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New limited offer: Oracle Readings

I’ve been pulling oracle cards for some friends recently, and there seems to be an underlying theme: Apparently, the energy we need to tap into for the rest of the year is a different one compared to what we’ve been working with for the past eight months. What that new energy is is specific for each person, of course, but there is this distinct shift that seems to be happening right now.

For example, I am currently learning how to work more closely with a particular group of guides in my team who support my energy work skills, and it’s a bit of a learning curve, to say the least. What I seem to be shifting into is a deepening and a refinement that wasn’t available for me at the beginning of the year.

And since a similar (though very personal) energetic shift seems to be happening for many of us, I have decided to offer Oracle Readings to help you understand what your own energetic shift could mean for you. So, for a short period of time (September 15 to September 30, 2020), you can request one 30-minute reading via Zoom with me, free of charge.

Here’s how we will work together:

In our Zoom call, you will ask your question, and I will draw a card for you which contains a specific message. In a second step, we will ask your #innerwisdomsystem to give us some additional information to help you understand that message. Typically, that additional information will come through as a visual, but your system might choose to send a song or a second verbal message, instead. We’ll let your system and your team of guides decide how they would like to relay their messages to you, and if past readings are any indication, you will most definitely also receive some piece of homework from your team, towards the end of our reading.   

Please note that there are a few rules:

First, I want to give those who have never worked with me a bit of an advantage, since all of you who are my regular clients are already “in”. So, newbies, to the front: You get to request your spots, first.

Second, there is only a certain range of questions I can help you with:

  1. your relationship with yourself and with your #innerwisdomsystem / intuition
  2. your relationships with others, and
  3. your relationship with society and with the world.

Third, I cannot answer yes / no questions, and there are a few more no-gos: no legal questions, no medical questions, no questions regarding somebody else’s issues (e.g. “will my best friend ever find true love?”). Also, I reserve the right to deny a request for a reading at my discretion if that particular request doesn’t align with my values.

Deal? Book yours here. Talk soon!

P.S.: Und ja, wir können das Oracle Reading natürlich auch gern auf Deutsch abhalten.


Hi, I'm Lilly Mackuth. I'm an intuitive guide, an energy worker & a transformational life coach for holistically oriented experts, creatives & leaders. Together, we'll look at your life through an energy lens, which will give you clarity, deep self-knowing, and your next steps.

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