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New // Neu: The Clarity Session

(Deutsche Version: s. u.) // After two gorgeous weeks of vacation (which I spent with family in Bavaria, and then also here, at Lake Constance, lounging under a tree, right by the water), I’m back in the office. And as usual when I’ve truly been unwinding, my business has secretly rearranged its energies in the meantime, behind the scenes. In other words: I’ve got news! And they are good ones:

Starting today, not only is my booking page stocked with my 1:1 program, Listening to the Devas, and with my monthly group thing, Bathing in Energy, but there’s also a new type of 1:1 session available: 

Please welcome The Clarity Session: All fresh, all new! 

Who is the Clarity Session for?

It’s for those who always need to be strong for others and who are looking for a place where they can just exhale. It’s for those who need a moment to come home to themselves so they can find out what they want to focus on, next. And it’s for those who need someone else’s fresh perspective – someone who can help validate what their strengths are. 

What is it about?

My Clarity Session is a crisp, private session, held via Zoom, that is all about clarity:

On a thing that’s been on your mind. On a question you’ve been pondering. On an issue that hasn’t been resolved. 

It’s a quick, effective type of session we can use to look into anything that concerns your current career (especially if it feels chaotic, heavy or stagnant, right now), or where we can look into anything that concerns your relationship life (romantic, platonic, familial, career-related, or the relationship you have with yourself… you name it). 

You want to move from chaotic confusion into clarity, from slow-moving heaviness into lightness, or from sticky stagnation into freshness. 

That’s what my Clarity Session is for. 

How does it work? 

As we start our session, you give me a quick overview of what’s on your mind. Then, I will channel information for you, I will pull some Oracle Cards for you (if you like), and I will also use my trusted tools – Energy Work and Coaching – to help you move into clarity.  

And after just 60 minutes, we’re done. 

Choose your appointment and book your Clarity Session, here

Looking forward to seeing you!


Nach zwei tollen, vollen Wochen Urlaub (die ich zuerst bei meiner Familie in Bayern und dann hier am Bodensee, unter einem Baum, direkt am Wasser verbracht habe) bin ich wieder zurück im Büro. Und wie so oft, wenn ich mal ein paar Tage wirklich ausspannen kann, haben sich die Energien in meinem Business in der Zwischenzeit im Hintergrund heimlich neu arrangiert. Anders gesagt: Es gibt Neuigkeiten! Und sie sind schön:

Ab sofort gibt es auf meiner Buchungsseite nicht nur mein neues Einzel-Programm, Listening to the Devas, und mein neues monatliches Gruppen-Ding, In Energie baden, sondern auch eine neue Form der Einzelsession: 

The Clarity Session – Neu und extra frisch! 

Für wen ist die Clarity Session gedacht?

Die Clarity Session ist für diejenigen, die immer für andere stark sein müssen, und einen Ort brauchen, an dem sie mal kurz ausatmen können. Für alle, die für einen Moment bei sich ankommen möchten, damit sie wieder spüren können, worauf sie sich als nächstes fokussieren möchten. Und für alle, die kurz eine frische Perspektive von Außen als Bestätigung dafür brauchen, dass sie sich selbst und ihren Stärken vertrauen können. 

Worum geht’s?

Meine Clarity Session ist eine knackige, private Session via Zoom, in der sich alles um Klarheit dreht: 

Klarheit über ein Thema, das Dich in letzter Zeit beschäftigt hat. Klarheit über eine Frage, die Dir im Kopf herumschwirrt. Klarheit über ein Problem, das sich nicht hat lösen lassen. 

Sie ist eine schnelle, effektive Session-Form, in der wir alles anschauen können, was Deine laufende Karriere betrifft (vor allem, wenn die sich gerade chaotisch, schwer oder stagnierend anfühlt), oder alles, was Dein Beziehungsleben betrifft (egal, um welche Art Beziehung es geht: Romantisch, freundschaftlich, familiär, beruflich, oder auch Deine Beziehung zu Dir selbst… Du bestimmst). 

Du möchtest von dem chaotischen Durcheinander rüber hin zur Klarheit. Oder unter der langsamen Schwere weg und hin zur Leichtigkeit. Oder aus der verklebten Stagnation raus und hin zu was Frischem. 

