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Free to disentangle // Ruhig aufdröseln

Let’s try something: From time to time, I’ll tune in with the Guides and ask them to share some inspiring messages. In particular, I will ask them to shine a light on those fields where intuition & relationships meet: How can our intuitive wisdom help enhance our relationships? And also, what does a healthy relationship with our intuition look like? Hope you’ll enjoy, and thank you for reading along! 

Here’s today’s message – use what resonates, leave the rest:

“You’re always free to turn towards your desire for your relationships to feel better. You’re always free to turn towards your intuitive wisdom that says, “I want my relationships to feel good”. You’re always free to turn towards disentanglement, groundedness, respect, sweetness. That’s what you long for, that’s what you want. So when your intuition says, “something feels entangled here, and that’s not right”, you’re always free to trust that, and to ask your intuitive wisdom for even more clarity. There’s a certain freedom in saying to yourself, “you know what, I’m going to trust my intuitive wisdom on that. If something feels off, it’s off, and I want better”.”

– The Guides

A bit of background information:

Sometimes, relationships don’t feel like two sovereign people having a good time with each other (and this can be true for any kind of relationship – romantic, platonic, familial, you name it). Sometimes, relationships between us humans can feel like there’s an energy there that’s entangled, twisted, not quite right. That is what this message is about. 

Some questions you could use if you’d like to take this message into your personal practice: Does this message feel timely? Does your intuition want to share anything with you, as you sense into this message?

Ich probier mal was aus: In der nächsten Zeit werde ich mich immer mal wieder mit den Guides verbinden und sie um ein paar inspirierende Messages bitten. Konkret soll es dabei um den Bereich gehen, wo sich Intuition & Beziehungsthemen treffen: Wie kann uns die Intuition dabei helfen, unser Beziehungsleben zu verschönern? Und wie sieht eigentlich eine gesunde Beziehung zur Intuition aus? Viel Spaß beim Lesen!

Die heutige Message – nimm das mit, was Dich anspricht, und ignorier den Rest:

“Du hast immer die Möglichkeit, Dich Deinem Wunsch nach besseren Beziehungen zuzuwenden. Du kannst Dich immer Deinem intuitiven Wissen zuwenden, wenn es Dir sagt, “ich möchte, dass sich meine Beziehungen gut anfühlen”. Du hast immer die Möglichkeit, Dich dem zuzuwenden, was sich nach Aufdröseln, Geerdetsein, Respekt und Süße anfühlt. Danach sehnst Du Dich, und das ist das, was Du willst. Wenn also Deine Intuition sagt, “irgendwas fühlt sich hier verdröselt an, und das ist nicht gut”, hast Du immer die Möglichkeit, dem zu vertrauen, und Dein intuitives Wissen darum zu bitten, Dir da noch mehr Klarheit rein zu bringen. Es liegt eine gewisse Freiheit darin, sich selbst zu sagen, “weißt Du was, ich vertrau da meinem intuitiven Wissen jetzt einfach. Wenn sich was ungut anfühlt, dann ist das ungut, und ich möchte da was Schöneres”.” 

– Die Guides

Ein bisschen Hintergrund-Info dazu:

Manchmal fühlen sich Beziehungen nicht so an, als würden da zwei Leute, die eigenständig sind, eine gute Zeit miteinander verbringen (und das kann sich jetzt auf alle möglichen Beziehungsarten beziehen – romantisch, platonisch, familienbezogen, usw.). Manchmal fühlen sich Beziehungen zwischen zwei Menschen eher so an, als wäre da eine Energie mit dabei, die verdröselt ist, oder verdreht, oder irgendwie nicht richtig. Darum geht es in dieser Message.

Ein paar Fragen für Dich, wenn Du diese Message mit in Deine persönliche Praxis nehmen möchtest: Fühlt sich das nach einer Message an, die zur rechten Zeit kommt? Möchte Dir Deine Intuition dazu was sagen?

Infos from Above // Infos von Oben

Let’s try something: From time to time, I’ll tune in with the Guides and ask them to share some inspiring messages. In particular, I will ask them to shine a light on those fields where intuition & relationships meet: How can our intuitive wisdom help enhance our relationships? And also, what does a healthy relationship with our intuition look like? Hope you’ll enjoy, and thank you for reading along! 

Today’s message – use what resonates, leave the rest:

“Your connection to the Above contains all the information you could ever want. Everything you ever wanted to know is available there. So if any part of your relationship life feels off, it means that there’s some data that has been trying to get to you, from Above. What it doesn’t mean, necessarily, is that you’ve done anything wrong or that something is broken, it just means that you’re missing a piece of information. That’s all. Get that information. It’s always ready and available for you.”

