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How to get centered and grounded

If you’ve spent a bit of time in the personal development world online, you may have noticed certain buzzwords:

“Centered”, for example.



“Tuned in”.

For me as an energy worker, all of those terms describe very specific states of being, and they mean very specific processes that I use in all of my Sessions. I’m not so sure if everyone who uses those words online uses them in the same way I do, though. So I thought I’d do a bit of disambiguation work today. Clarify two of those terms out there: “centered”, and “grounded”. And share one of my techniques to help you actually get centered, and get grounded.

Why? Because these two states of being are at the heart of every type of personal development. If you know how to get centered and grounded, you know how to pull yourself into yourself when things are chaotic around you, and you create an opening that lets you access your intuitive wisdom, even when your mind is spinning.

So here goes.

To “be centered”, in my vocabulary, means to clearly experience – and to be in inner conversation with – the essence of your soul, and to somatically feel that you are connected to your eternal self by an energetic stream (aka your “line of light”) that is flowing down to you, coming straight from the center of your soul.

To “be grounded”, in my book, means to have an awareness and a felt sense of the physical experience of living in a human body, and to be able to follow your subtle sensory link to the living organism that gives you life: Earth.

So when I say “to be centered and grounded”, what I mean is that you can sense a pulse, or an energetic stream, flowing through you, alternating between two poles: Your soul above, and the Earth below you. It means to me that you feel safe knowing that you are an eternal being in a physical body, and that you are fully aware of your existence, right here, right now.

Let’s get practical:

There is one specific technique to help you get centered and grounded that uses two chakras located outside of your physical body: Your 9th and your 10th chakras.

The 9th chakra, also known as the “seat of the soul”, is located above your crown.

The 10th chakra, also referred to as the “earth connection”, is located just below you, in the ground.

To me, those two chakras are representatives of your soul and the Earth. Like pocket sized versions of the two, perfectly placed if you want to safely center and ground yourself, using these two chakras as your two poles, above and below.

Try this

Sit down comfortably. If you can, keep your spine nice and tall.


Become aware of those small movements your body naturally makes as you inhale and exhale.

Now, bring your attention inwards, as if you were looking at your heart, and with your inner senses, follow that energetic stream (aka your line of light) that runs from the back of your heart down your spine, into the earth, and into your 10th chakra, below you.

Sense the dense energy, the compactness, the earthiness of that chakra.

Then, follow the energetic stream as it travels back up again, back into your body, up your spine, up and out your crown, and into your 9th chakra, above you.

Sense the shiny quality and the bright light of that chakra.

Keep your awareness on your line of light and sense-see-feel that pulsating loop of energy as it runs up and down between your earth connection below (your 10th chakra), your body in the middle, and the seat of your soul above (your 9th chakra).

Feel that pulse, that flow, that stream, that line of light, as it flows up and down, in an endless loop.

Get a felt sense of your connectedness to both poles, below and above: To your your earthiness below your feet, and to your shininess in the seat of your soul.

Hold your awareness on that pulsating energetic stream for as long as feels comfortable.

What do you notice?

To close, bring your awareness back into your heart, gently focus on the way your body is breathing, feel your feet on the ground, wiggle your toes, and come back to your here and now.

Edited to add: If you’d like to have me guide you through a similar meditation, have a look at this post. Enjoy!

You’ve been here before

The patterns you are experiencing in your relationships often date back hundreds of years. You meet and re-meet certain souls again and again, lifetime after lifetime, until you have learned to stay in integrity with yourself, in all of your relationships.

For example, with some souls, you learn how to set boundaries.

With others, you learn how to fall in love.

With others, still, you learn how to collaborate, negotiate, and create new ways of living.

Of course, this also means that meeting some particular souls will make you feel uncomfortable.

Some souls will push you into fighting for your freedom. It is not their intention to set you free, but in a twisted way, they will help you free yourself from manipulation so you can live a self-determined life. Do not allow the bullies, the gas lighters or the violent ones to crush your free will. Look for allies. We are everywhere.

Some souls you will have to deliberately invite into your life so you can learn how to love, even if that means that your vulnerabilities, anxieties and panic attacks will show up uninvited, too. Unfortunately, love doesn’t come if those three can’t come, too.

But, when panic attacks arise and they are triggered by joy, not by trauma, your heart is leading you into the dreams you didn’t dare to dream.

Let the souls who love you, love you, even if it feels almost overwhelmingly glorious.

And then there are souls who will lead you directly into facing your blind spots, and your ego will probably want to freeze and play dead. These souls will help you understand where your cultural biases are, where your privilege has made a comfortable nest for itself, and where you are not taking full responsibility for your actions.

Let this be uncomfortable. Learn. Grow. Let those souls be your teachers.

We live in a time where those ancient, repeated relationship patterns are coming up to the surface. To be examined by the light of day. And to be fully understood.

If you would like to get a soul history perspective and find out what your relationship patterns mean, and how you can transform them, let’s talk. I can help you see clearly.