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Work with nature

Polarity is natural in the world we live in. Ebb and flow, creation and destruction are two sides of the same life, and change and chaos are normal. How do you deal with this reality?

Option one

is to problem solve, micro manage, and to try to force unwanted chaos to realign with the order your rational mind wants to see.

Which usually means that the forces of nature will burst your bubble, at some point. For example, building an artificial river bed and expecting the waters to behave the way you want them to is absurd. There will be floods.

The same is true for any kind of interference with the natural forces that make up your life. Trying to force yourself to act against your own true nature does not work, in the long run. Your body will be the first to resist.

Option two

is to take a step back, face the facts, sink into intuitive creativity mode, let a vision arise out of your interconnectedness with life, and co-create with the nature of this planet.

Which means that your relationship with life changes, completely.

The two of you are working together now.

And life starts to tell you its secrets.

Feel free to reach out to me if you’re having difficulties understanding what life is trying to tell you. This is what my work is for.


Hi, I'm Lilly Mackuth. I'm an intuitive guide, an energy worker & a transformational life coach for experts, creatives & leaders who like to look at life, holistically. Together, we'll go to where the good spirits live, and bring back clarity, deep knowing, and next steps for your life.

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