mean that in a metaphorical way: You can literally tune into your body and hear what it has to say.

Try this:

Breathe into the area of your body that currently feels the most discomfort. Now open up your inner senses, lovingly turn towards that discomfort, and start asking simple questions, one at a time:

“What do you need?”

“How can I help you?”

“Do you have a message for me?”



Listen some more.

And if this exercise feels difficult to do, please feel free to reach out for a non-binding Intro Conversation with me. I’m here to help.