– The Guides

Here’s a bit of background info:

There’s a light connection to the Above that runs between Spirit, your soul and your physical self. Through this line of light, both information and energies can come to you. Humans have been using this channel since the times before time to connect to the intuitive wisdom of their souls and to receive downloads from the endless creativity & clarity of Spirit. This is the “Above” that this message is talking about.

Ich probier mal was aus: In der nächsten Zeit werde ich mich immer mal wieder mit den Guides verbinden und sie um ein paar inspirierende Messages bitten. Konkret soll es dabei um den Bereich gehen, wo sich Intuition & Beziehungsthemen treffen: Wie kann uns die Intuition dabei helfen, unser Beziehungsleben zu verschönern? Und wie sieht eigentlich eine gesunde Beziehung zur Intuition aus? Viel Spaß beim Lesen!

Die heutige Message – nimm das mit, was Dich anspricht, und ignorier den Rest:

“In der Verbindung nach Oben sind alle Infos, die man sich nur wünschen kann. Alles, was Du wissen willst, ist dort verfügbar. Das heißt, wenn sich in Deinem Beziehungsleben irgendwas seltsam anfühlt, heißt das, dass von Oben eigentlich Information an Dich rankommen möchte. Es heißt nicht unbedingt, dass Du irgendwas falsch gemacht hast oder dass was kaputt ist, sondern dass Dir Informationen fehlen. Das ist alles. Hol Dir diese Infos. Die sind immer parat für Dich.”

– Die Guides

Hier noch ein bisschen Hintergrund-Info dazu:

Es gibt eine Lichtverbindung nach Oben, die zwischen Spirit, Deiner Seele und Deinem physischen Selbst verläuft. Durch diese Lichtverbindung können Informationen zu Dir fließen, aber auch Energie. Menschen nutzen diesen Kanal seit jeher, um sich mit dem intuitiven Wissen ihrer Seele zu verbinden, und um Downloads aus der unendlichen Kreativität & Klarheit von Spirit zu erhalten. Und um dieses “Oben” geht es hier.

On getting those inner resources sorted

Let your inner world show you how to make the outer one run more smoothly

This is an invitation and an offer for consultants, leaders, teachers, creatives, coaches or healers (and for those of you who play in similar fields) who want to use their intuition more deliberately. It’s a fully revamped, newly updated version of my signature program, and I would love for you to join me!

“Your Inner Wisdom System” is…

…a fully customised Session Cycle that will make you fall in love with yourself as we explore your intuitive access to your inner wisdom over the course of 12 one-on-one Sessions.  

What to expect from this program: 

  • I’m taking you on a deep dive into your intuitive senses and you will consciously experience your inner wisdom, accumulated over centuries of living life after life
  • You learn to ask your inner wisdom for advice – and you also learn how to recognise wishful thinking before it can lead you astray
  • Together, we transform age-old fears that may have been blocking your intuitive wisdom from coming through
  • We use energy work to enhance your subtle energy fields and your energetic boundaries
  • Together, we develop custom tools for you to keep your personal energy fields well cared for
  • You learn how to consciously work with your soul, with the Earth, and with your helping spirits so they can support you energetically (e.g. if you want to release old energies or call in new ones)
  • Talking to your Guides, you will receive deep insights that will show you who you are; what makes you tick; and how to make life run more smoothly for you
  • With time and practice, you learn how to use your intuitive talents, deliberately
  • You create energetic self-care rituals that are anchored in your personal daily & weekly rhythms
  • And you learn how to use your inner wisdom to make decisions from a place of discernment, deep self-knowing and integrity 

My story: How I learned to use my own Inner Wisdom System

Years ago, when I was still a coaching newbie, I quickly realised that I was using inner resources I hadn’t been aware of before. I felt that in those early Sessions, I was cruising along as if on autopilot, and I somehow knew how to find the “right” coaching questions even though I didn’t have much experience in the field. It all felt very lovely, but I didn’t have a deeper understanding of what that was.

Read more

This is why I work with Guides

A few days ago, I asked the Guides for some input for my newsletter, so I pulled some Oracle Cards because that’s often a quick way for me to receive guidance. The funny thing was, I pulled the same card, twice – so apparently, its message seems to be particularly important, right now. Here’s what that card said: “No to resentment, yes to inspiration” (drawn from Danielle LaPorte’s Truthbomb deck – which, sadly, is out of print).

