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New // Neu: Listening to the Devas

(Deutsche Version: Siehe unten) // It’s been a while since I wrote to you, but there’s a good reason: Since mid-February, I’ve been busy behind the scenes, developing a brand-new energy healing program – and now, it’s finally ready: 

Please welcome Listening to the Devas – A delicious new energy healing program in collaboration with nature’s intelligence, designed to change an unkempt corner of your midlife into something worth celebrating!

It’s a program filled with channelled information for those in midlife (30+) who want to deeply transform and enhance a personal project with the help of the Devas, and with the additional support of some powerful energy work. 

It’s live (delivered via Zoom), it’s all-tailored-to-you, it’s 13 sessions long, it goes into detail, and there are several Deva experts involved: Starting from session one, we will be talking to the Deva of your project; then, we will also listen to nine other Devas who will support your project with their expertise; and additionally, we will also work with the Deva of Integration. 

Read more, here.

Enrolment is now open until April 30, 2024.

I look forward to connecting with you and with the Deva of your project!

Much love to you and talk soon,



Es ist schon eine Weile her, seit ich das letzte Mal geschrieben habe, aber es gibt einen guten Grund dafür: Seit Mitte Februar habe ich hinter den Kulissen ein frisches Energy Healing Programm ausgearbeitet – und jetzt ist es endlich soweit: 

Hier kommt Listening to the Devas – ein leckeres neues Energy Healing Programm, in dem wir mit der Intelligenz der Natur zusammenarbeiten. Dafür gemacht, eine bisher unaufgeräumte Ecke Deines Lebens in ein Projekt zu verwandeln, das sich feiern lässt!

Mein neues Programm ist prall gefüllt mit gechannelten Infos, und es ist für diejenigen, die sich in der Mitte ihres Lebens befinden (30+) und ein persönliches Projekt mit Hilfe der Devas transformieren und verschönern wollen – und die dafür zusätzlich auch gern Energy Healing in Anspruch nehmen möchten. 

Es ist ein Live Programm (via Zoom), es ist komplett auf Dich zugeschnitten, es dauert 13 Sessions lang, es geht ins Detail, und es sind mehrere Deva Expert*innen involviert: Gleich ab der ersten Session sprechen wir mit der Deva Deines Projekts; wir hören im Verlauf des Programms neun zusätzlichen Devas zu, die Dein Projekt mit ihrer Expertise unterstützen; und wir arbeiten außerdem mit der Deva of Integration zusammen. 

Hier findest Du alle Infos.

Bis 30. April 2024 kannst Du Dich anmelden.

Ich freue mich drauf, mit Dir und mit Deiner Projekt-Deva zusammenzuarbeiten!

Bis bald und viele liebe Grüße,


A path and a step // Ein Weg und ein Schritt

If you ever wondered what a session with me might feel like: Here’s an example, featuring an inner child. Enjoy!

You’re walking your path. Your inner child is there with you, and the two of you are talking. About anything and everything. You’re both glad you’re getting along, and you enjoy walking on this path, together. You both know where you want to go, and up until now, your journey together has worked out okay. 

Then suddenly, a halt. You can’t take a next step. You would like to move forward, but your body won’t. And you think it’s kind of strange. 

You turn towards your inner child, and something is different: Their happy little face has turned fearful. You don’t even recognise yourself in it any more.  

The child is looking ahead. They’re seeing something you can’t see.

Something is standing between you and your next step. 

Something that’s invisible.

And you don’t quite know what to do. You’d really like to move on. The path seems clear. But that next step feels impossible to take.  

I’m somewhere close by. And you call on me for help. 

I’m taking you off of your path, if only for a moment. Just a few steps to the side. From there, you can see an invisible obstacle. 

Like a large sheet of glass, with scratches on it. To you, those scratches don’t look like anything, but to your inner child, it all makes sense. 

It’s an old memory you had fully forgotten about.

It’s still there. And to your inner child, it’s very real. 

And it scares your inner child so much that they won’t step through it. 

Which is understandable, somehow. 

So, we call in some experts. Helping Spirits who know what to do about invisible memories. Guides, specialists, and the Earth. 

