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Future Thoughts // Zukunftsgedanken

(Deutsche Version: s.u.) // Are you holding a vision for the future, still? As so many crises are happening simultaneously, and on a worldwide scale, it’s understandable we’ve all been having trouble with looking ahead, no? 

When I imagine the future, I see a certain picture. And in that picture, I see one element that seems to be a given, for me: Moving forward, we all will have someone in our lives again who is expertly energy-educated. Someone who will accompany us through the ups and downs that are natural, in life. 

For a long time in human history, this was very normal, and in every corner of the world, each community had their own savvy healers / wise women / clever clairvoyants / herb medicine experts and reliable shamans who served the whole group. 

And in my view, it’s so self-evident that these companions play an important role in society because every human life really wants to be cared for and tended to as if it were a beautiful, living garden which, year after year, continues to grow in harmony with the wholeness of Life. 

And in order for each of us to be able to tend to our lives in this way, we all need someone by our side (me, too, by the way) – someone who helps us to holistically care for our souls and for our physical & emotional & mental & spiritual energies. 

These companions are people (like me) who know how to work with

  • our stress-related symptoms, both chronic and acute,
  • any gut reactions that are hard to understand,
  • any wild matters of the heart,
  • any human conflicts between two (or more) people,
  • work-related tensions,
  • mental spirals & worries,
  • our connection to the spirit world,
  • and our deepest soul desires,

and as you invite these companions into your life, they’ll know how to help you figure out what you can do when life turns out to be exhausting. 

And when is it ever not 😅

So, I’d like to offer you to accompany you – your soul, your energies, and your human self, too – in this coming year.  

My offer for you: 

From now through the end of this year, get my 1:1 energy work program, Listening to the Devas, for a reduced price of € 1300 (instead of my regular € 1430 – you save € 130).

As you and I go through this personalised program together, we will tend to your life like you would tend to a garden, and help it evolve. We can either focus on one specific corner of your life – one “vegetable patch”, if you will – and we’ll treat it as a personal project. Or, we can look at your whole life as one big project – and we will work on “your whole garden”, so to speak. 

Both versions are doable, over the course of 3 to 6 months. Both can be deeply enjoyable. Both will bring you clarity and fresh energies that are currently missing. And both will help you to holistically grow along with life. 

Listening to the Devas 

  • …is a delicious energy work program in collaboration with nature’s intelligence – specifically, with the “Devas” (spirit experts who govern the true nature of all things)
  • Together, we will help one of your personal projects – or your life as a whole – to grow and evolve
  • You will receive 13 private, 90-minute sessions with me & my Spirit Team – via Zoom – spread over 3 to 6 months
  • In each session, I will channel the Devas for you, and they will support your project with their deep wisdom, with their gentle sense of humour, and with their refreshing transformational power
  • The Devas are: The Deva of your personal project + the Devas of… Healing + Clarity + Gentleness + Exploration + Openness + Truth + Deep Transformation + Wealth + Fresh Growth + Integration
  • Meaning: Each of these energetic themes of your life will receive an upgrade 
  • Bonus: You’ll receive up to six Energy Readings, as needed (delivered to you via short audio recordings for you to listen to) – for additional energetic support in-between sessions
  • Overall cost: € 1300 if you book by December 31, 2024; € 1430 from January 1, 2025 onwards

Find more lovely details (and FAQs), here – including a link to my booking page

Which personal project would you like to use your 13 sessions for?


Hast Du eigentlich noch eine Vision für Deine Zukunft? Bei all den weltweiten Krisen ist es ja verständlicherweise gar nicht mehr so einfach, überhaupt noch klar nach vorne blicken zu können.

Wenn ich mir die Zukunft vorstelle, sehe ich ein bestimmtes Bild. Und zu diesem Bild gehört für mich Bild dazu, dass es selbstverständlich ist, dass wir alle wieder energetisch geschulte Menschen an unserer Seite haben. Menschen, die uns durch die Aufs und Abs im Leben begleiten. 

So war es eigentlich lange Zeit üblich, als es noch in jeder Gemeinschaft versierte Heiler*innen, weise Frauen, kluge Hellsichtige, Kräuterkundige oder integere Schaman*innen gab, die für alle da waren. 

