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On getting those inner resources sorted

Let your inner world show you how to make the outer one run more smoothly

This is an invitation and an offer for consultants, leaders, teachers, creatives, coaches or healers (and for those of you who play in similar fields) who want to use their intuition more deliberately. It’s a fully revamped, newly updated version of my signature program, and I would love for you to join me!

“Your Inner Wisdom System” is…

…a fully customised Session Cycle that will make you fall in love with yourself as we explore your intuitive access to your inner wisdom over the course of 12 one-on-one Sessions.  

What to expect from this program: 

  • I’m taking you on a deep dive into your intuitive senses and you will consciously experience your inner wisdom, accumulated over centuries of living life after life
  • You learn to ask your inner wisdom for advice – and you also learn how to recognise wishful thinking before it can lead you astray
  • Together, we transform age-old fears that may have been blocking your intuitive wisdom from coming through
  • We use energy work to enhance your subtle energy fields and your energetic boundaries
  • Together, we develop custom tools for you to keep your personal energy fields well cared for
  • You learn how to consciously work with your soul, with the Earth, and with your helping spirits so they can support you energetically (e.g. if you want to release old energies or call in new ones)
  • Talking to your Guides, you will receive deep insights that will show you who you are; what makes you tick; and how to make life run more smoothly for you
  • With time and practice, you learn how to use your intuitive talents, deliberately
  • You create energetic self-care rituals that are anchored in your personal daily & weekly rhythms
  • And you learn how to use your inner wisdom to make decisions from a place of discernment, deep self-knowing and integrity 

My story: How I learned to use my own Inner Wisdom System

Years ago, when I was still a coaching newbie, I quickly realised that I was using inner resources I hadn’t been aware of before. I felt that in those early Sessions, I was cruising along as if on autopilot, and I somehow knew how to find the “right” coaching questions even though I didn’t have much experience in the field. It all felt very lovely, but I didn’t have a deeper understanding of what that was.

A few years later, I got to meet my Guides, and as we started talking, they helped me unravel the ways in which my intuitive gifts were working together: In our conversations, the Guides helped me see that I was using clairvoyance as well as claircognizance; in other words, they showed me how, in Session, I would download images and pieces of information from my soul’s perspective which helped me understand what was going on with my clients; the Guides also helped me feel that I was using my haptic perception and my hands in a Reiki-like manner to amplify my clients’ energy fields so they could feel themselves more easily; etc. 

I wouldn’t have understood any of that if I hadn’t taken the time to consciously analyse all of the energetic elements at play, with my Guides’ loving support. 

And with time, I received more and more clarity on what that inner system was: 

I understood that there’s an inner world within me where I have access to a bunch of methods, tools and resources that I didn’t have to learn how to use. I use them, intuitively. And I am convinced that all of us have this inner toolkit which is just there for us, ready to be applied. 

For you, your intuitive resources might be a (previously unconscious) collection of methods you’re using at work that you didn’t have to learn how to use. You just know. Or maybe your inner wisdom shows up when you’re in conversation with others and you can “see” patterns in those conversations, even if you don’t know the people you’re talking to. Or maybe you are using your inner wisdom when you talk to your Guides and they show you how to deescalate conflicts, constructively. Or maybe your inner tools are something else, entirely. 

As soon as you get an overview of those subtle energetic elements you are carrying within, your Inner Wisdom System will feel like a logical and well-organised collection of tools and resources. And this inner toolkit then makes the outer world so much clearer, and so much more manageable. 

Why bother?

In my experience, the more we take the time to work with our inner wisdom, the more we can find our way in the “real” world, too. For me, my Inner Wisdom System has become the software that makes my life run more smoothly. And as long as I feed that software with the data my lived reality produces and as long as I keep those inner tools up to date, my inner wisdom will show me how to proceed in the outer world – no matter how chaotic life seems to be at any given time.  

My offer: The What, How, Where and When

Let me teach you how to find your way through your inner world – via my Session Cycle that I’ve dubbed “Your Inner Wisdom System”. Over the course of 12, one-on-one Sessions, we will work together to demystify your intuitive access to your inner wisdom. Step by step, we will uncover every element of this system and make visible what it is you’re working with there. You will meet your Guides, and with their help, you will become well versed in working with your inner resources. And with time and practice, you will learn how to consciously use your inner toolkit – consciously, and deliberately – in your personal life, and even at work. 

Each 90-minute Session will take place on Zoom, and unless you want the quick version with weekly Sessions, this program will last for about 12 months – as we follow a rhythm of one-Session-every-three-weeks. 

Who is this program for?