We ask them to tend to the invisible obstacle. First, they explain to you what it is, exactly. And they work on dissolving the old memory, and all of the scratches on it.

You start to feel better. Relieved.

Your inner child is probably going to need some soothing, moving forward, but things are looking okay again. 

And together, you continue walking your path. 

The Guides and I will accompany you, if you like. And you can call on us when your next invisible obstacle shows up.   

Sessions with me are available, here.


Falls Du Dich schon immer mal gefragt hast, wie sich eine Session bei mir anfühlen könnte: Hier ein Beispiel, in dem es um ein inneres Kind geht. Viel Spaß beim Lesen!

Du bist auf Deinem Weg unterwegs. Dein inneres Kind ist dabei, und während ihr so nebeneinander her lauft, unterhaltet ihr euch. Über Alles und Nichts und Gott und die Welt. Ihr freut euch darüber, dass ihr euch so gut versteht, und dass ihr gemeinsam unterwegs seid. Ihr wisst, wo ihr miteinander hin wollt, und bisher lief eure gemeinsame Wanderung eigentlich ziemlich gut. 

Plötzlich, ein Halt. Du schaffst den nächsten Schritt nicht. Du möchtest weitermachen, aber Dein Körper will nicht. Und Du findest das seltsam. 

Du drehst Dich zu Deinem inneren Kind um, und wunderst Dich: Aus dem fröhlichen kleinen Gesicht ist ein verängstigtes geworden. Du erkennst Dich darin gar nicht wieder. 

Das Kind schaut nach vorn, auf Deinen Weg. Und es sieht da was, was Du nicht siehst. 

Da steht was zwischen Dir und Deinem nächsten Schritt. 

Etwas Unsichtbares. 

Und Du weißt nicht so recht, was tun. Du würdest wirklich gern weiterlaufen. Der Weg ist doch klar. Nur der nächste Schritt geht irgendwie nicht.  

Ich bin in der Nähe. Und Du rufst mich zu Dir. 

Ich zeige Dir, wie Du ein paar Schritte zur Seite machen kannst. Mal kurz weg vom Weg, wenn auch nur für einen Moment. Und von dort aus kannst Du ein unsichtbares Hindernis erkennen. 

Wie eine große Glasscheibe, auf der ein Bild eingeritzt ist. Für Dich ist da nur Gekritzel zu sehen, aber für Dein inneres Kind macht das alles Sinn. 

Es ist eine Erinnerung, die Du schon völlig vergessen hattest. 

Sie existiert noch, und für Dein inneres Kind ist sie sehr real. 

Und sie macht dem Kind in Dir so viel Angst, dass es da nicht nochmal durchlaufen möchte. 

Verständlich, irgendwie.

Wir holen uns also ein paar Experten zu Hilfe. Geistige Helfer, die sich mit unsichtbaren Erinnerungen auskennen. Guides, Spezialisten, und die Erde.  

Wir bitten die Experten darum, sich um das unsichtbare Hindernis zu kümmern. Sie erklären Dir, was darauf zu sehen ist. Und sie arbeiten daran, dass sich die Scheibe mit der eingeritzten Erinnerung langsam auflöst. 

Du fühlst Dich schon wohler. Erleichtert.

Dein inneres Kind wird nach diesem Erlebnis wohl noch ordentlich Trost brauchen, aber es geht schon wieder. 

Und gemeinsam lauft ihr auf eurem Weg weiter. 

Die Guides und ich begleiten Dich gern, wenn Du magst. Und Du kannst uns dann zu Dir rufen, wenn das nächste unsichtbare Hindernis auftaucht. 

Sessions mit mir gibt es hier.

Beauty as medicine // Schönes hilft

(Deutsche Version: Siehe unten) // For many of us, life is quite loud these days (energetically speaking). And since our human senses are actually overwhelmed with all that noise, the mind – as it will try to find solutions, mentally – can easily move itself into overthinking mode. Which can turn into a mental kind of turning-around-in-circles-dynamic. And from there, it’s quite difficult to come back into the heart, and to listen for solutions there that might actually help. Listening within, though, is basically the antidote to all of that energetic noise, and it’s the thing that can actually help you move forward. 