Und für mich ist es deswegen so selbstverständlich, dass diese Begleiter*innen gesellschaftlich wichtig sind, weil jedes Menschenleben eigentlich genauso gepflegt werden will, als wäre es ein schöner, lebendiger Garten, der Jahr für Jahr mit dem Leben als Ganzes mit wächst. 

Und dafür brauchen wir alle jemanden an unserer Seite (ich übrigens auch), der uns dabei hilft, gut für unsere Seele und für unsere körperlichen, emotionalen, mentalen, und spirituellen Energien zu sorgen.

Solche Begleiter*innen sind Menschen (wie ich), die sich damit auskennen, wenn’s um

  • schwierig zu verstehende Bauchgefühle,
  • chronische & akute Stressreaktionen,
  • wilde Herzensangelegenheiten,
  • mangelndes zwischenmenschliches Verständnis,
  • berufliche Spannungen & Konflikte,
  • geistige Denkspiralen & Sorgen,
  • unsere Verbindung zur geistigen Welt,
  • oder seelische Wünsche geht, 

und die, sobald Du sie in Dein Leben einlädst, gemeinsam mit Dir herausfinden, was zu tun ist, wenn das Leben mal wieder anstrengend ist. 

Und wann ist es das nicht 😅

Was ich damit sagen will: Ich möchte Dir gern anbieten, Dich im kommenden Jahr zu begleiten – seelisch, energetisch und menschlich.

Mein Angebot für Dich:  

Bis Ende Dezember bekommst Du mein Energy Work Programm, Listening to the Devas, in dem Du und ich persönlich zusammenarbeiten, zum reduzierten Preis von € 1300 statt für € 1430 (€ 130 Ersparnis). 

In diesem maßgeschneiderten Programm pflegen wir Dein Leben so, als wäre es ein Garten, und helfen ihm gemeinsam beim Wachsen. Wir können uns dabei entweder auf einen bestimmten Bereich Deines Lebens fokussieren. den Du gern als persönliches Projekt bearbeiten möchtest. Ein einzelnes “Gemüsebeet”, quasi. 

Oder wir schauen uns Dein gesamtes Leben als persönliches Projekt an – also “Deinen ganzen Garten”, sozusagen. 

Beides ist innerhalb von 3 bis 6 Monaten machbar. Beides ist schön. Beides bringt Klarheit und frische Energie, die Dir gerade fehlt. Und beides hilft Dir dabei, ganzheitlich mit dem Leben mit zu wachsen.

Listening to the Devas:

  • …ist angenehme Energiearbeit in Kollaboration mit der natürlichen Intelligenz des Lebens – also mit den sogenannten “Devas” (Spirit-Expert*innen, die die eigentliche Natur von allem verwalten)
  • Gemeinsam bringen wir dabei eins Deiner persönlichen Projekte – oder Dein Leben insgesamt – zum Wachsen und Gedeihen
  • Du bekommst 13 private, 90-minütige Sessions mit mir & meinem Spirit Team – via Zoom – verteilt auf 3 bis 6 Monate
  • Ich channele in jeder Session die Devas für Dich, die Dich und Dein Projekt mit ihrem tiefen Wissen, ihrem sanften Humor, und ihrer erfrischenden transformativen Power unterstützen.
  • Diese Devas sind: Die Deva Deines persönlichen Projekts + the Devas of Healing + Clarity + Gentleness + Exploration + Openness + Truth + Deep Transformation + Wealth + Fresh Growth + Integration.
  • Das heißt, alle diese Themen bekommen in Deinem Leben bzw. in Deinem Projekt ein Upgrade.   
  • Bonus: Bis zu sechs kostenlose Energy Readings, je nach Bedarf – für zusätzlichen energetischen Support zwischen den Sessions (als kurze Audio-Aufnahmen, zum Anhören).
  • Gesamtkosten: € 1300 wenn Du bis spätestens 31.12.2024 buchst; danach € 1430   

Hier findest Du alle Details zum Listening to the Devas Programm, inkl. Link zur Buchungsseite.

Für welches persönliche Projekt möchtest Du Deine 13 Sessions mit mir gern verwenden?

New // Neu: Listening to the Devas

(Deutsche Version: Siehe unten) // It’s been a while since I wrote to you, but there’s a good reason: Since mid-February, I’ve been busy behind the scenes, developing a brand-new energy healing program – and now, it’s finally ready: 

Please welcome Listening to the Devas – A delicious 1:1 energy healing program in collaboration with nature’s intelligence, designed to change an unkempt corner of your midlife into something worth celebrating!