“Your Inner Wisdom System” is for consultants, leaders, teachers, creatives, coaches or healers, and for those of you who play in similar fields. My program tends to work best if you have some experience with using energy methods, especially if things seem to not quite fit together, yet. So if you have a basic understanding of deep meditation, systemic coaching, energy work, or intuitive guidance, and if you want to bring it all together and make it all your own, this is for you. 

Who is this program not for?

Unfortunately, if you expect this to be a full-on coach training, my program is not for you. I won’t be teaching you a template to use on others, but rather, this whole program is about you experiencing yourself, deeply. Which means that you will get to know yourself and your inner wisdom in ways that are unique to you. In other words, this program will not be training you to become a professional coach. Instead, it’s an experience for you to open up to your mystical & spiritual inner resources which you will then be able to use, on your own, to change your life from the inside out. 

A client’s feedback

Here’s S. W., one of my former IWS clients, on the ways in which her relationship with her intuitive wisdom changed as she went through this program:

“I was winging it before. Some of it was fine, but I didn’t realize when something was off. It’s good to have a guide like you. Other spiritual teachers, they’ll see the energies and the Guides for me, which fosters a kind of dependency. You are empowering me by showing me how to interact with them, myself. And you’re helping me dovetail these methods with all parts of my life. This is great fun!”

What a Session with me feels like

Together, you and I will have deep conversations, and in each of those conversations, we will dive deeply into the shimmering world of your intuition. During each Session, I will hold a specific energy field which will make it easy for you to enjoy your inner experience. You will meet your Guides; you will see or perceive – through your inner senses – the energies you use to interact with the world; and we will work through those fears that may have made it difficult for you to accept your inner wisdom as truth up until now. 

When is the right time to start with this program?

You can start Your Inner Wisdom System Session Cycle at any time. I think “the right time” is that moment when you realise you would like to understand what makes you tick. And it’s that moment when you realise you would like to have a system for all of those small intuitive hits you’ve preciously come across. So when you would like to understand why certain energy work methods have been working better for you than others; or when you want to know why even though you briefly met your Guides, you haven’t been able to establish a working relationship with them; or when you wonder why you have a hard time holding your boundaries when it comes to certain people – then it’s the right time. 

How much is it?

One full Session cycle is 1500 Euros (which roughly equals 1500 US Dollars, at the moment). 

You’ll get 

  • 12, one-on-one, 90-minute custom Sessions
  • three 60-minute Add-On Conversations for you to ask me anything
  • video & audio recordings of all of our Sessions (if you want them – it’s ok to say no)
  • and in addition, I am happy to make custom recordings of your energetic tools so you can practice using your Inner Wisdom System outside of Sessions, too. 

An affordable sample for you to try

You don’t need to make a decision right away: Before we dive in, we will meet for a 60-minute Intro Consultation (set at 75 Euros / about 75 Dollars) which will give you a taste of what my program is all about. And what’s more: The payment plan for this program is three packages of 500 Euros each – so if you realise, four Sessions in, that you would rather not continue, you can simply stop, at no further cost. 

Book yourself a sample Session, risk-free

If all of this sounds interesting to you, book yourself an Intro Consultation, here. It’s a sample Session, and it’s completely risk-free & non-binding: If you don’t like what you see during our Intro Consultation, you can always decide not to enter in the program. No hard feelings. 

And if you’d like to get the full overview of what my program entails before you book your sample Session, have a look at my program page, here.

You can always downsize, too

All of my coaching relationships start with my Intro Consultation. So if you notice during our sample call that a full Inner Wisdom System program run would be too much for you right now, you can always go with my regular 90-minute Sessions, instead. Or, you can choose an Oracle Reading – which is a gorgeous little 45-minute experience where I channel the Guides for you. 

I’m happy to help you decide which offer would best align with your wishes, right now.    

I look forward to meeting you & your Inner Wisdom System!

Talk soon, and much love to you,


P.S.: If it’s been difficult for you to access your intuitive wisdom up until now, and you’ve always wanted to know the Why behind that, let’s have a look at that when we meet for our Intro Consultation. During our 60 minutes together, I will help you to clearly connect with your intuition – and you will get to understand the nature of those energies that may have been blocking your intuitive wisdom, up until now. And together, we’ll then start to transform the first layer of those blocks, right away.

Book your sample Session, here: https://lillymackuth.com/intro-consultation/

See you soon! 


Hi, I'm Lilly Mackuth. I'm an intuitive guide, an energy worker & a transformational life coach for holistically oriented experts, creatives & leaders. Together, we'll look at your life through an energy lens, which will give you clarity, deep self-knowing, and your next steps.

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