And to go with that card, the Guides showed me this image: 

Imagine there’s an artist, in her studio. She is looking at her easel, and she just realised that she doesn’t know how to proceed with the painting that’s in front of her – so, one option would be to just give up, of course. Or, she could try to find a new point of view and let some fresh inspiration in: She could turn her painting upside down. Or, she could take a photo of her painting to be able to see it from a more neutral point of view. Or, she could turn all the lights down in her studio and look at only the contours of the shapes on her painting, but not the colours. 

With the help of any of these methods, she will get to see her painting “with a fresh pair of eyes”, so to speak, which will help her to understand what it is that her painting might need to evolve – in a harmonious way – and become the thing it wants to become. 

That same technique can be used to work on any aspect of life: When you are open to looking at life from a non-ordinary perspective, and see things from a different angle, you will receive new inspiration to help you understand what it is that your life might need to evolve – in a harmonious way – and become the thing it wants to become.   

I tend to apply this technique by asking my Guides for help.

I pose simple questions, like “What am I not seeing, right now?” or “What do you think I should know about this issue? Where are my blind spots?” – and then, the Guides give me intuitive images and send some fresh new insights my way, which then help me to better understand my life and find new inspiration.   

In many of my Sessions, the Guides and I work together in this exact same way:

For example, when you come to me* for an Oracle Reading and pose your question, the card I pull for you is my entry point into starting a dialogue with my intuition – meaning, I start channelling what the Guides would like you to know, as an answer to your question. Usually, those answers come flowing quickly, like a waterfall, and after just a few minutes, the basic info is out. After that first part, the Guides then usually show me how you can apply the info you received in your Oracle Reading to your life, and I help you to make sense of it all. And after just 45 minutes, we’re all done.  

In my “big” Sessions, I collaborate with the Guides in a slightly different way: You get to experience, yourself, what your intuition and the Guides would like you to know.

In other words, at the beginning of a 90-Minute Session, you describe the issue you would like to work on, and then I help you to tune into your own intuition. This is where you will start to see inner images which the Guides are sending you, so you can see your situation “with a fresh pair of eyes”.

For example, the Guides can show you which of your inner children needs help if they don’t know how to deal with your current situation (yet). 

Or, the Guides can show you whether there’s a past life connected to you who is still stuck in an old emotional pattern, and who would like to find their way back to peace and freedom. 

Or, the Guides can send you images that can show you your issue like an inner landscape which you can “read” and understand, and which can show you what you might need to change in order to find a solution to your problem.  

It’s my job to help you receive those images and that kind of information through your own intuitive channels. And it’s also my job to help you understand how you can use that information and energetically apply it, so that your life can become more harmonious. 

Would like to try one of these options?

This is where you can book yourself an Oracle Reading (45 minutes, 50 Euros), and this is where you can schedule an Intro Consultation, which is basically a full trial Session, and which is open to anyone who has never worked with me before (overall cost: 75 Euros). 

My online calendar will safely guide you through your booking process, and appointments are now available for October, November, and December. 

I look forward to working with you!

*P.S.: At the moment, you can come and have your Sessions either live with me, here in Konstanz, or online, via Zoom. If you choose to come see me in person, please bring an FFP2 mask, since Covid infections are currently on the rise again.

Thank you!

Playful and easy, is what we imagine life to be like

The other day, my Guides gave me a very interesting image for what life feels like for our inner selves: They showed me how, before we incarnate into a human body, we imagine our human world to be a huge living playroom filled with many beautiful toys, and we imagine that there will be many beautiful people there, waiting for us to come play.

And then we come down to Earth, and life is not exactly the way we imagined it to be.

Yes, life is like a playroom filled with toys, and yes, there are many other people there, but in this room, things are a bit chaotic at first.

That room isn’t exactly tidy.

Also, some of the people who are playing with you in the very first years of your life are not necessarily the ones you really like the most. And what’s worse, those people may teach you that you are not allowed to play with the toys your heart longs for – and instead, they hand you toys which either don’t make sense to you, or which you don’t like to play with, or which you find quite boring. And it can take quite a long time to figure out where to find those playmates you really like to play with.

In other words, in most cases, you will have to tidy up this huge playroom – meaning, your life – before it can be any fun to play in it.

You might have to put away the toys your ancestors have left behind if those toys don’t match your personality. And you may have to repair certain toys that you yourself have left laying around in some of your previous lives. It’s quite possible that you will really love to play with those toys again, but for various reasons, they will need a makeover for this lifetime, or they won’t be any fun.