Dafür ist meine Clarity Session da. 

Wie funktioniert’s? 

Zu Beginn unserer Clarity Session erzählst Du mir kurz, was Dich beschäftigt. Und dann channele ich Informationen für Dich, ziehe Orakelkarten für Dich (wenn Du das möchtest), und nutze zusätzlich meine vielfach bewährten Methoden – Energy Work, und Coaching – um Dich in die Klarheit zu bringen.  

Und nach nur 60 Minuten sind wir fertig. 

Hier kannst Du Deinen nächsten Clarity Session Termin aussuchen und buchen. 

Ich freu mich drauf, Dich zu sehen!

Relationships Evolving // Beziehungsentwicklungen

The other day, the Guides sent me another one of their timeless messages. Lately, I’ve been enjoying channeling these messages for my Blog, and what I find fascinating about these messages is that they often shine a light onto that area of our lives where relationship patterns and intuitive wisdom meet: What do you know about your relationships (of all kinds), even if you can’t quite say where that knowing came from? And what is your relationship to your intuitive wisdom like, these days?  

Here’s a timeless message the Guides wanted me to share:

“It’s ok if the quality of the relationships you want changes over time. You heart evolves with you. The more you learn about yourself, the more you will want your relationships to grow, too. So, it’s completely normal if your relationships of the present and of the future don’t resemble the relationships you’ve had in the past. That’s heart evolution.”

– The Guides

A bit of background information: 

In my Sessions, what often happens is that a client stumbles upon an emotional-energetic pattern that’s connected to a person they’ve met, again and again, over several lifetimes. For example, as we analyse the pattern, my client remembers that their heart broke because of that person – not three years ago, though, but rather, three centuries ago. 

Or, the Guides are revealing to my client that a certain emotional pattern they find themselves in didn’t even develop in this lifetime, but rather, many lifetimes ago, when my client had to react to a situation that was particularly complex and that involved their current parents, siblings, bosses, children, friends or partners, whose presence now arouses the emotional pattern, for a second time. 

The good thing about our current lifetime, in my view, is this: Not only can we go back in time and find our original memory of these difficult emotional-energetic patterns, but we can then also use that kind of time-travel to bring peace into our old energy fields.  

And we can do this without having to involve the other person in our transformational work: 

That’s an option because you can decide, on your own, to clean up your old energy fields – which, interestingly enough, can then bring a lot of clarity and energetic peace into the Here & Now.  

That’s as if you were clearing out & cleaning up a room full of old junk in a house you share with several others: You don’t need their collaboration to do the cleaning. But the energetic effects of your efforts will be palpable to all who share that house (or that energy field) with you. 

The result: Your relationship to that person will change in the Here & Now. 

Sometimes, what happens is that you decide to go no-contact as you’re noticing that the other person is carrying around too much of that “old junk” type energy. 

Sometimes, what happens is that a relationship changes for the better, and that a conflict which had been festering for years, suddenly dissolves as if by magic.

And sometimes, what happens is that somebody comes back into your life – someone you thought you had lost a few centuries ago, and whom your heart had been aching to reconnect with, ever since. 

With the old junk gone, there’s room for the beautiful.

That’s heart evolution. 

And it’s ok to expect things to improve when it comes to your relationships, once the old junk is cleared out of your energy fields. 

That’s what Energy Work is for.  

P.S.: The price for my Oracle Readings has gone up – however, until May 31, you can still use the coupon code ORACLE25 to receive a 25 € discount. Here’s where you can book your appointment. And if you need any help finding the “right” question to ask, feel free to email me, beforehand. I look forward to seeing you for your next Oracle Reading! 

Neulich haben mir die Guides mal wieder eine ihrer zeitlosen Messages geschickt. Seit einiger Zeit channele ich diese Messages gern mal ab und zu für meinen Blog hier, und was ich daran spannend finde, ist, dass es in diesen Messages oft um den Bereich unseres Lebens geht, wo sich Beziehungsthemen und intuitives Wissen treffen: Was weißt Du über Deine Beziehungen (egal, welcher Art), obwohl Du vielleicht gar nicht unbedingt sagen kannst, woher Du diese Dinge weißt? Und was für eine Art von Beziehung hast Du gerade zu Deinem intuitiven Wissen? 

