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Are we all clairvoyant?

Years ago, when I was working with a spiritual healer for the first time, I was so envious of the ways in which she talked to her Guides. She literally saw them sitting in a circle around her, and it was so easy for her to receive their messages.

My healer at the time was highly clairvoyant, meaning: The easiest way for her to connect with her Guides / her soul is to see images in her third eye. She receives meaningful images there, and her third eye is basically her intuitive news channel.

And I so wanted to see those images, too! But every time I tried to connect with my Guides / my soul through my third eye – I didn’t see a thing. No images, no news.

Until I noticed that there was a different channel I could use that was working just fine: My “claircognizance” – clear knowing. Which often works non-verbally, and which isn’t as image-rich as clairvoyance.

In other words: I had been so fixated on testing out my third eye that I had ignored my easiest access to my inner wisdom – because I didn’t know that my intuition could speak to me in that way. And all of a sudden, I could perfectly “hear” my Guides and my soul, and things got really interesting, really quick.

Do we all have access to our intuitive wisdom?


Are we all clairvoyant?

To a degree.

But: Everybody’s intuitive channels work differently.

So your third eye might not be your strongest option.

From my work with my clients I can safely say that everybody’s access to their intuition is as personal as our fingerprints, and it pays off to explore the ways in which your inner voice is speaking to you – and don’t be surprised if your inner voice is no voice at all, but rather an inner download, or a physical sensation that carries meaning, for example.

Here’s an offer for you if you’d like to explore your own intuitive channels:

My private, customised, 12-Session one-on-one program called “Your Inner Wisdom System” is going into its second year.

In three rounds of 4 Sessions each, you will learn how to use your intuitive channels, communicate with your Guides, ask your soul for guidance, and ground yourself & hold your energetic boundaries well. We will dive deep into the shimmering seas of your inner wisdom, and you will learn how to practice good energy hygiene and set up energising self-care rituals, at the same time. And once we’re through with those 12 Sessions, you will be the proud owner of a beautiful collection of spiritual tools which you will be able to use in any situation – consciously, and purposefully – to make decisions from a place of deep self-knowing and integrity.

You will truly get to know all the facets of who you are. And you will know how to ask for guidance – in particular, guidance coming from “your team”, i.e. those Guides & helping spirits that are here to support you, personally.

Have a look at all the details of what we will cover, here.

And if you feel that my Inner Wisdom System program speaks to you, book yourself a non-binding Intro Consultation with me, held via Zoom, here.

In this first conversation, you will get a first taste of what my program can do for you. And if you like my hors d’œuvre, we’ll discuss the whole menu.

Talk soon!

What do you call that feeling?

All of us are carrying around stuff in our lives that we know we’ll need to get sorted. And we’ve promised ourselves that we will – eventually: A repeated pattern that’s annoying, a habit that we don’t like about ourselves, an issue that we don’t like about our relationships, a certain thing we don’t like about our relationship with the world, etc. etc. Something that’s just not right, something that feels off.

We usually know what our personal “something” is.

And we usually also know what the emotional-energetic-physical feeling is that tells us that we’re going to have to look at our “something”, NOW.

It’s a feeling of urgency, and a feeling of intuitive knowing.

For many of us, that feeling is something that we’ve been trained not to feel, and that we’ve been trained not to listen to, but it’s going to get stronger and stronger.

And at some point you’ll notice – ok, NOW I want to find a healer, NOW I want to find a class to teach me how to deal with this thing, NOW I want to find an energy worker, a therapist, a coach… I want to find SOMEBODY who can help me.

So, my invitation to you is, look back at your life and see where in your life you’ve felt this feeling before – and you’ll know what it feels like. You’ve felt it before. It’s this strong inner knowing that says, “Now. Go. Do it.”

Can you identify that feeling?

Is now the time to dive into your “something”?

Is now the time to sort your “something” out?

A channelled message

I did an Oracle Reading for a client over the weekend, and I thought I’d share one part of it that might be helpful for some of you: “You might be feeling like you’re running out of time to get to where you wanted to go. A), all of that collective baggage that’s so beautifully obvious these days feels like it’s too big to handle – and I say “beautifully obvious”, because when something is so clearly visible, we can work to transform it.