Here’s a tip: It’s easier if you fill your senses with beauty, first, so that you can come back into your heart. 

Look for things that are beautiful. Listen to music. Be with nature. And find out what makes you feel alive. And from there, you can hear your heart again. And that’s where you can hear your inner truths.

This is not escapism. It’s a path you can take when your senses are overwhelmed. 

In other words: In a loud world that is asking so many questions, you might not be able to hear yourself well. But many answers to your questions are within you (and also, better questions, too, actually). One way to get there is to fill up on beauty, aliveness, and heart.


Für viele von uns ist das Leben (energetisch gesehen) gerade sehr laut. Und weil die menschlichen Sinne mit all diesem Lärm eigentlich überfordert sind, und der Kopf dann mental nach Lösungen sucht, kann man leicht ins Zu-Viele-Denken kippen. Dieses Zu-Viele-Denken wird dann zu einem gedanklichen Sich-Im-Kreis-Drehen. Und von dort aus ist es schwierig, ins Herz zu gelangen, um im Herzen nach den wirklich guten Lösungen zu lauschen. Das Nach-Innen-Lauschen wäre aber sozusagen das Gegenmittel zu all dem Lärm – und es wäre das, was Dich wirklich weiterbringt. 

Ein Tipp: Leichter geht das, indem Du die Sinne erstmal mit Schönem füllst, damit Du wieder ins Herz zurück kommst. Schau Dir was Schönes an, hör Musik, geh in die Natur, und finde raus, was sich für Dich nach Lebendigkeit anfühlt. Und von dort aus kannst Du Dein Herz dann wieder hören. Dort kommst Du dann wieder an Deine Wahrheiten ran. 

Das ist kein Eskapismus, sondern ein Weg, der funktioniert, wenn die Sinne überreizt sind.

Anders gesagt: In einer lauten Welt, die Dir viel zu viele Fragen stellt, hörst Du Dich oft selbst nicht mehr. Viele Antworten (und die wirklich wichtigen Fragen) sind aber in Dir selbst zu finden. Und ein gut funktionierender Weg dorthin ist: Schönes. Lebendiges. Herz. 

Relationships Evolving // Beziehungsentwicklungen

The other day, the Guides sent me another one of their timeless messages. Lately, I’ve been enjoying channeling these messages for my Blog, and what I find fascinating about these messages is that they often shine a light onto that area of our lives where relationship patterns and intuitive wisdom meet: What do you know about your relationships (of all kinds), even if you can’t quite say where that knowing came from? And what is your relationship to your intuitive wisdom like, these days?  

Here’s a timeless message the Guides wanted me to share:

“It’s ok if the quality of the relationships you want changes over time. You heart evolves with you. The more you learn about yourself, the more you will want your relationships to grow, too. So, it’s completely normal if your relationships of the present and of the future don’t resemble the relationships you’ve had in the past. That’s heart evolution.”

– The Guides

A bit of background information: 

In my Sessions, what often happens is that a client stumbles upon an emotional-energetic pattern that’s connected to a person they’ve met, again and again, over several lifetimes. For example, as we analyse the pattern, my client remembers that their heart broke because of that person – not three years ago, though, but rather, three centuries ago. 

Or, the Guides are revealing to my client that a certain emotional pattern they find themselves in didn’t even develop in this lifetime, but rather, many lifetimes ago, when my client had to react to a situation that was particularly complex and that involved their current parents, siblings, bosses, children, friends or partners, whose presence now arouses the emotional pattern, for a second time. 

The good thing about our current lifetime, in my view, is this: Not only can we go back in time and find our original memory of these difficult emotional-energetic patterns, but we can then also use that kind of time-travel to bring peace into our old energy fields.  

And we can do this without having to involve the other person in our transformational work: 

That’s an option because you can decide, on your own, to clean up your old energy fields – which, interestingly enough, can then bring a lot of clarity and energetic peace into the Here & Now.  

That’s as if you were clearing out & cleaning up a room full of old junk in a house you share with several others: You don’t need their collaboration to do the cleaning. But the energetic effects of your efforts will be palpable to all who share that house (or that energy field) with you. 

The result: Your relationship to that person will change in the Here & Now. 