Hier eine zeitlose Message von den Guides dazu: 

“Es ist ok wenn sich die Qualität der Beziehungen, die Du möchtest, über die Jahre verändert. Je mehr Du über Dich selbst lernst, umso mehr wirst Du wollen, dass Deine Beziehungen ebenfalls wachsen. Es ist also völlig normal, wenn die Beziehungen, die Du in Deiner Gegenwart und in der Zukunft erlebst, den Beziehungen aus Deiner Vergangenheit kein bisschen ähneln. Das Herz entwickelt sich weiter.”

– The Guides

Ein bisschen Background dazu: 

In meinen Sessions erlebe ich immer wieder, dass Klient*innen über emotional-energetische Themen stolpern, die mit einem Menschen zu tun haben, dem sie über mehrere Leben immer wieder begegnet sind. Während wir das Thema gemeinsam analysieren, erinnern sie sich dann zum Beispiel daran, dass ihr Herz wegen dieses Menschen gebrochen war – und zwar nicht erst vor drei Jahren, sondern schon vor drei Jahrhunderten. 

Oder sie bekommen von den Guides gezeigt, dass sie ein bestimmtes emotionales Muster gar nicht erst in diesem Leben entwickelt haben, sondern schon vor vielen Leben, weil sie damals auf eine besonders komplizierte Ausgangslage reagieren mussten, in die ihre jetzigen Eltern, Geschwister, Vorgesetzten, Kinder, Freund*innen, Partner*innen, etc. involviert waren, in deren Gegenwart dieses emotionale Muster jeweils auch jetzt wieder auftaucht. 

Das Gute an unserem jetzigen Leben ist, dass wir nicht nur in der Zeit zurück gehen können, um die ursprüngliche Erinnerung an diese emotional-energetisch schwierigen Themen zu finden, sondern wir können über diese Art der Zeitreise dann auch dort, in diesen alten Energiefeldern, wieder Frieden in die Sache bringen. 

Und zwar ganz ohne den jeweils anderen Menschen in unsere transformative Arbeit involvieren zu müssen: 

Das geht, weil Du von Deiner Seite aus selbstständig beschließen kannst, Deine damaligen Energiefelder aufzuräumen, was dann interessanterweise auch wieder mehr mehr Klarheit und energetische Ruhe ins Hier & Jetzt bringt. 

Das kannst Du Dir ungefähr so vorstellen, als würdest Du eine alte Rumpelkammer in einem gemeinsam bewohnten Haus aufräumen & putzen: Dafür brauchst Du die Mitarbeit Deiner Mitbewohner*innen nicht. Aber der energetische Effekt ist für alle spürbar, die dieses Haus (oder eben dieses Energiefeld) mit Dir teilen. 

Das Ergebnis: Die Beziehung zu diesem Menschen verändert sich im Hier & Jetzt. 

Manchmal bedeutet das, dass Du explizit keinen Kontakt mehr haben möchtest, weil dieser andere Mensch für Deinen Geschmack einfach zu viel “Rumpelkammer-Energie” hat. 

Manchmal bedeutet das aber auch, dass sich eine Beziehung überraschend verbessert, und sich Konflikte wie von allein lösen, die über Jahre festgefahren waren. 

Und manchmal bedeutet es, dass plötzlich jemand zurück in Dein Leben kommt, den Du vor Jahrhunderten aus den Augen verloren hast, und nach dem sich Dein Herz aber immer gesehnt hat. 

Ohne Gerümpel ist wieder Platz für Schönes. 

Das Herz entwickelt sich weiter. 

Und es ist völlig ok, nach so einer Aufräum-Aktion eine Verbesserung der Qualität dessen zu erwarten, was Deine Beziehungsfelder so hergeben. 

Dafür ist Energiearbeit da.

P.S.: Der Preis für meine Oracle Readings hat sich erhöht – bis Ende Mai kannst Du aber gern den Coupon Code ORACLE25 nutzen, mit dem Du 25 € Rabatt bekommst. Zur Buchung bitte hier entlang. Und wenn Du im Voraus Hilfe brauchst, um die “richtige” Frage zu finden, schreib mir gern eine E-Mail. Ich freue mich auf das nächste Oracle Reading mit Dir!  

