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Collaborating with spirit guides: A bit of a How-To

These past six months have been wild for all of us, and unfortunately, this energetic instability will continue for quite some time. Life on earth is in a process of turbulence at the moment, which also means that our human lives are bound to see many more changes in the nearer future.

Which is why you made sure you would be bringing your Guides with you, before you incarnated into this life.

You and your Guides have agreed to be a team, working together, in this lifetime.

Ideally, this means that you know who your Guides are, you know what their specialties are, and you know how to communicate and collaborate with them in a structured, hands-on, down-to-earth way.

Ideally, you working with your Guides is a co-creation: You present them with what you know about a certain problem you want to solve, you ask them for solutions, and you then receive their answers.

Often, the biggest challenge here is to stay very open to receiving answers from your Guides that may be very different to what you thought those answers were going to be. The second challenge is to then use that surprising input to course-correct what may have been out of alignment before.

So, if you have been trying to solve an issue over the past six months and you haven’t been getting any results, you may have to see if you can improve the ways in which you are working with your Guides, so that they can help you find solutions.

Here are some guiding questions:

  • What does a “successful session” with your Guides look like, in your experience? Meaning, what is your process of asking them for their input, implementing that input, and then seeing results?
  • What do you do when you don’t understand your Guides’ messages? How do you proceed when their answers seem cryptic or vague?
  • How do you ask for clarification when their answers indicate that your assumptions about your original question may not have been correct? What is their concrete way of then helping you to look at the whole situation from a different angle?
  • How are you collaborating with your Guides on refining the big vision for your life? How has that vision changed, over the past six months? How are your Guides guiding you through this change?

Now is the time to get all of your inner wisdom tools in order, and the way you communicate with your Guides is one of the most important elements in your toolbox.

My Sessions – and in particular, my new Session cycle “Your Inner Wisdom System” – are designed to reconnect you with your inner wisdom tools in a powerful way. So if those guiding questions, above, have left you wondering about certain aspects of your collaboration with your Guides, then let’s work on that.

Have a look at the outline of my program, which goes into more detail when it comes to your toolbox, and see if it speaks to you. Here’s the link.

I look forward to connecting with you and with your wonderful team of Guides, soon!