It’s a program filled with channelled information for those in midlife (35 > 65) who want to deeply transform and enhance a personal project with the help of the Devas, and with the additional support of some powerful energy work. 

It’s live (delivered via Zoom), it’s all-tailored-to-you, it’s 13 sessions long, it goes into detail, and there are several Deva experts involved: Starting from session one, we will be talking to the Deva of your project; then, we will also listen to nine other Devas who will support your project with their expertise; and additionally, we will also work with the Deva of Integration. 

Read more, here.

Enrolment (for beta testers) is now open until April 30, 2024.

I look forward to connecting with you and with the Deva of your project!

Much love to you and talk soon,



Es ist schon eine Weile her, seit ich das letzte Mal geschrieben habe, aber es gibt einen guten Grund dafür: Seit Mitte Februar habe ich hinter den Kulissen ein frisches Energy Healing Programm ausgearbeitet – und jetzt ist es endlich soweit: 

Hier kommt Listening to the Devas – ein leckeres individuelles Energy Healing Programm, in dem Du und ich mit der Intelligenz der Natur zusammenarbeiten. Dafür gemacht, eine bisher unaufgeräumte Ecke Deines Lebens in ein Projekt zu verwandeln, das sich feiern lässt!

Mein neues Programm ist prall gefüllt mit gechannelten Infos, und es ist für diejenigen, die sich in der Mitte ihres Lebens befinden (35 > 65) und ein persönliches Projekt mit Hilfe der Devas transformieren und verschönern wollen – und die dafür zusätzlich auch gern Energy Healing in Anspruch nehmen möchten. 

Es ist ein Live Programm (via Zoom), es ist komplett auf Dich zugeschnitten, es dauert 13 Sessions lang, es geht ins Detail, und es sind mehrere Deva Expert*innen involviert: Gleich ab der ersten Session sprechen wir mit der Deva Deines Projekts; wir hören im Verlauf des Programms neun zusätzlichen Devas zu, die Dein Projekt mit ihrer Expertise unterstützen; und wir arbeiten außerdem mit der Deva of Integration zusammen. 

Hier findest Du alle Infos.

Bis 30. April 2024 kannst Du Dich (als Beta-Tester*in) anmelden.

Ich freue mich drauf, mit Dir und mit Deiner Projekt-Deva zusammenzuarbeiten!

Bis bald und viele liebe Grüße,


New limited offer: Oracle Readings

I’ve been pulling oracle cards for some friends recently, and there seems to be an underlying theme: Apparently, the energy we need to tap into for the rest of the year is a different one compared to what we’ve been working with for the past eight months. What that new energy is is specific for each person, of course, but there is this distinct shift that seems to be happening right now.

For example, I am currently learning how to work more closely with a particular group of guides in my team who support my energy work skills, and it’s a bit of a learning curve, to say the least. What I seem to be shifting into is a deepening and a refinement that wasn’t available for me at the beginning of the year.

And since a similar (though very personal) energetic shift seems to be happening for many of us, I have decided to offer Oracle Readings to help you understand what your own energetic shift could mean for you. So, for a short period of time (September 15 to September 30, 2020), you can request one 30-minute reading via Zoom with me, free of charge.

Here’s how we will work together:

In our Zoom call, you will ask your question, and I will draw a card for you which contains a specific message. In a second step, we will ask your #innerwisdomsystem to give us some additional information to help you understand that message. Typically, that additional information will come through as a visual, but your system might choose to send a song or a second verbal message, instead. We’ll let your system and your team of guides decide how they would like to relay their messages to you, and if past readings are any indication, you will most definitely also receive some piece of homework from your team, towards the end of our reading.   

Please note that there are a few rules:

First, I want to give those who have never worked with me a bit of an advantage, since all of you who are my regular clients are already “in”. So, newbies, to the front: You get to request your spots, first.

Second, there is only a certain range of questions I can help you with:

  1. your relationship with yourself and with your #innerwisdomsystem / intuition
  2. your relationships with others, and
  3. your relationship with society and with the world.

Third, I cannot answer yes / no questions, and there are a few more no-gos: no legal questions, no medical questions, no questions regarding somebody else’s issues (e.g. “will my best friend ever find true love?”). Also, I reserve the right to deny a request for a reading at my discretion if that particular request doesn’t align with my values.