Free to disentangle // Ruhig aufdröseln

Let’s try something: From time to time, I’ll tune in with the Guides and ask them to share some inspiring messages. In particular, I will ask them to shine a light on those fields where intuition & relationships meet: How can our intuitive wisdom help enhance our relationships? And also, what does a healthy relationship with our intuition look like? Hope you’ll enjoy, and thank you for reading along! 

Here’s today’s message – use what resonates, leave the rest:

“You’re always free to turn towards your desire for your relationships to feel better. You’re always free to turn towards your intuitive wisdom that says, “I want my relationships to feel good”. You’re always free to turn towards disentanglement, groundedness, respect, sweetness. That’s what you long for, that’s what you want. So when your intuition says, “something feels entangled here, and that’s not right”, you’re always free to trust that, and to ask your intuitive wisdom for even more clarity. There’s a certain freedom in saying to yourself, “you know what, I’m going to trust my intuitive wisdom on that. If something feels off, it’s off, and I want better”.”

– The Guides

A bit of background information:

Sometimes, relationships don’t feel like two sovereign people having a good time with each other (and this can be true for any kind of relationship – romantic, platonic, familial, you name it). Sometimes, relationships between us humans can feel like there’s an energy there that’s entangled, twisted, not quite right. That is what this message is about. 

Some questions you could use if you’d like to take this message into your personal practice: Does this message feel timely? Does your intuition want to share anything with you, as you sense into this message?

Ich probier mal was aus: In der nächsten Zeit werde ich mich immer mal wieder mit den Guides verbinden und sie um ein paar inspirierende Messages bitten. Konkret soll es dabei um den Bereich gehen, wo sich Intuition & Beziehungsthemen treffen: Wie kann uns die Intuition dabei helfen, unser Beziehungsleben zu verschönern? Und wie sieht eigentlich eine gesunde Beziehung zur Intuition aus? Viel Spaß beim Lesen!

Die heutige Message – nimm das mit, was Dich anspricht, und ignorier den Rest:

“Du hast immer die Möglichkeit, Dich Deinem Wunsch nach besseren Beziehungen zuzuwenden. Du kannst Dich immer Deinem intuitiven Wissen zuwenden, wenn es Dir sagt, “ich möchte, dass sich meine Beziehungen gut anfühlen”. Du hast immer die Möglichkeit, Dich dem zuzuwenden, was sich nach Aufdröseln, Geerdetsein, Respekt und Süße anfühlt. Danach sehnst Du Dich, und das ist das, was Du willst. Wenn also Deine Intuition sagt, “irgendwas fühlt sich hier verdröselt an, und das ist nicht gut”, hast Du immer die Möglichkeit, dem zu vertrauen, und Dein intuitives Wissen darum zu bitten, Dir da noch mehr Klarheit rein zu bringen. Es liegt eine gewisse Freiheit darin, sich selbst zu sagen, “weißt Du was, ich vertrau da meinem intuitiven Wissen jetzt einfach. Wenn sich was ungut anfühlt, dann ist das ungut, und ich möchte da was Schöneres”.” 

– Die Guides

Ein bisschen Hintergrund-Info dazu:

Manchmal fühlen sich Beziehungen nicht so an, als würden da zwei Leute, die eigenständig sind, eine gute Zeit miteinander verbringen (und das kann sich jetzt auf alle möglichen Beziehungsarten beziehen – romantisch, platonisch, familienbezogen, usw.). Manchmal fühlen sich Beziehungen zwischen zwei Menschen eher so an, als wäre da eine Energie mit dabei, die verdröselt ist, oder verdreht, oder irgendwie nicht richtig. Darum geht es in dieser Message.

Ein paar Fragen für Dich, wenn Du diese Message mit in Deine persönliche Praxis nehmen möchtest: Fühlt sich das nach einer Message an, die zur rechten Zeit kommt? Möchte Dir Deine Intuition dazu was sagen?

A neutral heart // Herzensneutral

Let’s try something: From time to time, I’ll tune in with the Guides and ask them to share some inspiring messages. In particular, I will ask them to shine a light on those fields where intuition & relationships meet: How can our intuitive wisdom help enhance our relationships? And also, what does a healthy relationship with our intuition look like? Hope you’ll enjoy, and thank you for reading along! 

