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Your Inner Wisdom System

Some time ago, I created the hashtag #InnerWisdomSystem because I needed a container, online, to showcase some intuitive findings from my client Sessions, across social media. And over time, that small hashtag I have been using to channel and collect my findings has slowly formed into a nice clear capsule containing all those elements that make my work so interesting to me:

Elements like that part of your #InnerWisdomSystem which acts like a radar within your third eye, sending you clear energetic images when something’s off in a relationship, letting you know how to navigate around the places that would have you shipwrecked. And how to find the places where your soul-mates gather, instead.

Or, that part of your #InnerWisdomSystem that whispers dreams and songs and thought-loops and mantras to your inner ear to help you find the next pieces in your personal relationship puzzle.

Or, that part of your #InnerWisdomSystem that lets you feel for your heart’s energetic self-healing mechanisms in the dark, after a break-up, and which also comes with clear instructions (and a flashlight) on how to use these mechanisms, if you know where to look.

Your #InnerWisdomSystem is that part of you that sets off all the nervous alarms in your solar plexus when someone pushes against your sense of self, using systemic misogyny, or racism, or sexism, or or any kind of violence to try to strike fear in you. And your #InnerWisdomSystem is also that other part of you which will then always guide you towards your inner center, the source of your courage, and integrity, and self-protection, and new beginnings, if you know how to let yourself be guided.

Your #InnerWisdomSystem lets you sense-see-feel your soul’s past incarnations on this earth – the ones whose trauma and pain you are still carrying around in your subtle energy bodies – because it wants you to heal all those wounds that couldn’t heal, back then. And that same #InnerWisdomSystem will also gladly send you all those memories of your successful past lives – the ones who will want to teach you a thing or two about love, and connection, and freedom, and joy, if you are open to hear what they have to say.

Your #InnerWisdomSystem wraps your energy body in the softest sheets of soft fuzzy love as soon as you reach out your hands to ask your team of Guides, Angels and Healing Beings for help.

And your #InnerWisdomSystem then picks up on your team’s giggles and perspectives and tips and truths and sends their messages through your intuitive channels to reach you. Because what good would a whole band of cosmic helpers be if you couldn’t hear their wisdom.

Your beautiful, interconnected, super-conscious #InnerWisdomSystem knows how to solve your life’s mysteries, in any circumstance.

It’s an incredible thing.

How to get centered and grounded

If you’ve spent a bit of time in the personal development world online, you may have noticed certain buzzwords:

“Centered”, for example.



“Tuned in”.

For me as an energy worker, all of those terms describe very specific states of being, and they mean very specific processes that I use in all of my Sessions. I’m not so sure if everyone who uses those words online uses them in the same way I do, though. So I thought I’d do a bit of disambiguation work today. Clarify two of those terms out there: “centered”, and “grounded”. And share one of my techniques to help you actually get centered, and get grounded.

Why? Because these two states of being are at the heart of every type of personal development. If you know how to get centered and grounded, you know how to pull yourself into yourself when things are chaotic around you, and you create an opening that lets you access your intuitive wisdom, even when your mind is spinning.

So here goes.

To “be centered”, in my vocabulary, means to clearly experience – and to be in inner conversation with – the essence of your soul, and to somatically feel that you are connected to your eternal self by an energetic stream (aka your “line of light”) that is flowing down to you, coming straight from the center of your soul.

To “be grounded”, in my book, means to have an awareness and a felt sense of the physical experience of living in a human body, and to be able to follow your subtle sensory link to the living organism that gives you life: Earth.

So when I say “to be centered and grounded”, what I mean is that you can sense a pulse, or an energetic stream, flowing through you, alternating between two poles: Your soul above, and the Earth below you. It means to me that you feel safe knowing that you are an eternal being in a physical body, and that you are fully aware of your existence, right here, right now.

Let’s get practical:

There is one specific technique to help you get centered and grounded that uses two chakras located outside of your physical body: Your 9th and your 10th chakras.

The 9th chakra, also known as the “seat of the soul”, is located above your crown.

The 10th chakra, also referred to as the “earth connection”, is located just below you, in the ground.

To me, those two chakras are representatives of your soul and the Earth. Like pocket sized versions of the two, perfectly placed if you want to safely center and ground yourself, using these two chakras as your two poles, above and below.

Try this

Sit down comfortably. If you can, keep your spine nice and tall.


Become aware of those small movements your body naturally makes as you inhale and exhale.

Now, bring your attention inwards, as if you were looking at your heart, and with your inner senses, follow that energetic stream (aka your line of light) that runs from the back of your heart down your spine, into the earth, and into your 10th chakra, below you.

Sense the dense energy, the compactness, the earthiness of that chakra.

Then, follow the energetic stream as it travels back up again, back into your body, up your spine, up and out your crown, and into your 9th chakra, above you.

Sense the shiny quality and the bright light of that chakra.

Keep your awareness on your line of light and sense-see-feel that pulsating loop of energy as it runs up and down between your earth connection below (your 10th chakra), your body in the middle, and the seat of your soul above (your 9th chakra).

