The difficult conversations are the ones I remember.
It is never easy to start these conversations. But there is beauty in “difficult”.
Because these conversations take me to places I have never been. Places where I have to navigate from my heart, work with the bold kind of tenderness that lives there, and fully be myself with someone who might not see the world like I do.
Where I have to trust that my courage is strong enough to get me through this. Even when I feel like a blubbery mess, in that moment.
I have a feeling that we will all need to start lots of difficult, messy, human conversations in the years to come.
Not just to share who we are with each other.
But to create the conditions for a different, peaceful reality.
If you’re ready for a difficult conversation (and some truth-seeking within yourself), feel free to contact me. I promise that the inner truth of what you are currently dealing with is way more beautiful than you might suspect.