Today’s message – use what resonates, leave the rest:

“The heart has a sensory perception that is different from emotion, and it’s not just a physical sensation either, it’s something else. That inner feeling is a guiding mechanism for many. So, it’s good to train yourself to feel into this mechanism from time to time and to ask for guidance there. It can tell you whether something feels like peace or not, and this is not an emotion, it’s a neutral thing. This is heart intelligence. It’s very subtle and very wise. “Neutral” is positive here, it means “it’s all good”. This is not an emotion – more like a guiding principle, or an inner knowing. It’s an equilibrium consciousness that works like a spirit level, and when it’s off, you can feel that, deeply. Trust that feeling. What question arises in you when you feel it?”

– The Guides

A bit of background info:

The neutrality this message talks about is an inner peace that’s hard to describe if you’ve never felt it. To me, it basically means that I can feel when I’m at peace with the world. When I’m aware of who I am, and when I know, from that place of clarity, how I want to interact with the world, then I can feel that kind of peace. That’s the kind of heart desire that this message is about: The heart longs to feel that type of inner equilibrium. And as long as you don’t feel that, the heart will keep sending you signals to help guide you towards it. 

Ich probier mal was aus: In der nächsten Zeit werde ich mich immer mal wieder mit den Guides verbinden und sie um ein paar inspirierende Messages bitten. Konkret soll es dabei um den Bereich gehen, wo sich Intuition & Beziehungsthemen treffen: Wie kann uns die Intuition dabei helfen, unser Beziehungsleben zu verschönern? Und wie sieht eigentlich eine gesunde Beziehung zur Intuition aus? Viel Spaß beim Lesen!

Die heutige Message – nimm das mit, was Dich anspricht, und ignorier den Rest:

“Das Herz kennt ein sensorisches Empfinden, das weder Emotion noch reines Körpergefühl ist, sondern noch etwas anderes. Dieses innere Gefühl ist ein Leit-Mechanismus für viele Menschen. Es ist also eine gute Übung, diesen inneren Herzens-Mechanismus ab und zu bewusst zu spüren und dort um Guidance zu bitten. Er kann Dir sagen, ob sich etwas nach Frieden anfühlt, oder eben nicht, und da geht es nicht um eine Emotion, sondern um etwas sehr neutrales. Was Du da fühlst, ist Herzens-Intelligenz. Sie ist sehr subtil, und sehr weise. “Neutral” ist hier was Gutes – etwas, das bedeutet: “Alles in Ordnung.” Das ist keine Emotion, sondern mehr sowas wie eine Leitlinie, oder ein inneres Wissen. Es ist ein inneres Bewusstsein über Dein Equilibrium, das wie eine Wasserwaage funktioniert, und sobald Dein Herz nicht in diesem neutralen Frieden ist, spürst Du das deutlich. Vertrau diesem Gefühl. Welche Frage kommt in Dir auf, wenn Du das fühlst?”

– Die Guides

Ein bisschen Hintergrund-Info dazu:

Die Neutralität, von der hier gesprochen wird, ist ein Gefühl, das sich nach einer inneren Ruhe anfühlt, die schwer zu beschreiben ist, wenn man sie noch nie gefühlt hat. Für mich bedeutet sie, dass ich spüren kann, wenn ich mit mir und mit der Welt im Frieden bin: Wenn ich mir im Klaren darüber bin, wer ich bin, und aus dieser Klarheit heraus verstehe, wie ich mit der Welt interagieren möchte, dann bin ich in dieser Ruhe. Und dieses Gefühl ist der Herzens-Wunsch, um den es hier geht: Nach dieser inneren Ausgeglichenheit sucht das Herz. Und solange sie nicht da ist, gibt das Herz Signale, die uns dorthin leiten können. 

Infos from Above // Infos von Oben

Let’s try something: From time to time, I’ll tune in with the Guides and ask them to share some inspiring messages. In particular, I will ask them to shine a light on those fields where intuition & relationships meet: How can our intuitive wisdom help enhance our relationships? And also, what does a healthy relationship with our intuition look like? Hope you’ll enjoy, and thank you for reading along! 