Deal? Book yours here. Talk soon!

P.S.: Und ja, wir können das Oracle Reading natürlich auch gern auf Deutsch abhalten.

Some thoughts on Yogi Bhajan’s transgressions

We live in a time where secrets don’t stay secret for too long. Thankfully, this also means that the spiritual scene all over the globe has begun to face its own collective shadows, addressing allegations against some spiritual teachers who seem to have abused their powers and who seem to have violated their student’s boundaries left and right. Sadly, the Kundalini Yoga scene is no exception: About a week ago, a thorough report on Yogi Bhajan’s sexual and spiritual transgressions was released (click here for the link, if you’d like to read it). It’s quite an explicit document, and the ways in which he seems to have abused his position as a spiritual leader to manipulate and mistreat members of his personal staff become quite apparent throughout the report. The document cites both victims as well as people who are trying to rescue his reputation, and interestingly, both sides paint a similar picture, describing his domineering, authoritarian character in detail.

When I began practicing Kundalini Yoga a few years after his death, I didn’t know anything about the man, Yogi Bhajan. I had been looking for ways to deal with chronic pain, and a friend recommended Kundalini Yoga as a type of yoga “that does things to you, energetically, and it’s hard to explain. It just works.” Which was exactly how I experienced it. So, I only ever saw Kundalini Yoga as a collection of energy work tools, and I never followed the religious side of Yogi Bhajan’s teachings. Also, I guess I was lucky to receive my training from teachers who refrained from any kind of cult-like reverence when it came to him as a person.

Reading the report on his transgressions must be hard for those who saw him as their personal guru. Apparently, he was one of those spiritual teachers who didn’t live by his own teachings, and I feel for those who are now questioning everything.

Sexual violence is a beast, and unfortunately, Yogi Bhajan was one of many spiritual teachers who were fascinated by its darkness. I’ve worked with several clients over the years who suffered from abuse at the hands of their own spiritual teachers, and clearly, there’s still a lot of work to be done if we truly want to transmute the energies of sexual violence on this planet.

My heart goes out to all who trusted their spiritual teachers and had their trust betrayed. Life is not fair, sometimes.

A card drawn from Danielle Laporte’s Truthbomb Deck Vol. 1, saying: “Freedom worships inquiry”
(no affiliation, not sponsored)

Are you using your Inner Wisdom System?

Many spiritual teachers predicted that the years between 2012 and 2038 would be a transition into a whole new era.

Our consciousness would become more sophisticated, they said. And we would shift into a more ecologically healthy way of being. Life would become more peaceful, we would connect with our soul families, and we would all become the proud owners of some excellent intuitive gifts that would help us create a whole new world built on justice and freedom. 

For a while, I just assumed that this meant that we would get easy access to our intuitive wisdom all by ourselves, and that we would then automatically download our personal goals for this lifetime… and that we would basically all become happier and happier, in the process.

For some of us, this is exactly what has been happening.

For others – and I think this is the majority – it’s been different: We know something needs to change, and so we’ve been practicing Yoga and meditation. We’ve read all the wisdom teachings to get some answers. We might even have gone through some spiritual training or other. And we think we know how to work with our intuition.

But then again, the results we are getting from doing all of that inner work haven’t been what we thought they would be.

Our minds are still stressed, and we can’t really tell if we’re headed in the right direction. Our relationships haven’t improved much. Our intuitive guidance often doesn’t give us any clear answers. And we are not exactly sure how we can keep holding our inner strength when every week, there’s another major social, ecological or personal challenge to be dealt with (COVID-19, neo-fascists trying to undermine democracy, heat waves happening in Siberia, floods all across the globe… the list seems endless).

In other words, life has not magically turned into the love-fest those spiritual teachers saw coming.

Or, rather: Not, yet.

And I think that’s because many spiritual teachings are missing one important step: Customisation.

The times we are living in are an invitation to begin creating a personal relationship with all of these elements that make up your inner wisdom system.

It’s not enough to know that there’s a third eye in you, which, theoretically, can pick up on intuitive guidance. You need to know how, exactly, your inner wisdom is speaking to you, personally, and how you can differentiate between a thought and your intuitive insights. You need to have reference points for what your inner guidance sounds like, and whether it’s coming from your Guides, your soul, your heart, or some other place like the Earth, or your future self.