And B), that personal stuff you are dealing with isn’t trivial, either, and in combination with those collective to-do-lists, your personal mountains which you set out to climb can feel insurmountable, sometimes.

However, the one thing you can trust in, in the midst of all of this, is your heart: It will pull you forward, always. (Side note: Your heart is not really a frivolous thing. Its messages are essential.)

Every day, you can feel into the vision of the place you would like to get to, and search your heart for a thing you’ve been holding on to which you would rather not take into the future with you – and let it go. Traveling light is key, that’s how your heart will best be able to help you move into the right direction.”

The rest of that particular Oracle Reading is too personal to post here, and I would never publish anything that would infringe on my clients’ privacy – but this particular part felt share-able.

Have a good Monday!

How to release those fears that aren’t yours

I surprised myself the other day when I went live on Instagram for the first time – ever – and it turned out to be quite fun! Here’s the video, and there are a few more on my Instagram feed for your viewing pleasure.

In this guided energy work meditation, we are going to work with your subtle energies to release some fears that are inauthentic to your system. And in a second step, we are going to release some fears that others may have deliberately instilled in you.

To watch the video, click the play button on the image, above. Please forgive the abrupt beginning – there was a technical glitch there, but I still wanted to share the video here.

Intro – 00:00 to 08:54

Meditation – 08.55 to 27.07

Outro – 27.08 to 30.58


Release those fears that aren’t yours: An Energy Meditation
©️ Lilly Mackuth, 2020

Collaborating with spirit guides: A bit of a How-To

These past six months have been wild for all of us, and unfortunately, this energetic instability will continue for quite some time. Life on earth is in a process of turbulence at the moment, which also means that our human lives are bound to see many more changes in the nearer future.

Which is why you made sure you would be bringing your Guides with you, before you incarnated into this life.

You and your Guides have agreed to be a team, working together, in this lifetime.

Ideally, this means that you know who your Guides are, you know what their specialties are, and you know how to communicate and collaborate with them in a structured, hands-on, down-to-earth way.

Ideally, you working with your Guides is a co-creation: You present them with what you know about a certain problem you want to solve, you ask them for solutions, and you then receive their answers.

Often, the biggest challenge here is to stay very open to receiving answers from your Guides that may be very different to what you thought those answers were going to be. The second challenge is to then use that surprising input to course-correct what may have been out of alignment before.

So, if you have been trying to solve an issue over the past six months and you haven’t been getting any results, you may have to see if you can improve the ways in which you are working with your Guides, so that they can help you find solutions.

Here are some guiding questions:

  • What does a “successful session” with your Guides look like, in your experience? Meaning, what is your process of asking them for their input, implementing that input, and then seeing results?
  • What do you do when you don’t understand your Guides’ messages? How do you proceed when their answers seem cryptic or vague?
  • How do you ask for clarification when their answers indicate that your assumptions about your original question may not have been correct? What is their concrete way of then helping you to look at the whole situation from a different angle?
  • How are you collaborating with your Guides on refining the big vision for your life? How has that vision changed, over the past six months? How are your Guides guiding you through this change?

Now is the time to get all of your inner wisdom tools in order, and the way you communicate with your Guides is one of the most important elements in your toolbox.

My Sessions – and in particular, my new Session cycle “Your Inner Wisdom System” – are designed to reconnect you with your inner wisdom tools in a powerful way. So if those guiding questions, above, have left you wondering about certain aspects of your collaboration with your Guides, then let’s work on that.

Have a look at the outline of my program, which goes into more detail when it comes to your toolbox, and see if it speaks to you. Here’s the link.

I look forward to connecting with you and with your wonderful team of Guides, soon!

