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Are you using your Inner Wisdom System?

Many spiritual teachers predicted that the years between 2012 and 2038 would be a transition into a whole new era.

Our consciousness would become more sophisticated, they said. And we would shift into a more ecologically healthy way of being. Life would become more peaceful, we would connect with our soul families, and we would all become the proud owners of some excellent intuitive gifts that would help us create a whole new world built on justice and freedom. 

For a while, I just assumed that this meant that we would get easy access to our intuitive wisdom all by ourselves, and that we would then automatically download our personal goals for this lifetime… and that we would basically all become happier and happier, in the process.

For some of us, this is exactly what has been happening.

For others – and I think this is the majority – it’s been different: We know something needs to change, and so we’ve been practicing Yoga and meditation. We’ve read all the wisdom teachings to get some answers. We might even have gone through some spiritual training or other. And we think we know how to work with our intuition.

But then again, the results we are getting from doing all of that inner work haven’t been what we thought they would be.

Our minds are still stressed, and we can’t really tell if we’re headed in the right direction. Our relationships haven’t improved much. Our intuitive guidance often doesn’t give us any clear answers. And we are not exactly sure how we can keep holding our inner strength when every week, there’s another major social, ecological or personal challenge to be dealt with (COVID-19, neo-fascists trying to undermine democracy, heat waves happening in Siberia, floods all across the globe… the list seems endless).

In other words, life has not magically turned into the love-fest those spiritual teachers saw coming.

Or, rather: Not, yet.

And I think that’s because many spiritual teachings are missing one important step: Customisation.

The times we are living in are an invitation to begin creating a personal relationship with all of these elements that make up your inner wisdom system.

It’s not enough to know that there’s a third eye in you, which, theoretically, can pick up on intuitive guidance. You need to know how, exactly, your inner wisdom is speaking to you, personally, and how you can differentiate between a thought and your intuitive insights. You need to have reference points for what your inner guidance sounds like, and whether it’s coming from your Guides, your soul, your heart, or some other place like the Earth, or your future self.

So, the times we are living in are an invitation to getting some answers to some big questions, such as:

  • What is the concrete mission my soul has envisioned, for this lifetime?
  • Which part of my inner wisdom system can help me make important decisions from a place of integrity and self-knowing, when life is as unpredictable as it is right now?
  • How can I ground my closest relationships in love+trust+respect and transform them into mutually enriching partnerships and friendships that will survive any chaos?
  • And how can I stay connected to my inner guidance, use its wisdom to consciously evolve with a rapidly changing world, and contribute to creating a better life for us all, without burning out in the process?

These are some of the questions you should be asking yourself right now.

I would like to invite you to have a look at my new Session Cycle called Your Inner Wisdom System, and see if you feel that my work could support you in these times. We don’t have to start with a full-on, 12-Session Cycle. A single session or a 4-Session Package can be a powerful beginning.

If you like what you see on my Inner Wisdom System page, meet me for a non-binding Intro Consultation via Zoom, and let’s ask your inner wisdom system to give you some clarifying insights into a particular question that is bugging you, right now. This is how all of my coaching relationships start.

Send me a note via my Contact Page if you are interested, and I’ll send you a link to my online scheduling system, where you can choose an appointment for our Intro Consultation that suits you.

I look forward to working with you!


Hi, I'm Lilly Mackuth. I'm an intuitive guide, an energy worker & a transformational life coach for holistically oriented experts, creatives & leaders. Together, we'll look at your life through an energy lens, which will give you clarity, deep self-knowing, and your next steps.

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