So, the times we are living in are an invitation to getting some answers to some big questions, such as:

  • What is the concrete mission my soul has envisioned, for this lifetime?
  • Which part of my inner wisdom system can help me make important decisions from a place of integrity and self-knowing, when life is as unpredictable as it is right now?
  • How can I ground my closest relationships in love+trust+respect and transform them into mutually enriching partnerships and friendships that will survive any chaos?
  • And how can I stay connected to my inner guidance, use its wisdom to consciously evolve with a rapidly changing world, and contribute to creating a better life for us all, without burning out in the process?

These are some of the questions you should be asking yourself right now.

I would like to invite you to have a look at my new Session Cycle called Your Inner Wisdom System, and see if you feel that my work could support you in these times. We don’t have to start with a full-on, 12-Session Cycle. A single session or a 4-Session Package can be a powerful beginning.

If you like what you see on my Inner Wisdom System page, meet me for a non-binding Intro Consultation via Zoom, and let’s ask your inner wisdom system to give you some clarifying insights into a particular question that is bugging you, right now. This is how all of my coaching relationships start.

Send me a note via my Contact Page if you are interested, and I’ll send you a link to my online scheduling system, where you can choose an appointment for our Intro Consultation that suits you.

I look forward to working with you!

The subtle ways of your intuition

“You don’t need to wait for a full blown crisis before recognizing that there is a system of guidance that is always communicating with you and ultimately serving your highest and best. Slow down and listen. When you begin to listen to your intuition you will be able to side step so many relationships, situations, and experiences that create heartache.” – Maryam Hasnaa

Can you remember the ways in which you picked up on the latest piece of intuitive guidance that came your way?

Did you receive an inner download, informing you about your next best step? Did you experience a full-body sensation that felt like you “had to” walk in a certain direction, or talk to a particular person? Did you feel called by a subtle sensation to create something very specific and unique to you?

All of these experiences are channels your soul can choose to speak to you, and there are many more ways in which you can receive your inner wisdom. You may have heard of these four:


is an inner hearing which detects intuitive audio messages. When you choose to channel your soul’s guidance through your clairaudience, your inner wisdom can come to you as single words, or as whole streams of sentences, or even as songs that are playing on a loop inside your mind. That is how my clairaudience often works: It will wake me up with a song on my mind, and as the day progresses, that song will eventually answer a question for me.


is an intuitive sense which downloads information from your soul straight into your conscious mind, often while using non-verbal formats. Channeling information through your claircognizance means that you “just know” things, without receiving any imagery or audible messages, per se. It can be difficult to learn how to trust in this sense, at first. Being brought up in a modern society, many of us have been overloaded with so many verbal and visible messages streaming through our physical senses that the claircognizant way of knowing seems to be too subtle, sometimes. Nevertheless, messages coming through your claircognizance are just as precise as the ones coming in on the wings of an intuitive image or via a verbal message.


is a clear inner perception which helps you to understand intuitive guidance via your body’s feelings and sensations. Channeling information through your clairsentience can get tricky if you are prone to enmeshing with the sensations other people are feeling. So, using this clair sense is always an invitation to set up clear energetic boundaries. I remember how when I started out with my Energy Work practice, I would feel everything my client was feeling, which became rather difficult for me – because it meant that I wasn’t clear on where my energy fields ended and where my client’s energies started. So, I had to learn how to differentiate between the energies that had to come through in order for me do understand my own guidance, and the energies that made me feel that I was moving too close to my client’s boundaries. In other words, even if your body is able to pick up on the most subtle sensations, it doesn’t mean you absolutely need to make yourself available to feel everything that is coming through. Allow yourself to set clear boundaries when it comes to this channel, and to limit the ways in which you want to receive messages through it, e.g. by stating that you do not want to channel through pain, or through physical tension.


is an inner seeing, and it means that your soul is communicating with you by sending images into your third eye. When your clairvoyance is one of your main channels, it takes a certain amount of practice to learn how to differentiate between your imagination and your soul’s intuitive guidance. That’s because when you imagine things, these made-up images tend to come in through your third eye, too – just as intuitive images do. However, the images you receive from your soul are alive. In other words, at some point you will notice that these intuitive images start to behave in ways you wouldn’t have imagined, sending you signs and symbols to clearly let you know that they are talking to you. Allowing those intuitive images to play out their messages without interrupting them – nor moving back into your imagination – is how you can learn how to discern your intuitive guidance from fantasy.