Today’s message – use what resonates, leave the rest:

“Your connection to the Above contains all the information you could ever want. Everything you ever wanted to know is available there. So if any part of your relationship life feels off, it means that there’s some data that has been trying to get to you, from Above. What it doesn’t mean, necessarily, is that you’ve done anything wrong or that something is broken, it just means that you’re missing a piece of information. That’s all. Get that information. It’s always ready and available for you.”

– The Guides

Here’s a bit of background info:

There’s a light connection to the Above that runs between Spirit, your soul and your physical self. Through this line of light, both information and energies can come to you. Humans have been using this channel since the times before time to connect to the intuitive wisdom of their souls and to receive downloads from the endless creativity & clarity of Spirit. This is the “Above” that this message is talking about.

Ich probier mal was aus: In der nächsten Zeit werde ich mich immer mal wieder mit den Guides verbinden und sie um ein paar inspirierende Messages bitten. Konkret soll es dabei um den Bereich gehen, wo sich Intuition & Beziehungsthemen treffen: Wie kann uns die Intuition dabei helfen, unser Beziehungsleben zu verschönern? Und wie sieht eigentlich eine gesunde Beziehung zur Intuition aus? Viel Spaß beim Lesen!

Die heutige Message – nimm das mit, was Dich anspricht, und ignorier den Rest:

“In der Verbindung nach Oben sind alle Infos, die man sich nur wünschen kann. Alles, was Du wissen willst, ist dort verfügbar. Das heißt, wenn sich in Deinem Beziehungsleben irgendwas seltsam anfühlt, heißt das, dass von Oben eigentlich Information an Dich rankommen möchte. Es heißt nicht unbedingt, dass Du irgendwas falsch gemacht hast oder dass was kaputt ist, sondern dass Dir Informationen fehlen. Das ist alles. Hol Dir diese Infos. Die sind immer parat für Dich.”

– Die Guides

Hier noch ein bisschen Hintergrund-Info dazu:

Es gibt eine Lichtverbindung nach Oben, die zwischen Spirit, Deiner Seele und Deinem physischen Selbst verläuft. Durch diese Lichtverbindung können Informationen zu Dir fließen, aber auch Energie. Menschen nutzen diesen Kanal seit jeher, um sich mit dem intuitiven Wissen ihrer Seele zu verbinden, und um Downloads aus der unendlichen Kreativität & Klarheit von Spirit zu erhalten. Und um dieses “Oben” geht es hier.

Quiz: Who is in your inner circle?

Polarities are a normal thing in relationships. It means that you can differentiate the people in your life depending on where they stand, relative to you – emotionally speaking, and when it comes to both of your souls: Are they far away (on an imaginary pole on the opposite side of the globe, so to speak), are they very close to you, or are they somewhere in mid-distance?

Far away would translate to “I wouldn’t speak to them even if we were the last people on earth”.

Close by would mean “I can easily imagine spending the rest of my life with this person (as romantic partners, friends, or business partners, etc.).”

And mid-distance would mean “I can’t say I’m really interested in that person, but they’re ok, I guess.”

This polarity between us is a spectrum ranging from incompatible relationships to true soul mates, and only very few people in your life actually exist on either extreme. Most of the folks you spend your time with are probably somewhere in mid-distance: Not completely incompatible with who you are, but not a member of your inner circle, either.

(By the way: What I find really interesting about this phenomenon is that this kind of polarity only ever mirrors back the very subjective relationship between two souls. And that each person builds their own pole. In other words: This thing cannot be transferred onto groups. There is no “us versus them” dynamic here. Only “You and I: Do we actually like each other?”)

Because most of us are very polite, we often spend a lot of time trying to appeal to those who are mid-distance or even incompatible to us.

But there’s a problem: These people are just as indifferent to you as you are to them.

Which means that the more energy you spend trying to convince them of your nice-ness, your competence, and your coolness, the less time you have to spend with those you don’t actually have to convince of anything, because they already like you: Your soul mates. Your inner circle. Those humans who energize you, who love you, trust you, respect everything about you. Those who would love to spend more time with you on your pole. Because your pole happens to be compatible with theirs.

Those are the people who love you – platonically, romantically, or in that beautiful co-creative way.

Those with whom you can feel that you can be yourself, and that you belong.

Those who admire your strengths and who would love to create extraordinary projects and relationships with you.

Below is a little quiz for you to help you sound out how this polarity shows up in your relationships, and to help you figure out who in your life is part of your inner circle.