Sometimes, what happens is that you decide to go no-contact as you’re noticing that the other person is carrying around too much of that “old junk” type energy. 

Sometimes, what happens is that a relationship changes for the better, and that a conflict which had been festering for years, suddenly dissolves as if by magic.

And sometimes, what happens is that somebody comes back into your life – someone you thought you had lost a few centuries ago, and whom your heart had been aching to reconnect with, ever since. 

With the old junk gone, there’s room for the beautiful.

That’s heart evolution. 

And it’s ok to expect things to improve when it comes to your relationships, once the old junk is cleared out of your energy fields. 

That’s what Energy Work is for.  

P.S.: The price for my Oracle Readings has gone up – however, until May 31, you can still use the coupon code ORACLE25 to receive a 25 € discount. Here’s where you can book your appointment. And if you need any help finding the “right” question to ask, feel free to email me, beforehand. I look forward to seeing you for your next Oracle Reading! 

Neulich haben mir die Guides mal wieder eine ihrer zeitlosen Messages geschickt. Seit einiger Zeit channele ich diese Messages gern mal ab und zu für meinen Blog hier, und was ich daran spannend finde, ist, dass es in diesen Messages oft um den Bereich unseres Lebens geht, wo sich Beziehungsthemen und intuitives Wissen treffen: Was weißt Du über Deine Beziehungen (egal, welcher Art), obwohl Du vielleicht gar nicht unbedingt sagen kannst, woher Du diese Dinge weißt? Und was für eine Art von Beziehung hast Du gerade zu Deinem intuitiven Wissen? 

Hier eine zeitlose Message von den Guides dazu: 

“Es ist ok wenn sich die Qualität der Beziehungen, die Du möchtest, über die Jahre verändert. Je mehr Du über Dich selbst lernst, umso mehr wirst Du wollen, dass Deine Beziehungen ebenfalls wachsen. Es ist also völlig normal, wenn die Beziehungen, die Du in Deiner Gegenwart und in der Zukunft erlebst, den Beziehungen aus Deiner Vergangenheit kein bisschen ähneln. Das Herz entwickelt sich weiter.”

– The Guides

Ein bisschen Background dazu: 

In meinen Sessions erlebe ich immer wieder, dass Klient*innen über emotional-energetische Themen stolpern, die mit einem Menschen zu tun haben, dem sie über mehrere Leben immer wieder begegnet sind. Während wir das Thema gemeinsam analysieren, erinnern sie sich dann zum Beispiel daran, dass ihr Herz wegen dieses Menschen gebrochen war – und zwar nicht erst vor drei Jahren, sondern schon vor drei Jahrhunderten. 

Oder sie bekommen von den Guides gezeigt, dass sie ein bestimmtes emotionales Muster gar nicht erst in diesem Leben entwickelt haben, sondern schon vor vielen Leben, weil sie damals auf eine besonders komplizierte Ausgangslage reagieren mussten, in die ihre jetzigen Eltern, Geschwister, Vorgesetzten, Kinder, Freund*innen, Partner*innen, etc. involviert waren, in deren Gegenwart dieses emotionale Muster jeweils auch jetzt wieder auftaucht. 

Das Gute an unserem jetzigen Leben ist, dass wir nicht nur in der Zeit zurück gehen können, um die ursprüngliche Erinnerung an diese emotional-energetisch schwierigen Themen zu finden, sondern wir können über diese Art der Zeitreise dann auch dort, in diesen alten Energiefeldern, wieder Frieden in die Sache bringen. 

Und zwar ganz ohne den jeweils anderen Menschen in unsere transformative Arbeit involvieren zu müssen: 

Das geht, weil Du von Deiner Seite aus selbstständig beschließen kannst, Deine damaligen Energiefelder aufzuräumen, was dann interessanterweise auch wieder mehr mehr Klarheit und energetische Ruhe ins Hier & Jetzt bringt. 

Das kannst Du Dir ungefähr so vorstellen, als würdest Du eine alte Rumpelkammer in einem gemeinsam bewohnten Haus aufräumen & putzen: Dafür brauchst Du die Mitarbeit Deiner Mitbewohner*innen nicht. Aber der energetische Effekt ist für alle spürbar, die dieses Haus (oder eben dieses Energiefeld) mit Dir teilen. 