Feel that pulse, that flow, that stream, that line of light, as it flows up and down, in an endless loop.

Get a felt sense of your connectedness to both poles, below and above: To your your earthiness below your feet, and to your shininess in the seat of your soul.

Hold your awareness on that pulsating energetic stream for as long as feels comfortable.

What do you notice?

To close, bring your awareness back into your heart, gently focus on the way your body is breathing, feel your feet on the ground, wiggle your toes, and come back to your here and now.

Edited to add: If you’d like to have me guide you through a similar meditation, have a look at this post. Enjoy!

Time and space are irrelevant.

Energy Work works across time and space.

You can send forgiveness across generations.

You can send healing energies back through time and help your past lives find peace. (Which, in turn, will make your present self feel better.)

You can receive detailed visions from your future self and see who you could become.

You can tune into the energetics of your relationships and let your inner senses show you how to heal and transform those connections.

Your consciousness can do all of that for you. And more.

Contact me if that sounds interesting.

New: The Heart Truth Process

It’s launch day!

My new one-on-one coaching program is ready for you! Click here for a short intro video, if you like.

My program, “The Heart Truth Process”, is designed for you to gain direct access to one particular part of your #innerwisdomsystem: Your heart.

Energetically speaking, its four chambers represent four big themes in your life: Love (both romantic and platonic), your Applied Wisdom, your True Strength and the Big Vision of your life.

And the goal of my program is to help you tune into these four chambers and let your heart be your guide when it comes to these four big themes in your life.

So, if that resonates with you, have a look at my new Heart Truths page.

The first 6 one-on-one spots are available for May and June – but before you make a decision, let’s meet for a free, non-binding Intro Conversation where we can get to know each other and you can ask me anything about the program.

All you’ll need for that is a device that lets you do video conferences, i.e. your laptop or a smart phone.

Looking forward to our first conversation!

The wisdom of your heart

Your heart is such a fascinating thing. It’s the place within you where your earthly self and your eternal self meet. Its cells are part of nature, and its wisdom channels your soul.

It holds information that your third eye can decipher, but not provide for you. Your heart can download soul-guidance that nothing else can give you – no psychic reading, no book, no standardised personality test.

And if you know how to work with it, your heart can be your most trustworthy guide in these chaotic times.

I have created an 8-week, 4-Session, one-on-one coaching program around this, designed to give you direct access to your heart’s wisdom.

And its official launch is just a few tweaks and some beauty edits away. Stay tuned!

Choose relaxed tenacity

There’s a beautiful balance that I learned from Yoga which is instantly applicable to life: tenacity and relaxation.

In essence, Yoga works like this: You start to consciously control your breathing, you move into your pose and gently hold it, and you repeat a mantra in your mind to stay focused.

This creates a very relaxed way of being, and at the same time, you learn how to use your stamina, tenacity, and grit.

You might have noticed in your own Yoga practice that a conscious breath and a mantra can help you hold a pose much longer than if you do your “normal” breathing or let your mind slowly slip into negativity when things get a bit more difficult.

You develop a knowing that your body is always giving you feedback, and how to adjust your stance, if needed.

And you learn that your conscious focus and your willingness to keep up will help you to relax even when there’s tension or pain. You take a stance, you breathe, you stay focused, and you choose a conscious, relaxed tenacity.

Life imitating Yoga.

Yoga imitating life.

Let me know if you need any help with translating your Yogic tenacity to life. As a Kundalini Yoga teacher, it is part of my job to provide those kinds of translation services. Contact me for a non-binding Intro Conversation if you’d like to learn more.

New Service: Short Energy Update Sessions

A few weeks ago, I offered to do some short Energy Healing Sessions to everyone on my newsletter list, to help with the current energetic and spiritual challenges we are all going through as this crazy year comes to an end. And apparently, this kind of support is a bigger need than I expected: You responded, you loved my little offer, and you wanted more.

So, starting today, I am adding a new service to my repertoire: Short Energy Update Sessions.

For everyone who doesn’t have time for a full-on private Session with me.

Or, for anyone who needs a little pick-me-up during a stressful period.

Or, for you, if you’re curious and would like to invest in a relaxing, refreshing, re-energizing dose of well-being for yourself, or do a quick check-in with your Inner Wisdom Sources (e.g. your Spirit Guides or your ancestors).

Here’s an overview:

Short Energy Update Session

  • energy updates to support your current physical, emotional, mental or spiritual process
  • through customised Energy Work (similar to remote Reiki, but more intense, and always customized to your needs)
  • and Intuitive Guidance (e.g. via your Spirit Guides)
  • short and sweet: 45 minutes, and we’re done
  • via video conference (e.g. Skype)
  • your contribution: 75 Euros
  • safe and easy payment via PayPal

Contact me to schedule your first Energy Update Session. 

Speak soon!

P.S.: If you’d like to schedule a Session for the last two weeks of December, let me know. I have a few tiny spots left before we say good-night to 2016.
