Let your inner world show you how to make the outer one run more smoothly
This is an invitation and an offer for consultants, leaders, teachers, creatives, coaches or healers (and for those of you who play in similar fields) who want to use their intuition more deliberately. It’s a fully revamped, newly updated version of my signature program, and I would love for you to join me!
“Your Inner Wisdom System” is…
…a fully customised Session Cycle that will make you fall in love with yourself as we explore your intuitive access to your inner wisdom over the course of 12 one-on-one Sessions.
What to expect from this program:
- I’m taking you on a deep dive into your intuitive senses and you will consciously experience your inner wisdom, accumulated over centuries of living life after life
- You learn to ask your inner wisdom for advice – and you also learn how to recognise wishful thinking before it can lead you astray
- Together, we transform age-old fears that may have been blocking your intuitive wisdom from coming through
- We use energy work to enhance your subtle energy fields and your energetic boundaries
- Together, we develop custom tools for you to keep your personal energy fields well cared for
- You learn how to consciously work with your soul, with the Earth, and with your helping spirits so they can support you energetically (e.g. if you want to release old energies or call in new ones)
- Talking to your Guides, you will receive deep insights that will show you who you are; what makes you tick; and how to make life run more smoothly for you
- With time and practice, you learn how to use your intuitive talents, deliberately
- You create energetic self-care rituals that are anchored in your personal daily & weekly rhythms
- And you learn how to use your inner wisdom to make decisions from a place of discernment, deep self-knowing and integrity
My story: How I learned to use my own Inner Wisdom System
Years ago, when I was still a coaching newbie, I quickly realised that I was using inner resources I hadn’t been aware of before. I felt that in those early Sessions, I was cruising along as if on autopilot, and I somehow knew how to find the “right” coaching questions even though I didn’t have much experience in the field. It all felt very lovely, but I didn’t have a deeper understanding of what that was.