Das Ergebnis: Die Beziehung zu diesem Menschen verändert sich im Hier & Jetzt. 

Manchmal bedeutet das, dass Du explizit keinen Kontakt mehr haben möchtest, weil dieser andere Mensch für Deinen Geschmack einfach zu viel “Rumpelkammer-Energie” hat. 

Manchmal bedeutet das aber auch, dass sich eine Beziehung überraschend verbessert, und sich Konflikte wie von allein lösen, die über Jahre festgefahren waren. 

Und manchmal bedeutet es, dass plötzlich jemand zurück in Dein Leben kommt, den Du vor Jahrhunderten aus den Augen verloren hast, und nach dem sich Dein Herz aber immer gesehnt hat. 

Ohne Gerümpel ist wieder Platz für Schönes. 

Das Herz entwickelt sich weiter. 

Und es ist völlig ok, nach so einer Aufräum-Aktion eine Verbesserung der Qualität dessen zu erwarten, was Deine Beziehungsfelder so hergeben. 

Dafür ist Energiearbeit da.

P.S.: Der Preis für meine Oracle Readings hat sich erhöht – bis Ende Mai kannst Du aber gern den Coupon Code ORACLE25 nutzen, mit dem Du 25 € Rabatt bekommst. Zur Buchung bitte hier entlang. Und wenn Du im Voraus Hilfe brauchst, um die “richtige” Frage zu finden, schreib mir gern eine E-Mail. Ich freue mich auf das nächste Oracle Reading mit Dir!  

Receiving intuitive guidance // Intuitive Guidance bekommen

Your Intuition is your connection to your inner truth. It’s here when you need it. Like a wise good friend. And it loves to speak to you in very clear ways. But what do you do when those messages you’re receiving aren’t clear, at all? What do you do when you feel like your intuition speaks in riddles? 

My advice: Slow down. 

And try this: 

  1. Ask someone to hold space for you. Listening to your inner truth is often much easier when there’s someone there to amplify your inner voice for you, just by holding a clear intention of doing so. 
  2. Ask your intuitive inner voice to answer one question for you: “When was the last time you spoke to me – and what was that message?” 
  3. Then, try to locate where your intuitive voice is situated in your system, as you listen for the answer: Does it speak to you through a body sensation? Is it a Guide? Does it arrive in your mind via inner downloads? Does it talk to you – are you actually hearing things? Or does it send you images, thoughts, or dreamlike inner visions? 
  4. As you re-listen to the message, what do you notice? Did you take it seriously, when your intuition first sent it? If so, what did that change for you? How did this message help you? Would you like to ask your intuition to give you more clarity, regarding this message? If so, try this: “I’m not sure I understand – could you say more, please?” 
  5. Thank the one who held space for you, and thank your inner guidance for its message. Take some time to come back to your Here & Now. And to finish, take a piece of paper and write your future self a note of what just happened. 

If you’d like me to support you with listening to your inner voice, and receive some very clear answers, reach out: Sessions are currently available for April, May and June. To book & schedule your next Session (or an Intro Consultation, if we haven’t met yet), go to my booking area.

Talk soon!

#InnerWisdomSystem #SweetMystery

Deine Intuition ist Deine Verbindung zu Deiner inneren Wahrheit. Sie ist für Dich da wenn Du sie brauchst. Wie eine weise gute Freund*in. Und sie spricht am liebsten in klaren Worten. Aber was machst Du, wenn die Messages, die Du von Deiner Intuition bekommst, überhaupt nicht klar sind? Was machst Du, wenn Du den Eindruck hast, dass Deine Intuition in Rätseln spricht?

Meine Empfehlung: Geh langsam vor. 

