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The wisdom of your heart

Your heart is such a fascinating thing. It’s the place within you where your earthly self and your eternal self meet. Its cells are part of nature, and its wisdom channels your soul.

It holds information that your third eye can decipher, but not provide for you. Your heart can download soul-guidance that nothing else can give you – no psychic reading, no book, no standardised personality test.

And if you know how to work with it, your heart can be your most trustworthy guide in these chaotic times.

I have created an 8-week, 4-Session, one-on-one coaching program around this, designed to give you direct access to your heart’s wisdom.

And its official launch is just a few tweaks and some beauty edits away. Stay tuned!


Hi, I'm Lilly Mackuth. In my view, if you want to get practical about living a soul-led life, looking into the energetics of a given situation and using the clarity that is available to you there can move things forward in a very powerful way. My energy work & coaching sessions will help you to experience that clarity, so you can find your next steps with ease and deeply enjoy your life's journey.

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