Some more subtle ways of perceiving

There are many more, even subtler ways of perceiving, which sometimes use senses we tend to not be very familiar with:

For example, there is a way of understanding dreams as messages, and some of us even have the ability to communicate with their soul through dream consciousness, as if they were talking to a good friend.

Or, there is this thing where a certain spaciousness opens up around you, which seems to be untied to this Earth and its physicality – and this spaciousness can send you clear messages through perceptions that are not feelings, per se, but something even more subtle. As a child, I would often drift into this space just before I went to sleep, and it took me a long time to understand all the ways in which this space was sending my soul’s messages to me.

And then, there is an inner sense which can pick up on messages through your connection with the elements of this planet, which means that you can receive guidance through fire, water, earth or air.

And so on.

The list of intuitive senses through which we can perceive soul-guidance is probably endless. Clairaudience, clairvoyance, claircognizance and clairsentience are just the most common ones.

Try this:

Next time you are picking up on an intuitive hit, become curious: Which channel did that piece of guidance use to get to you? Which of your clair senses were involved? Was it just one of your inner senses, or a combination of two or more?

Did you hear a voice?

Did you see an image?

Did you feel a sensation?

Did your mind download a piece of knowledge?

Did you receive guidance in some other way?

Which of your clair senses feels like the one your soul is using most often to send you messages?

Could you allow that clair sense to open up just a tiny bit more?

Also, which permission would you need to give yourself so you could take your intuitive hits (more) seriously?

Stay curious. Ask your soul to help you recognise your channels clearly. And then ask your soul to show you what you need to know, today, to get to where you want to be.

If you need any help with understanding your clair senses, contact me. It’s a big part of my work to help you sense-see-feel which of your intuitive channels have been waiting to open up more for you.

How long until I’m fully healed?

Healing doesn’t happen over night. Until it does.

As humans, we evolve in spirals, I believe. Arriving at the same point of realisation, again and again. Once you add some inner work to your life, that same realisation will look more polished, and sparklier, and more interesting though, after every round. It will start to feel like relief, and crispness, and freedom. Because every time you arrive anew, you will see a new possibility for choosing a sweeter mode of being where there was none, before.

And all of the internal shifts you have taken will have been necessary stepping stones for you to arrive at this exact view point.

And all of the energy blocks you have released along the way will have made lifting yourself up those steps easier and easier.

And all of those late nights when all you could do was to inch your way through this obstacle course called life, will have been life-giving.

As you keep doing your inner work, you will notice how, at some point, an old emotional wound will have healed. As if over night. And you will find that you’ve moved yourself up, another round up the spiral.

How to hold your inner strength

The more things are being driven into chaos all around us, the more important it is for each of us to be able to draw from our own inner strength. And because there is so much violence and fear that is getting swirled up, it can be difficult to access that kind of strength within ourselves.

Holding (and using) your spiritual strength is like the ability to control your breathing: It is like using all of those small muscles in your torso to draw in a full deep breath, expanding your ribcage and your belly, and to then let your lungs let out the air again, in a steady and controlled stream, until your solar plexus softens and gets ready to draw the next breath in.

Some energetic part of you knows how to pull your inner strength into yourself, how to hold it, and how to then release it and use it, in a very deliberate way.

For some of us, using our spiritual power means to hold our ground in a heated argument and to channel peace – even though we’re scared – and to direct all parties involved towards focusing on a specific solution to a specific problem. 

For some of us, using our spiritual power means to move with our creative instincts and to keep working on a project until it feels right, before we release it – even though fear would rather have us put out a half-finished version, instead, just to be done with it.

For some of us, using our spiritual power means to trust our intuitive senses and to gently hold space when our relationship grids are evolving into a new direction, even when our PTSD triggers would have us fall into fight, flight, freeze or fawn at the slightest sign of distress.

For many of us, it is very difficult to reconnect to that kind of inner strength.

We try to take a deep breath inwards, but our diaphragm keeps trembling, and it feels like our lungs are not filling up the way we would need them to.

And we try to push our fear-based stress responses against an ever-changing world, because we haven’t learned how to trust ourselves.

We can’t remember what it is like to let our spiritual muscles hold us, move us, keep us safe.