Und probier mal Folgendes: 

  1. Bitte jemanden, für Dich Space zu halten. Deiner inneren Wahrheit zuzuhören ist oft einfacher, wenn jemand dabei ist, der Deine innere Stimme für Dich mit-verstärken kann – und das klappt oft schon einfach dadurch, dass Dein Gegenüber eine klare Intention dafür hält. 
  2. Bitte dann Deine intuitive innere Stimme darum, Dir eine einfache Frage zu beantworten: “Wann hast Du zuletzt mit mir gesprochen – und was war die Message?”
  3. Versuch dann, zu lokalisieren, wo sich Deine innere Stimme in Deinem System befindet, während Du der Antwort lauschst: Spricht sie mit Dir über eine Art Körperempfinden? Spricht sie als Guide mit Dir? Kommt sie bei Dir als innerer Download an, also auf der mentalen Ebene? Spricht sie mit Dir – hörst Du also tatsächlich etwas? Oder schickt Dir Deine Intuition Bilder, Gedanken oder traumartige Visionen?
  4. Was fällt Dir auf, während Du Dir diese Message nochmal anhörst oder wahrnimmst? Hattest Du sie ernst genommen, als Deine Intuition sie Dir zum ersten Mal geschickt hat? Wenn ja, was hat das in Dir verändert? Inwieweit war diese Message hilfreich für Dich? Möchtest Du, dass Dir Deine Intuition dazu noch mehr Klarheit reinbringt? Wenn ja, probier’s hiermit: “Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob ich das schon verstanden habe – kannst Du mir bitte mehr dazu sagen?” 
  5. Bedank Dich bei der Person, die den Space für Dich gehalten hat, und bedank Dich bei Deiner Intuition für ihre Message. Nimm Dir ein bisschen Zeit, um wieder ganz im Hier & Jetzt anzukommen. Und dann nimm Dir ein Blatt Papier und schreib Deinem zukünftigen Ich eine kleine Notiz zu dem, was Du gerade erlebt hast. 

Wenn Du gern meine Hilfe dabei hättest, Deine innere Stimme hören zu können und von ihr klare Infos zu bekommen, melde Dich: Im Moment sind Sessions für April, Mai und Juni erhältlich. Im Booking-Bereich kannst Du Dir Deinen nächsten Session-Termin buchen (oder eine Intro Consultation, falls wir uns noch nicht kennen).

Bis bald!

#InnerWisdomSystem #SweetMystery 

Playful and easy, is what we imagine life to be like

The other day, my Guides gave me a very interesting image for what life feels like for our inner selves: They showed me how, before we incarnate into a human body, we imagine our human world to be a huge living playroom filled with many beautiful toys, and we imagine that there will be many beautiful people there, waiting for us to come play.

And then we come down to Earth, and life is not exactly the way we imagined it to be.

Yes, life is like a playroom filled with toys, and yes, there are many other people there, but in this room, things are a bit chaotic at first.

That room isn’t exactly tidy.

Also, some of the people who are playing with you in the very first years of your life are not necessarily the ones you really like the most. And what’s worse, those people may teach you that you are not allowed to play with the toys your heart longs for – and instead, they hand you toys which either don’t make sense to you, or which you don’t like to play with, or which you find quite boring. And it can take quite a long time to figure out where to find those playmates you really like to play with.

In other words, in most cases, you will have to tidy up this huge playroom – meaning, your life – before it can be any fun to play in it.

You might have to put away the toys your ancestors have left behind if those toys don’t match your personality. And you may have to repair certain toys that you yourself have left laying around in some of your previous lives. It’s quite possible that you will really love to play with those toys again, but for various reasons, they will need a makeover for this lifetime, or they won’t be any fun.

Then, you will have to figure out whether those games the grownups have taught you during childhood feel harmonious to who you are, or whether you would like to play some different games, instead. (This part can be very challenging to the nervous system, because it means that your mind will have to learn some new ways of thinking.)

And at some point, you will find out that there’s a whole section in that playroom where there are completely new things waiting for you to create whole new games with – games that will have never existed before. Spoiler alert: If you love Earth’s creative ever-changing energies, you’re going to love this section.

By the way, this whole process is the work that we do in all of my Sessions: We tidy up together. We repair things. We discover new things. And we have a look at your “playroom” as a whole (i.e. your life), and whether you like to play the way you do – or whether your play is still lead by the voices of your ancestors which might not be in tune with who you are.

I find this metaphor of life as a playroom quite fitting for the times we are living in (and I’m aware that I’m speaking from a privileged European perspective here):

These days, it’s relatively easy to energetically access those things that want to get “repaired” within you – e.g. those emotionally charged “toys” (i.e. your interests, preferences, gifts, etc.) that may have gotten damaged in the past.