Some thoughts on Yogi Bhajan’s transgressions

We live in a time where secrets don’t stay secret for too long. Thankfully, this also means that the spiritual scene all over the globe has begun to face its own collective shadows, addressing allegations against some spiritual teachers who seem to have abused their powers and who seem to have violated their student’s boundaries left and right. Sadly, the Kundalini Yoga scene is no exception: About a week ago, a thorough report on Yogi Bhajan’s sexual and spiritual transgressions was released (click here for the link, if you’d like to read it). It’s quite an explicit document, and the ways in which he seems to have abused his position as a spiritual leader to manipulate and mistreat members of his personal staff become quite apparent throughout the report. The document cites both victims as well as people who are trying to rescue his reputation, and interestingly, both sides paint a similar picture, describing his domineering, authoritarian character in detail.

When I began practicing Kundalini Yoga a few years after his death, I didn’t know anything about the man, Yogi Bhajan. I had been looking for ways to deal with chronic pain, and a friend recommended Kundalini Yoga as a type of yoga “that does things to you, energetically, and it’s hard to explain. It just works.” Which was exactly how I experienced it. So, I only ever saw Kundalini Yoga as a collection of energy work tools, and I never followed the religious side of Yogi Bhajan’s teachings. Also, I guess I was lucky to receive my training from teachers who refrained from any kind of cult-like reverence when it came to him as a person.

Reading the report on his transgressions must be hard for those who saw him as their personal guru. Apparently, he was one of those spiritual teachers who didn’t live by his own teachings, and I feel for those who are now questioning everything.

Sexual violence is a beast, and unfortunately, Yogi Bhajan was one of many spiritual teachers who were fascinated by its darkness. I’ve worked with several clients over the years who suffered from abuse at the hands of their own spiritual teachers, and clearly, there’s still a lot of work to be done if we truly want to transmute the energies of sexual violence on this planet.

My heart goes out to all who trusted their spiritual teachers and had their trust betrayed. Life is not fair, sometimes.

A card drawn from Danielle Laporte’s Truthbomb Deck Vol. 1, saying: “Freedom worships inquiry”
(no affiliation, not sponsored)

Are you using your Inner Wisdom System?

Many spiritual teachers predicted that the years between 2012 and 2038 would be a transition into a whole new era.

Our consciousness would become more sophisticated, they said. And we would shift into a more ecologically healthy way of being. Life would become more peaceful, we would connect with our soul families, and we would all become the proud owners of some excellent intuitive gifts that would help us create a whole new world built on justice and freedom. 

For a while, I just assumed that this meant that we would get easy access to our intuitive wisdom all by ourselves, and that we would then automatically download our personal goals for this lifetime… and that we would basically all become happier and happier, in the process.

For some of us, this is exactly what has been happening.

For others – and I think this is the majority – it’s been different: We know something needs to change, and so we’ve been practicing Yoga and meditation. We’ve read all the wisdom teachings to get some answers. We might even have gone through some spiritual training or other. And we think we know how to work with our intuition.

But then again, the results we are getting from doing all of that inner work haven’t been what we thought they would be.

Our minds are still stressed, and we can’t really tell if we’re headed in the right direction. Our relationships haven’t improved much. Our intuitive guidance often doesn’t give us any clear answers. And we are not exactly sure how we can keep holding our inner strength when every week, there’s another major social, ecological or personal challenge to be dealt with (COVID-19, neo-fascists trying to undermine democracy, heat waves happening in Siberia, floods all across the globe… the list seems endless).

In other words, life has not magically turned into the love-fest those spiritual teachers saw coming.

Or, rather: Not, yet.

And I think that’s because many spiritual teachings are missing one important step: Customisation.

The times we are living in are an invitation to begin creating a personal relationship with all of these elements that make up your inner wisdom system.

It’s not enough to know that there’s a third eye in you, which, theoretically, can pick up on intuitive guidance. You need to know how, exactly, your inner wisdom is speaking to you, personally, and how you can differentiate between a thought and your intuitive insights. You need to have reference points for what your inner guidance sounds like, and whether it’s coming from your Guides, your soul, your heart, or some other place like the Earth, or your future self.

So, the times we are living in are an invitation to getting some answers to some big questions, such as:

  • What is the concrete mission my soul has envisioned, for this lifetime?
  • Which part of my inner wisdom system can help me make important decisions from a place of integrity and self-knowing, when life is as unpredictable as it is right now?
  • How can I ground my closest relationships in love+trust+respect and transform them into mutually enriching partnerships and friendships that will survive any chaos?
  • And how can I stay connected to my inner guidance, use its wisdom to consciously evolve with a rapidly changing world, and contribute to creating a better life for us all, without burning out in the process?