Then, you will have to figure out whether those games the grownups have taught you during childhood feel harmonious to who you are, or whether you would like to play some different games, instead. (This part can be very challenging to the nervous system, because it means that your mind will have to learn some new ways of thinking.)

And at some point, you will find out that there’s a whole section in that playroom where there are completely new things waiting for you to create whole new games with – games that will have never existed before. Spoiler alert: If you love Earth’s creative ever-changing energies, you’re going to love this section.

By the way, this whole process is the work that we do in all of my Sessions: We tidy up together. We repair things. We discover new things. And we have a look at your “playroom” as a whole (i.e. your life), and whether you like to play the way you do – or whether your play is still lead by the voices of your ancestors which might not be in tune with who you are.

I find this metaphor of life as a playroom quite fitting for the times we are living in (and I’m aware that I’m speaking from a privileged European perspective here):

These days, it’s relatively easy to energetically access those things that want to get “repaired” within you – e.g. those emotionally charged “toys” (i.e. your interests, preferences, gifts, etc.) that may have gotten damaged in the past.

Also, in the here and now, we have a lot of freedom to choose the people we want to play with.

Plus: We have lots of technologies and huge amounts of knowledge that are freely accessible, which means that there’s also lots of room to create new things.

Meaning, if we courageously face the inner reality of our “playroom”, our lives can become quite beautiful, and we can then play games that are quite fun.

There are a few prerequisites for that kind of fun, though.

First: You need to be willing to tidy up and to energetically repair the things that are not working for you. (I can help with that – no-one needs to do this by themselves.)

Second: You need to be open to follow your heart and to go look for those playmates you really really really want to play with.

And third: You need to stay curious and you need to actively seek out those creative opportunities the world is offering you – so that you can evolve alongside Earth and move forward with the current timeline.

On that note, enjoy your playroom!

Are we all clairvoyant?

Years ago, when I was working with a spiritual healer for the first time, I was so envious of the ways in which she talked to her Guides. She literally saw them sitting in a circle around her, and it was so easy for her to receive their messages.

My healer at the time was highly clairvoyant, meaning: The easiest way for her to connect with her Guides / her soul is to see images in her third eye. She receives meaningful images there, and her third eye is basically her intuitive news channel.

And I so wanted to see those images, too! But every time I tried to connect with my Guides / my soul through my third eye – I didn’t see a thing. No images, no news.

Until I noticed that there was a different channel I could use that was working just fine: My “claircognizance” – clear knowing. Which often works non-verbally, and which isn’t as image-rich as clairvoyance.

In other words: I had been so fixated on testing out my third eye that I had ignored my easiest access to my inner wisdom – because I didn’t know that my intuition could speak to me in that way. And all of a sudden, I could perfectly “hear” my Guides and my soul, and things got really interesting, really quick.

Do we all have access to our intuitive wisdom?


Are we all clairvoyant?

To a degree.

But: Everybody’s intuitive channels work differently.

So your third eye might not be your strongest option.

From my work with my clients I can safely say that everybody’s access to their intuition is as personal as our fingerprints, and it pays off to explore the ways in which your inner voice is speaking to you – and don’t be surprised if your inner voice is no voice at all, but rather an inner download, or a physical sensation that carries meaning, for example.

Here’s an offer for you if you’d like to explore your own intuitive channels:

My private, customised, 12-Session one-on-one program called “Your Inner Wisdom System” is going into its second year.

In three rounds of 4 Sessions each, you will learn how to use your intuitive channels, communicate with your Guides, ask your soul for guidance, and ground yourself & hold your energetic boundaries well. We will dive deep into the shimmering seas of your inner wisdom, and you will learn how to practice good energy hygiene and set up energising self-care rituals, at the same time. And once we’re through with those 12 Sessions, you will be the proud owner of a beautiful collection of spiritual tools which you will be able to use in any situation – consciously, and purposefully – to make decisions from a place of deep self-knowing and integrity.

You will truly get to know all the facets of who you are. And you will know how to ask for guidance – in particular, guidance coming from “your team”, i.e. those Guides & helping spirits that are here to support you, personally.

Have a look at all the details of what we will cover, here.

And if you feel that my Inner Wisdom System program speaks to you, book yourself a non-binding Intro Consultation with me, held via Zoom, here.

In this first conversation, you will get a first taste of what my program can do for you. And if you like my hors d’œuvre, we’ll discuss the whole menu.

Talk soon!

What do you call that feeling?