Also, in the here and now, we have a lot of freedom to choose the people we want to play with.

Plus: We have lots of technologies and huge amounts of knowledge that are freely accessible, which means that there’s also lots of room to create new things.

Meaning, if we courageously face the inner reality of our “playroom”, our lives can become quite beautiful, and we can then play games that are quite fun.

There are a few prerequisites for that kind of fun, though.

First: You need to be willing to tidy up and to energetically repair the things that are not working for you. (I can help with that – no-one needs to do this by themselves.)

Second: You need to be open to follow your heart and to go look for those playmates you really really really want to play with.

And third: You need to stay curious and you need to actively seek out those creative opportunities the world is offering you – so that you can evolve alongside Earth and move forward with the current timeline.

On that note, enjoy your playroom!

Some thoughts on Yogi Bhajan’s transgressions

We live in a time where secrets don’t stay secret for too long. Thankfully, this also means that the spiritual scene all over the globe has begun to face its own collective shadows, addressing allegations against some spiritual teachers who seem to have abused their powers and who seem to have violated their student’s boundaries left and right. Sadly, the Kundalini Yoga scene is no exception: About a week ago, a thorough report on Yogi Bhajan’s sexual and spiritual transgressions was released (click here for the link, if you’d like to read it). It’s quite an explicit document, and the ways in which he seems to have abused his position as a spiritual leader to manipulate and mistreat members of his personal staff become quite apparent throughout the report. The document cites both victims as well as people who are trying to rescue his reputation, and interestingly, both sides paint a similar picture, describing his domineering, authoritarian character in detail.

When I began practicing Kundalini Yoga a few years after his death, I didn’t know anything about the man, Yogi Bhajan. I had been looking for ways to deal with chronic pain, and a friend recommended Kundalini Yoga as a type of yoga “that does things to you, energetically, and it’s hard to explain. It just works.” Which was exactly how I experienced it. So, I only ever saw Kundalini Yoga as a collection of energy work tools, and I never followed the religious side of Yogi Bhajan’s teachings. Also, I guess I was lucky to receive my training from teachers who refrained from any kind of cult-like reverence when it came to him as a person.

Reading the report on his transgressions must be hard for those who saw him as their personal guru. Apparently, he was one of those spiritual teachers who didn’t live by his own teachings, and I feel for those who are now questioning everything.

Sexual violence is a beast, and unfortunately, Yogi Bhajan was one of many spiritual teachers who were fascinated by its darkness. I’ve worked with several clients over the years who suffered from abuse at the hands of their own spiritual teachers, and clearly, there’s still a lot of work to be done if we truly want to transmute the energies of sexual violence on this planet.

My heart goes out to all who trusted their spiritual teachers and had their trust betrayed. Life is not fair, sometimes.

A card drawn from Danielle Laporte’s Truthbomb Deck Vol. 1, saying: “Freedom worships inquiry”
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Are you using your Inner Wisdom System?

Many spiritual teachers predicted that the years between 2012 and 2038 would be a transition into a whole new era.

Our consciousness would become more sophisticated, they said. And we would shift into a more ecologically healthy way of being. Life would become more peaceful, we would connect with our soul families, and we would all become the proud owners of some excellent intuitive gifts that would help us create a whole new world built on justice and freedom. 

For a while, I just assumed that this meant that we would get easy access to our intuitive wisdom all by ourselves, and that we would then automatically download our personal goals for this lifetime… and that we would basically all become happier and happier, in the process.

For some of us, this is exactly what has been happening.

For others – and I think this is the majority – it’s been different: We know something needs to change, and so we’ve been practicing Yoga and meditation. We’ve read all the wisdom teachings to get some answers. We might even have gone through some spiritual training or other. And we think we know how to work with our intuition.

But then again, the results we are getting from doing all of that inner work haven’t been what we thought they would be.

