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Your soul has an inner structure

Just as a dry little seed holds the full DNA of a flower, your soul’s innate structure holds all the information on who you are.

A flower’s DNA holds information on how its plant will react to floods or droughts, how it will play with bees and other pollinators, how it will copy its inner system and create new generations of plants, and so on.

It’s a very neutral process of growth, bloom, death and rebirth that plays out every day, right outside our windows.

Similarly, your soul’s inner structure knows who you are.

Its inner wisdom knows how you will react to the societal challenges you grow up in, how you will move through joyful or traumatic experiences, how you will connect with souls that are compatible to yours, how you will give birth to new ideas, etc.

In order to make sense of your soul’s structure, what’s required of you is to learn how to tune in, connect to your soul and download its wisdom. Your body is aware of that wisdom, your heart is, too, but your mind may have its doubts about the details.

And since we live in a very brain-focused world, your mind needs to be made conscious of certain truths within you for you to be able to actively live as yourself.

Try this:

Get yourself into a centered, meditative state and bring your awareness into your line of light, as it flows up and down your spine, down to the heart of earth, and up to the center of your soul, in a never-ending loop.

Once you’re tuned into that line of light, ask your #innerwisdomsystem to send you an energetic image of your soul’s original structure, and receive it through your mind’s eye.

Meditate on that image.

See if you can make out your soul’s colours and inner workings.

Watch how it reacts when other souls are in its vicinity.

Ask your soul some simple questions and fine-tune your inner senses to receive its answers.

What do you notice?

To close, gently focus on the way your body is breathing, feel your feet on the ground, wiggle your toes, and come back to your here and now.

One of my Symmetric Light Series pieces: Green lichen growing on an old piece of pink concrete
©️ Lilly Mackuth, 2018


Hi, I'm Lilly Mackuth. I'm an intuitive guide, an energy worker & a transformational life coach for experts, creatives & leaders who like to look at life, holistically. Together, we'll go to where the good spirits live, and bring back clarity, deep knowing, and next steps for your life.

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