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Put your gifts into action

Your human nature and your unique soul patterns hold gifts for you that are independent of all of the social markers that we usually see when we look at ourselves. Underneath your status, your line of work, your gender, your culture, and your beliefs, you are equipped with unique strengths and gifts.

But all of those gifts mean nothing unless you put them into action.

Maybe you know how to steer a difficult conversation towards peace, and how to build a sustainable network of relationships that are rooted in justice and love.

Maybe you know how to ask the right questions – questions that help somebody else understand what their system needs in order to feel good. (That’s one of my gifts, btw.)

Maybe you know how to get people to work as a team, and how to pull all of their strengths together to create the most elegant outcomes for the most difficult projects.

Whatever they are, your unique gifts naturally start to flow through you once you are aligned with the core of your being. Your soul’s gifts have been with you for many lifetimes, and nobody taught you how to work them. You just know how to use them – intuitively, even when you’re half asleep – once you are in a state of self-trust.

And the world needs your unique gifts right now. Put them into action. It’s time. And it doesn’t matter if you make a big career out of them, or if you “only” use your gifts in your personal life. Just don’t ignore them, please. Ignorance is boring.

If you need any help with this, let’s talk. I’m here to help.

Crises are a natural part of life

Do you cut your own hair? I’m guessing you let a professional stylist do that job.

Do you manage your finances all by yourself? I’m assuming you have at least one person who helps you make sense of your numbers.

Do you provide your own entertainment? Presumably, you’re enjoying the work of professional artists when you netflix at night.

So why would you not also hire a professional to help you dissolve all those big and small relationship crises that are a natural part of life?

You don’t have to go through this alone.

Contact me if you’d like some help.

New Service: Short Energy Update Sessions

A few weeks ago, I offered to do some short Energy Healing Sessions to everyone on my newsletter list, to help with the current energetic and spiritual challenges we are all going through as this crazy year comes to an end. And apparently, this kind of support is a bigger need than I expected: You responded, you loved my little offer, and you wanted more.

So, starting today, I am adding a new service to my repertoire: Short Energy Update Sessions.

For everyone who doesn’t have time for a full-on private Session with me.

Or, for anyone who needs a little pick-me-up during a stressful period.

Or, for you, if you’re curious and would like to invest in a relaxing, refreshing, re-energizing dose of well-being for yourself, or do a quick check-in with your Inner Wisdom Sources (e.g. your Spirit Guides or your ancestors).

Here’s an overview:

Short Energy Update Session

  • energy updates to support your current physical, emotional, mental or spiritual process
  • through customised Energy Work (similar to remote Reiki, but more intense, and always customized to your needs)
  • and Intuitive Guidance (e.g. via your Spirit Guides)
  • short and sweet: 45 minutes, and we’re done
  • via video conference (e.g. Skype)
  • your contribution: 75 Euros
  • safe and easy payment via PayPal

Contact me to schedule your first Energy Update Session. 

Speak soon!

P.S.: If you’d like to schedule a Session for the last two weeks of December, let me know. I have a few tiny spots left before we say good-night to 2016.