Try this

Developing your ability to draw from your inner spiritual strength takes practice. And you won’t be able to get there by yourself. We need each other to become ourselves. So, here are my two cents: A list of transformational practices that can help you hold your inner strength – and if you need support with any of those practices, contact me. It’s what I do. 

  • Develop a daily spiritual practice that makes sense to you, and keep it up.
  • Do the necessary healing work and release as much personal and collective trauma from your system as possible, until you feel like yourself again. This is the most difficult part. And unfortunately, it will cost you: Time, energy, money, sometimes relationships, and many illusions. 
  • Rebuild your personal boundaries – on an energetic level first, and then through action and words. Be mindful of what you will and won’t allow to happen in your relationships with other people, and be as good a friend to yourself as you are a friend to those you love.
  • Learn how to hold your personal space, and use your breath and your intent to regularly center and ground yourself into that line of light that flows up and down your spine, down through the heart of earth, and up through the center of your soul – in an endless loop, going up and down. It is your lifeline to the love and nourishment coming to you from Earth, and it is a direct hotline to your soul’s intuitive wisdom and power.
  • Get clear on who you are, at soul level, and then translate that expertise into your human life. This can be tricky, because we tend to be a bit blind to ourselves. So, find someone who can help you understand yourself. The clearer you get on who you are, the more you will be able to fully engage with your gifts and talents and bring them to life. 
  • Stay focused on your own experience, and stay close to the people you trust.
  • Keep building a world you would like to live in. And find a bigger cause you can support, outside of what you can do, as an individual.
  • Don’t get discouraged if you can “only” work on one single issue to help create a better world. That one single issue will touch many lives. Keep it up. Ask your soul to let you know how you can use your creativity to unfold that one single issue, in the best way possible, and then fill it with life.

Do you need help with any of these practices? Contact me. It’s all part of my work.

Image: One of my Symmetric Light Series pieces: Fresh greenery in front of a concrete wall
©️ Lilly Mackuth 2019

Your soul has an inner structure

Just as a dry little seed holds the full DNA of a flower, your soul’s innate structure holds all the information on who you are.

A flower’s DNA holds information on how its plant will react to floods or droughts, how it will play with bees and other pollinators, how it will copy its inner system and create new generations of plants, and so on.

It’s a very neutral process of growth, bloom, death and rebirth that plays out every day, right outside our windows.

Similarly, your soul’s inner structure knows who you are.

Its inner wisdom knows how you will react to the societal challenges you grow up in, how you will move through joyful or traumatic experiences, how you will connect with souls that are compatible to yours, how you will give birth to new ideas, etc.

In order to make sense of your soul’s structure, what’s required of you is to learn how to tune in, connect to your soul and download its wisdom. Your body is aware of that wisdom, your heart is, too, but your mind may have its doubts about the details.

And since we live in a very brain-focused world, your mind needs to be made conscious of certain truths within you for you to be able to actively live as yourself.

Try this:

Get yourself into a centered, meditative state and bring your awareness into your line of light, as it flows up and down your spine, down to the heart of earth, and up to the center of your soul, in a never-ending loop.

Once you’re tuned into that line of light, ask your #innerwisdomsystem to send you an energetic image of your soul’s original structure, and receive it through your mind’s eye.

Meditate on that image.

See if you can make out your soul’s colours and inner workings.

Watch how it reacts when other souls are in its vicinity.

Ask your soul some simple questions and fine-tune your inner senses to receive its answers.

What do you notice?

To close, gently focus on the way your body is breathing, feel your feet on the ground, wiggle your toes, and come back to your here and now.

One of my Symmetric Light Series pieces: Green lichen growing on an old piece of pink concrete
©️ Lilly Mackuth, 2018

Almost ashamed

There was a time when I felt almost ashamed when speaking about the more unusual aspects of my work – the past life healings, the Reiki-like hand movements, the practical advice coming from my Spirit Guides and ancestors – because these things were just too “out of this world”.

Until I realised that this was ancient work.

Work that had existed in all cultures, all over the world, since the beginning of time.

And that even the Bavarian culture that I (partly) grew up with still had traces of this kind of work hidden under seasonal rituals and ancient tales.

And that’s when things got interesting.

So if you’re ready for some ancient spiritual work translated into modern times, contact me. I’m happy to connect you to your own intuitive wisdom that has been with you since the beginning of time.