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The challenges ahead won’t be easy

In German, there’s an interesting saying: “That’s a tough nut (you’re cracking there)”, meaning: Clearly, the challenges ahead won’t be easy. But very much worth a try.

I’ve noticed in my one-on-one Sessions that often, the “toughest nuts” we’re all dealing with are our strong emotions.

The anger and shame we didn’t learn how to deal with, the exhaustion and fear we would like to get rid of, or the joy and excitement we think are inappropriate.

So, much of my work is helping you to crack these “emotional nuts” open, so you can get to the lovely center, where all the yummy bits are.

Why go through all that trouble? Because those “yummy bits” hidden inside your emotions are the nourishment you need to create deep healing, peace, and success.

Contact me if you’d like to get cracking.


In my view, we cannot know which steps to take if we don't combine the brilliance of our analytical minds with the clarity that is available to us at an energetic & intuitive level. My sessions will help you to experience that clarity, so you can find your next steps with ease and enjoy walking your path.

Book an Intro Consultation or your regular sessions, here: LillyMackuth.com/Schedule-Sessions