All of us are carrying around stuff in our lives that we know we’ll need to get sorted. And we’ve promised ourselves that we will – eventually: A repeated pattern that’s annoying, a habit that we don’t like about ourselves, an issue that we don’t like about our relationships, a certain thing we don’t like about our relationship with the world, etc. etc. Something that’s just not right, something that feels off.

We usually know what our personal “something” is.

And we usually also know what the emotional-energetic-physical feeling is that tells us that we’re going to have to look at our “something”, NOW.

It’s a feeling of urgency, and a feeling of intuitive knowing.

For many of us, that feeling is something that we’ve been trained not to feel, and that we’ve been trained not to listen to, but it’s going to get stronger and stronger.

And at some point you’ll notice – ok, NOW I want to find a healer, NOW I want to find a class to teach me how to deal with this thing, NOW I want to find an energy worker, a therapist, a coach… I want to find SOMEBODY who can help me.

So, my invitation to you is, look back at your life and see where in your life you’ve felt this feeling before – and you’ll know what it feels like. You’ve felt it before. It’s this strong inner knowing that says, “Now. Go. Do it.”

Can you identify that feeling?

Is now the time to dive into your “something”?

Is now the time to sort your “something” out?

How to release those fears that aren’t yours

I surprised myself the other day when I went live on Instagram for the first time – ever – and it turned out to be quite fun! Here’s the video, and there are a few more on my Instagram feed for your viewing pleasure.

In this guided energy work meditation, we are going to work with your subtle energies to release some fears that are inauthentic to your system. And in a second step, we are going to release some fears that others may have deliberately instilled in you.

To watch the video, click the play button on the image, above. Please forgive the abrupt beginning – there was a technical glitch there, but I still wanted to share the video here.

Intro – 00:00 to 08:54

Meditation – 08.55 to 27.07

Outro – 27.08 to 30.58


Release those fears that aren’t yours: An Energy Meditation
©️ Lilly Mackuth, 2020

Your inner business landscape – an energy meditation

If you ever wondered what the subtle energies of your business or your career might look like, this might be for you: It’s a live recording of an energy meditation I’ve been developing for some of my clients recently, and I thought I’d share. In this meditation, we will be taking a walk through the current inner landscape of your business or your career, letting your intuition guide you to certain energy places that hold wisdom for you. You will connect to specific energetic parts of your work life that hold images and symbols, guides and objects, which have the potential to reveal deep mystical insights for you. And once you have established a bit of a relationship with those energies – which mirror the energies of your business or your career – they will gladly support you in creating a work life that reflects your true self.

During this meditation, you will also get a chance to go to a place inside of your inner landscape where you can ask your business or your career a question. For your first few rounds, take a simple question with you when you go in. Ask, “what do I need to know now?”, or “what’s next?” Let the more complex questions arise from the landscape itself, once you’ve practiced this meditation for a while, and see where those new questions – and your landscape’s responses – take you.

Also, it is perfectly normal for your inner landscape to evolve as you go, so don’t be alarmed if your intuitive imagery changes as your career changes, and vice versa.

As with every every intuitive piece of information plucked from the ethers, you may get some answers you were not expecting. The energies of your career or your business might ask you to be more courageous, or more compassionate towards yourself, or more intentional about your lived values, than what you had originally anticipated.

Let your inner wisdom guide you.

Work with those elements that make sense to you, and leave the rest.

To listen to my meditation, click on the play button in the audio player, above.

To download the .mp3 for your personal collection, click on this Dropbox link.


Also, if you’d like some support as you demystify the inner workings of your business / your career, reach out. Helping you understand how to work with your life’s energies is what I do. I’ve got single sessions available, as well as some customized coaching programs. Looking forward to diving into your gorgeous business landscape with you!

Your Inner Business Landscape: An Energy Meditation
©️ Lilly Mackuth, 2020

Re-energize your system – an energy meditation

Here’s a short (8 minute) energy meditation you can use if you’d like to gently re-energize your system. In this meditation, I support you in tuning into your body, first, then into your line of light, second, to get centered and grounded, and in a third step, you and I will do a bit of Energy Work together. We’re inviting the Earth to fill you up on love, care, and sweetness, and we’re asking your soul to help you download some freshness, inspiration and clarity.

To listen, click on the play button in the audio, above.

And If you’d like to add this meditation to your personal collection and download my .mp3 onto your device, click on this Dropbox link.


P.S.: And if you’d like to read about the elements used in a meditation before you go in, and then engage your own Inner Wisdom System to guide yourself through, try this technique: How to get centered and grounded

Re-Energize Your System: An Energy Meditation
©️ Lilly Mackuth, 2020