These are some of the questions you should be asking yourself right now.

I would like to invite you to have a look at my new Session Cycle called Your Inner Wisdom System, and see if you feel that my work could support you in these times. We don’t have to start with a full-on, 12-Session Cycle. A single session or a 4-Session Package can be a powerful beginning.

If you like what you see on my Inner Wisdom System page, meet me for a non-binding Intro Consultation via Zoom, and let’s ask your inner wisdom system to give you some clarifying insights into a particular question that is bugging you, right now. This is how all of my coaching relationships start.

Send me a note via my Contact Page if you are interested, and I’ll send you a link to my online scheduling system, where you can choose an appointment for our Intro Consultation that suits you.

I look forward to working with you!

Re-energize your system – an energy meditation

Here’s a short (8 minute) energy meditation you can use if you’d like to gently re-energize your system. In this meditation, I support you in tuning into your body, first, then into your line of light, second, to get centered and grounded, and in a third step, you and I will do a bit of Energy Work together. We’re inviting the Earth to fill you up on love, care, and sweetness, and we’re asking your soul to help you download some freshness, inspiration and clarity.

To listen, click on the play button in the audio, above.

And If you’d like to add this meditation to your personal collection and download my .mp3 onto your device, click on this Dropbox link.


P.S.: And if you’d like to read about the elements used in a meditation before you go in, and then engage your own Inner Wisdom System to guide yourself through, try this technique: How to get centered and grounded

Re-Energize Your System: An Energy Meditation
©️ Lilly Mackuth, 2020

How long until I’m fully healed?

Healing doesn’t happen over night. Until it does.

As humans, we evolve in spirals, I believe. Arriving at the same point of realisation, again and again. Once you add some inner work to your life, that same realisation will look more polished, and sparklier, and more interesting though, after every round. It will start to feel like relief, and crispness, and freedom. Because every time you arrive anew, you will see a new possibility for choosing a sweeter mode of being where there was none, before.

And all of the internal shifts you have taken will have been necessary stepping stones for you to arrive at this exact view point.

And all of the energy blocks you have released along the way will have made lifting yourself up those steps easier and easier.

And all of those late nights when all you could do was to inch your way through this obstacle course called life, will have been life-giving.

As you keep doing your inner work, you will notice how, at some point, an old emotional wound will have healed. As if over night. And you will find that you’ve moved yourself up, another round up the spiral.

How to feel loved

Lilly Mackuth How to feel loved Blog Post

Happy Valentine’s, darlings!

Do you know how to feel loved?

If you’re not sure, I’ve got you.

Try this:

Step 1: Center and ground yourself, and get yourself into a meditative state. (Here is a link to a manual, if you’d like one.)

Step 2: Now, ask your Team (i.e. your Guides etc., your Soul and the Earth) to help you sense-see-feel your personal energetic frequency of love. Feel it take up space inside of you, and as you do, notice the various sensations that are coming up in your body: Does love feel like freshness, peace, or expansion to you? Is your body relaxing into it? Does it feel easy for you to hold that energy of love inside of you?

Step 3: Then, ask your Team to release any and all energies from your system that are not yours, but which had been clinging onto your personal perception of love up until now. Ask your Team to completely dissolve those energies for you (since those never authentically belonged to you in the first place). What do you notice?

Step 4: Now do the corresponding opposite of what I just described: Ask your Team to call back all energies which do belong to your own authentic frequency of love – but which had been scattered elsewhere up until now. Ask your Team to fill you up on those (your) energies. What are you sensing?

Step 5: To finish, breathe into your newly refreshed frequency of love, and ask your body to integrate this updated version into your system. Feel the depth of that love. Bask in the beauty of being able to tune into that deeply delicious experience of feeling loved at any given moment.

Bonus: Notice how the feelings you have for the people you really really like naturally match the frequency of love which you just so beautifully expanded within yourself.

Sending big Valentine Love!