Per round, pick on person in your mind. Answer each question with Yes or No, and see what comes up.

If your answer to a question is neither Yes nor No, the person you are taking the quiz on is neither fully compatible, nor at an opposite pole from you – but your hesitance to reply with a clear Yes or No will give you more clarity. 


Take the Quiz: Who is in your inner circle?

  1. Are you and that person often engaged in wild discussions that make you feel like you have to prove to them that your needs and desires are valid?
  2. If you were able to swap places, would you want to see the world through their eyes for an hour?
  3. Do you often get angry when you think about that person?
  4. Do you find it difficult to talk to them about your professional successes or about your personal disappointments?
  5. Do you like looking into their eyes?
  6. Does your body relax when you are alone in a room with them?
  7. Do you think this person has remarkable talents that you would like to help boost, in some way?
  8. Are you extraordinarily happy when you see that person after a long time of being apart?
  9. Would you describe your conversations with that person as “unusually interesting”?
  10. Do you share an emotional bond with that person that lets you freely share your ideas and thoughts about the world with them, without feeling the need to hide any aspect of who you are?
  11. Has that person ever intentionally violated your boundaries in any way?
  12. Do you love, trust and respect that person unconditionally?


  1. (Yes: opposite pole / No: inner circle)
  2. (Yes: inner circle / No: opposite pole)
  3. (Yes: opposite pole / No: inner circle)
  4. (Yes: opposite pole / No: inner circle)
  5. (Yes: inner circle / No: opposite pole)
  6. (Yes: inner circle / No: opposite pole)
  7. (Yes: inner circle / No: opposite pole)
  8. (Yes: inner circle / No: opposite pole)
  9. (Yes: inner circle / No: opposite pole)
  10. (Yes: inner circle / No: opposite pole)
  11. (Yes: opposite pole / No: inner circle)
  12. (Yes: inner circle / No: opposite pole)

How to feel loved

Lilly Mackuth How to feel loved Blog Post

Happy Valentine’s, darlings!

Do you know how to feel loved?

If you’re not sure, I’ve got you.

Try this:

Step 1: Center and ground yourself, and get yourself into a meditative state. (Here is a link to a manual, if you’d like one.)

Step 2: Now, ask your Team (i.e. your Guides etc., your Soul and the Earth) to help you sense-see-feel your personal energetic frequency of love. Feel it take up space inside of you, and as you do, notice the various sensations that are coming up in your body: Does love feel like freshness, peace, or expansion to you? Is your body relaxing into it? Does it feel easy for you to hold that energy of love inside of you?

Step 3: Then, ask your Team to release any and all energies from your system that are not yours, but which had been clinging onto your personal perception of love up until now. Ask your Team to completely dissolve those energies for you (since those never authentically belonged to you in the first place). What do you notice?

Step 4: Now do the corresponding opposite of what I just described: Ask your Team to call back all energies which do belong to your own authentic frequency of love – but which had been scattered elsewhere up until now. Ask your Team to fill you up on those (your) energies. What are you sensing?

Step 5: To finish, breathe into your newly refreshed frequency of love, and ask your body to integrate this updated version into your system. Feel the depth of that love. Bask in the beauty of being able to tune into that deeply delicious experience of feeling loved at any given moment.

Bonus: Notice how the feelings you have for the people you really really like naturally match the frequency of love which you just so beautifully expanded within yourself.

Sending big Valentine Love!  

An altruist’s edge

In my coaching practice, I often work with people who are altruists, who are also fantastically good at bringing people together. They are the queens and kings of party-throwing. They plan beautiful projects with dozens of people involved. They see these projects through till the end. And they sacrifice some of their own well-being for the sake of being of service to others. They see where our human society lacks justice, beauty and peace, and then they work hard to literally make this world a better place. They get things done. And they are over-worked and under-nourished when it comes to their heart’s deeper needs and desires.

If this is you, here’s an edge you are carrying around, probably without knowing it: You have such a deep longing for being with other people that you create elaborate experiences for others just so you can connect with with them – at the expense of your own time and energy.

The mere act of bringing people together – by inviting a diverse team of professionals to join you for a new project you just plucked out of your highly creative brain, or by having your friends come sit around your kitchen table at brunch – is highly fulfilling for you.

