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Your inner business landscape – an energy meditation

If you ever wondered what the subtle energies of your business or your career might look like, this might be for you: It’s a live recording of an energy meditation I’ve been developing for some of my clients recently, and I thought I’d share. In this meditation, we will be taking a walk through the current inner landscape of your business or your career, letting your intuition guide you to certain energy places that hold wisdom for you. You will connect to specific energetic parts of your work life that hold images and symbols, guides and objects, which have the potential to reveal deep mystical insights for you. And once you have established a bit of a relationship with those energies – which mirror the energies of your business or your career – they will gladly support you in creating a work life that reflects your true self.

During this meditation, you will also get a chance to go to a place inside of your inner landscape where you can ask your business or your career a question. For your first few rounds, take a simple question with you when you go in. Ask, “what do I need to know now?”, or “what’s next?” Let the more complex questions arise from the landscape itself, once you’ve practiced this meditation for a while, and see where those new questions – and your landscape’s responses – take you.

Also, it is perfectly normal for your inner landscape to evolve as you go, so don’t be alarmed if your intuitive imagery changes as your career changes, and vice versa.

As with every every intuitive piece of information plucked from the ethers, you may get some answers you were not expecting. The energies of your career or your business might ask you to be more courageous, or more compassionate towards yourself, or more intentional about your lived values, than what you had originally anticipated.

Let your inner wisdom guide you.

Work with those elements that make sense to you, and leave the rest.

To listen to my meditation, click on the play button in the audio player, above.

To download the .mp3 for your personal collection, click on this Dropbox link.


Also, if you’d like some support as you demystify the inner workings of your business / your career, reach out. Helping you understand how to work with your life’s energies is what I do. I’ve got single sessions available, as well as some customized coaching programs. Looking forward to diving into your gorgeous business landscape with you!

Your Inner Business Landscape: An Energy Meditation
©️ Lilly Mackuth, 2020