Our minds are still stressed, and we can’t really tell if we’re headed in the right direction. Our relationships haven’t improved much. Our intuitive guidance often doesn’t give us any clear answers. And we are not exactly sure how we can keep holding our inner strength when every week, there’s another major social, ecological or personal challenge to be dealt with (COVID-19, neo-fascists trying to undermine democracy, heat waves happening in Siberia, floods all across the globe… the list seems endless).

In other words, life has not magically turned into the love-fest those spiritual teachers saw coming.

Or, rather: Not, yet.

And I think that’s because many spiritual teachings are missing one important step: Customisation.

The times we are living in are an invitation to begin creating a personal relationship with all of these elements that make up your inner wisdom system.

It’s not enough to know that there’s a third eye in you, which, theoretically, can pick up on intuitive guidance. You need to know how, exactly, your inner wisdom is speaking to you, personally, and how you can differentiate between a thought and your intuitive insights. You need to have reference points for what your inner guidance sounds like, and whether it’s coming from your Guides, your soul, your heart, or some other place like the Earth, or your future self.

So, the times we are living in are an invitation to getting some answers to some big questions, such as:

  • What is the concrete mission my soul has envisioned, for this lifetime?
  • Which part of my inner wisdom system can help me make important decisions from a place of integrity and self-knowing, when life is as unpredictable as it is right now?
  • How can I ground my closest relationships in love+trust+respect and transform them into mutually enriching partnerships and friendships that will survive any chaos?
  • And how can I stay connected to my inner guidance, use its wisdom to consciously evolve with a rapidly changing world, and contribute to creating a better life for us all, without burning out in the process?

These are some of the questions you should be asking yourself right now.

I would like to invite you to have a look at my new Session Cycle called Your Inner Wisdom System, and see if you feel that my work could support you in these times. We don’t have to start with a full-on, 12-Session Cycle. A single session or a 4-Session Package can be a powerful beginning.

If you like what you see on my Inner Wisdom System page, meet me for a non-binding Intro Consultation via Zoom, and let’s ask your inner wisdom system to give you some clarifying insights into a particular question that is bugging you, right now. This is how all of my coaching relationships start.

Send me a note via my Contact Page if you are interested, and I’ll send you a link to my online scheduling system, where you can choose an appointment for our Intro Consultation that suits you.

I look forward to working with you!

How long until I’m fully healed?

Healing doesn’t happen over night. Until it does.

As humans, we evolve in spirals, I believe. Arriving at the same point of realisation, again and again. Once you add some inner work to your life, that same realisation will look more polished, and sparklier, and more interesting though, after every round. It will start to feel like relief, and crispness, and freedom. Because every time you arrive anew, you will see a new possibility for choosing a sweeter mode of being where there was none, before.

And all of the internal shifts you have taken will have been necessary stepping stones for you to arrive at this exact view point.

And all of the energy blocks you have released along the way will have made lifting yourself up those steps easier and easier.

And all of those late nights when all you could do was to inch your way through this obstacle course called life, will have been life-giving.

As you keep doing your inner work, you will notice how, at some point, an old emotional wound will have healed. As if over night. And you will find that you’ve moved yourself up, another round up the spiral.

Healing your inner children

Healing yourself can start by healing your younger selves. Give your inner children – of all ages – the love and care and truth and beauty they were missing, growing up. Take their needs seriously, and let them share their strengths with you.

Ask your inner two-year-old about boundaries. She knows all about that No.

Let your inner four-year-old show you how her Guides, Angels and Healing Beings are helping her cope, in this strange world we are living in.

Let your inner seven-year-old decide who she wants to be friends with. She knows how to read her heart.

Ask your inner 12-year-old if she would like to share her deep thoughts with you.

And let your inner 17-year-old tell you about all the ways she would like to express her soul and herself.

Here’s another sweet practice you can try:

Use your imagination to build each of your younger selves a new home, and let them furnish and decorate their new places in any way they choose. Don’t judge them for what they want to put into their new rooms, and watch how they express themselves through interior design. See how they carefully place their most cherished items within reach, and sense-see-feel how much love goes into each decision. Let them make themselves comfortable, and give them room to explore and to change anything they like, as often as they like.

It’s your imagination, where everything is possible – and where your younger selves can fully be themselves.


And if you need any help with this, let’s work together.
Helping your younger selves heal is part of what I do.