But the thought that you could connect with others “without a purpose” is probably deeply uncomfortable for you.

Imagine you would meet with someone just to spend time with them.

To have coffee with a friend, with no other agenda than to chat for a while and to feel well in each other’s presence.

And to then not invite that friend over to your place.

To then also not pay for a whole party and invite all of your other friends, too.

To just say to someone: “Hey, I would love to see you. Are you free on Friday?”

And to not have this coffee date be about anything else but connection.

If you are feeling a psychological edge when you imagine going there: Good. Play with that edge. Feel its shape and size, and sense where this experience starts making you feel uncomfortable: As soon as you imagine calling your friend? When you imagine that there’s no deeper meaning behind that date, that you would just like to spend time with them? When you imagine that you won’t be paying for your friend’s coffee, only for the one you are going to have, yourself?

Sense where you have a tendency to over-give, and where you feel uncomfortable around receiving the gift of spending time with someone you love.

And then call your friend anyway.

Let this be awkward.

You are trying something new.

The Love-Trust-Respect Triangle

“Imagine a world where your closest relationships are built on Love-Trust-Respect. Now compare that world to your current reality. What do you see?” – #InnerWisdomSystem

In my work, I often come across an energetic triangle of love, trust and respect. It seems to build a solid foundation for our most precious relationships, and when one of its three building blocks is missing, things tend to feel a bit… wonky.

For example, if you are in a friendship where love is missing, you probably feel like you’re constantly negotiating business deals. Here’s what that could look like: Person A: “If you do X for me, I will do Y for you.” – Person B: “Ok, but only if you’ll also do Z.” Exhausting, no?

If you are in a romantic relationship where you don’t trust your partner, you might be suspicious of their motives. Imagine this dialogue: Person C: “Why would you go to that event without me?” – Person D: “Why would you want to come? You don’t even like that kind of thing.” A lack of trust creates this kind of tension. Deep trust would make C and D celebrate their differences.

If you are in any kind of relationship that lacks respect, you won’t see one another clearly, and repeated anger patterns can become part of your conversations. An (exaggerated) version of this could sound like this: Person E: “I love you, I trust you, but really, I think you should be doing something else with your life.” – Person F: “Oh really? Look who’s talking!” Respect sounds different.

Have a look at your closest personal relationships. Are the energies of love, trust and respect all present there? Can you sense that all three would like to support you?

How would you like to increase your capacity for love, trust and respect – within yourself, first, and then, also, within your various relationships?

Your soul has an inner structure

Just as a dry little seed holds the full DNA of a flower, your soul’s innate structure holds all the information on who you are.

A flower’s DNA holds information on how its plant will react to floods or droughts, how it will play with bees and other pollinators, how it will copy its inner system and create new generations of plants, and so on.

It’s a very neutral process of growth, bloom, death and rebirth that plays out every day, right outside our windows.

Similarly, your soul’s inner structure knows who you are.

Its inner wisdom knows how you will react to the societal challenges you grow up in, how you will move through joyful or traumatic experiences, how you will connect with souls that are compatible to yours, how you will give birth to new ideas, etc.

In order to make sense of your soul’s structure, what’s required of you is to learn how to tune in, connect to your soul and download its wisdom. Your body is aware of that wisdom, your heart is, too, but your mind may have its doubts about the details.

And since we live in a very brain-focused world, your mind needs to be made conscious of certain truths within you for you to be able to actively live as yourself.

Try this:

Get yourself into a centered, meditative state and bring your awareness into your line of light, as it flows up and down your spine, down to the heart of earth, and up to the center of your soul, in a never-ending loop.

Once you’re tuned into that line of light, ask your #innerwisdomsystem to send you an energetic image of your soul’s original structure, and receive it through your mind’s eye.

Meditate on that image.

See if you can make out your soul’s colours and inner workings.

Watch how it reacts when other souls are in its vicinity.

Ask your soul some simple questions and fine-tune your inner senses to receive its answers.

What do you notice?

To close, gently focus on the way your body is breathing, feel your feet on the ground, wiggle your toes, and come back to your here and now.

One of my Symmetric Light Series pieces: Green lichen growing on an old piece of pink concrete
©️ Lilly Mackuth, 2018